From: Subject: blakes7-d Digest V99 #167 X-Loop: X-Mailing-List: archive/volume99/167 Precedence: list MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" To: Reply-To: ------------------------------ Content-Type: text/plain blakes7-d Digest Volume 99 : Issue 167 Today's Topics: [B7L] Zines: Nonfiction-- LONG Re: [B7L] Blakes 7 Webring [B7L] Avon [B7L] the movie [B7L] MB SF Re: [B7L] Re: B7 pub meetings Re: [B7L] the movie ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 May 99 00:26:00 GMT From: To: Cc: Subject: [B7L] Zines: Nonfiction-- LONG Message-Id: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" B7 ZINE LIST C ALL-B7 NONFICTION ZINES (not including apas) Calendars-- art Calendar by Karen River, 8/87-7/88 (US) Calendar by Karen River, 8/88-12/89 (US) 1989 calendar by Marianne Plumridge THE BLAKE'S 7 CARTOON CALENDAR 1991 (Kathy Hanson) B7 91-92 Fantasy Calendar (art by Renae) THE 1992 BIZARRO CARTOON CALENDAR (Leah Rosenthal; US) 1993 calendar by Marianne Plumridge 1994 Blakes 7 Diary (Enarrare; AU) 1995 B7 CARTOON CALENDAR (Kathy Hanson) Calendars-- photos Blakes 7 Calendar 1983 (Australasian Doctor Who Fan Club and New Horizons) Avon club calendar, 1998 Cartoons and coloring books THE BIZARRO COLORING ALBUM (Leah Rosenthal; US) THE HORIZON B7 COLOURING BOOK (UK) THE CRAZED SEVENER'S GUIDE TO TRAVELING TO A B7 CON (cartoons by Julie Nowak; US, 1987.7) RESTAL'S RULES OF ORDER (cartoons; 58 pictures by 10 artists; US, 1989) STAYING IN AND SURVIVING IT (convention guide; cartoons by Julie Nowak; US) Games and puzzles THE B7 ROLE PLAYING GAME (Horizon; UK) PUZZLINE ONE (puzzles; US, 1990?) TRIVIAL PURSUIT-SHIP (B7 questions to be used with Trivial Pursuit; Jean Graham; US) Food and drink B7 BARTENDER'S GUIDE THE FEDERATION GOURMET (cookbook; US) Con program books and other con publications D.S.V. (US, 1988) DELIVERANCE 98 EXHIBITION CATALOGUE (UK, 1998.3) DELIVERANCE 98 PROGRAMME GUIDE (UK, 1998.3) DELIVERANCE 98 SOUVENIR BROCHURE (UK, 1998.3) EDGECON PROGRAMME BOOKLET (UK, 1982) EVENT HORIZON (AU, 1995) FREEDOM CITY (US) SCORPIO 7 (US) TEAL-VANDOR '81 (UK) Actors, interviews, etc. A BIOGRAPHY OF PAUL AND JANET (Avon club; UK) BLAKE SOMETHING (Paul Darrow; booklet published by Creation Con, ca. 1987) BLYTHE SPIRITS (fiction, but not B7; story by Gareth Thomas; US) THE CAST INDEX (actor list, compiled by Barbara Hamilton Fletcher and Carole K. Bede; Avon club; UK, 1991?) FREEDOM CITY GAZETTE #1-8, Fall '87 Special, Winter '89 Special (newsletter, ed. Joe Nazzaro; US) HORIZON INTERVIEWS (reprinted from early issues of HORIZON NEWSLETTER; UK, 1988.3) [Memoirs fans' stories of actors at cons; planned but never published?; US, 1988] ORACLE (interviews etc.; first edition by Seveners, UK; republished by Horizon, UK; also bootleg US edition) PAUL DARROW IN SAN DIEGO PHOTO BOOK (ed. Jean Graham; US) TERMINAL: A BEHIND THE SCENES LOOK AT BLAKE'S SEVEN (interviews, ed. Joe Nazzaro; US) WHO WAS THAT MASKED MAN #3 (info on actors' other roles; B7 volume of mm series; ed. Janet Ellicott; UK) Reference-- the show THE BLAKE'S 7 COSTUME INDEX (Jean Graham; US) BLAKE'S 7: AN APPRECIATION #1: THE WAY BACK (ed. Alan Early; UK, 1984.7) BLAKE'S 7: AN APPRECIATION #2: SPACEFALL (ed. Alan Early; UK, 1984.10) BLAKE'S 7: A PRIMER (compiled by Liberator Popular Front, ed. Deborah M. Walsh; US, 1981) DATA FILES: CYGNUS ALPHA, TIME SQUAD (ed. David Metcalfe; continuation of BLAKE'S 7: AN APPRECIATION; UK) A FAN'S GUIDE TO BLAKE'S 7 (one-sheet compact guide by Deborah M. Walsh; second edition, October 1986) A GUIDE TO BLAKE'S 7, Vol. 1, Series 1 (Mary A. Fall & Deborah M. Walsh; US, 1982) A GUIDE TO BLAKE'S 7, Vol. 2, Series 2 (Mary A. Fall & Deborah M. Walsh; US, 1982) A GUIDE TO BLAKE'S 7, Vol. 3, Series 3 (Mary A. Fall & Deborah M. Walsh; US, 1983) THE HORIZON B7 TECHNICAL MANUAL, Parts 1, 2, 3 (UK) THE LIBERATOR JOURNAL (technical manual by Mark Lang et al; AU, 1984) SCORPIO CLIP GUN INSTRUCTION (Denise Baker; Avon club; UK, 1991?) SEVENCYCLOPEDIA (Neil Faulkner; UK, 1996) TARIAL CELL #1-2 (Peter Anghelides, Peter G. Lovelady, and Anthony Murray; directory to Series 1-2; #s 3-4 not published; UK; first edition: Horizon, 1981; revised edition : Frontier Worlds, 1982) WELCOME TO "BLAKE'S 7" (general guide to the show and the fandom, by Blake's 7 Welcommittee, ed. Janet Ellicott; UK) Reference-- the fan fiction BLAKE'S 7 A-Z (Emma Abraham; zine index with story synopses, 1984; US) BLAKESINDEX (bibliography, compiled by Bill Hupe; US, 1996) A GUIDE TO BLAKE'S 7 EROTICA (bibliography, compiled by S. E. Thompson; US, 1996) IMHO #1, 2 (reviews, ed. Ann Wortham; US) Newsletters and letterzines ALTAZINE #0-6 (letterzine, ed. Neil Faulkner; UK) ASPECTS #1.1 - 4.4 (PDAS club newsletter; 16 issues quarterly 1988-1992; US) AVALON'S NEWSLETTER (includes short fiction; UK, 1982?) AVON #1-70 ongoing (club newsletter; some issues have short fiction; UK) B7 WELCOMMITTEE (newsletter, ed. Janet Ellicott; UK) BBC (Bored without Blake's Committee) TIMES (club newsletter; some issues have short fiction; US, 1981-?) THE BLAKE'S 7 REVIEW (quarterly newsletter of Freedom Party Services; UK) CENTERO #1-50+? (letterzine, including short fiction; ed. Nikki White; AU, 1982-) CEPHLON (successor to REVEL TIMES; newsletter, ed. Jean Graham; US, ?-1996.12) DOWN & SAFE #1 (Nov. 1992; newsletter of Blake's Islanders club, Channel Islands) FEDERATION ARCHIVES (letterzine, ed. Linda Terrell; US) GATHERING (a Paul Darrow fan club; UK) HORIZON LETTERZINE #1-21 ongoing (UK) HORIZON NEWSLETTER #1-37 ongoing (some issues have short fiction; UK, 1980-) INFORMATION FROM THE ELEVENTH SECTOR (newsletter of Star One club, Bay area; US) LIBERATION (monthly newsletter of Liberation Ltd. club, Chicago; US) LIBERATOR POPULAR FRONT NEWSLETTER (24 issues; some issues have short fiction; UK) THE LIBERATOR'S LOG (newsletter of Cygnus Alphans, monthly 1987- 1992; US) LINK-UP (newsletter of Link-Up, Blake's Seven and Doctor Who Fan Club and The Official Josette Simon Fan Club; UK, 1983-?) THE NEUTRAL ARBITER (letterzine, ed. Pat Nussman and Sherri Fillingham; 7 issues plus final issue published as a special issue of Revel Times; US) NOTES FROM THE UNDERGROUND (newsletter of Blake's Several club) ON THE ROCKS (newsletter of the Sopron Alliance, monthly 1988- 1993; US) ORACLE (club newsletter; includes fiction) ORAC'S ODDITIES (articles, ads, etc.; 3 issues; ed. Joyce Bowen; US) PHASE (newsletter of Aftermath club; AU) PRESSURE POINT #1-12 (letterzine, ed. Pat Nussman; US) REVEL TIMES (newsletter of Blake's Revels club, ed. Jean Graham; US) THE RIGHT STUFF (newsletter of North American Friends of Paul Darrow; 16 issues quarterly 1988-1992; US) RUMOURS (newsletter of New Horizons club; AU, 1981-?) SEVENERS RESISTANCE COMMUNIQUE (newsletter of Seveners club?; UK) SIGNALS FROM SCORPIO (newsletter of Scorpio club; US) THE SYSTEM (newsletter of The System club; AU) TARRIEL CELL 1-? ongoing (newsletter of ORAC club; US) VILAWORLD 1-? (club newsletter; some issues have short fiction; UK) XENON SIGNALS (newsletter of Liberator Atlanta club; US) YOKO SCRUM #1-3 and The Reprint (newsletter with fiction; UK, 1985) MULTIMEDIA NONFICTION ZINES WITH B7 MATERIAL ADZINE (ed. Janet Ellicott; UK) ANGLOFILE (US newsletter on British media) BLINOVITCH (B7-DW nonfiction; UK) CRITICAL MASS (mm fanzine reviews; Green Dragon Press; UK, 1982- ?) CYGNUS ALPHA (UK) GAZ (= The Generic Ad Zine; US) HYPERTENSION (adzine, ed. Lana Brown; NZ) MEDIA MONITOR (adzine; US) ORPHAN #1-2 (articles on SF TV; ed. Daniel Tilley; UK) OUTER ZONE (mm newsletter; UK) THE PRYDONIAN RENEGADE (newsletter of the Prydonians of Princeton club; US) THE TARRIEL CELL #1-8 +? (Jonathon Burt; episode guides, one per issue, plus articles on other series; UK) ZINE SCENE (adzine, ed. Ann Wortham; US) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 03:10:30 -0700 (PDT) From: Peter Borg To:,, Subject: Re: [B7L] Blakes 7 Webring Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii That's me! The B7 webring was being managed by someone else as I didn't have time to handle it, and I only recently found out that it had fallen into severe disrepair. I spent a day or so checking all active members. It's working fine now, I'm revamping the code, and have a couple of volunteers to handle the webring (sorry I haven't got back to you yet by the way!) once it's all complete. Some sites are still in the webring system, but are marked as inactive. I believe the site in question is one of those, possibly marked inactive due to the broken images. In the meantime, please send me email if you have a problem with the webring. Peter. === -- Peter Borg _____________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Free instant messaging and more at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 14:43:25 +0100 (BST) From: Judith Proctor To: Lysator List Subject: [B7L] Avon Message-ID: Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII If you had to describe the things that you like about Avon and were only allowed five adjectives, which would they be? I think I'd go for intelligent, vulnerable, loyal, sexy and witty (in no particular order) Judith -- - Fanzines for Blake's 7, B7 Filk songs, pictures, news, Conventions past and present, Blake's 7 fan clubs, Gareth Thomas, etc. (also non-Blake's 7 zines at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 14:58:30 +0100 (BST) From: Judith Proctor To: Lysator List Subject: [B7L] the movie Message-ID: Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII I think we've mentioned a lot of the things that we wouldn't like to see in a movie. What are the things that we would like to see? My list includes: Liberator (or a sister ship because she's one of the most lovely spaceships ever) One or two new characters, because you have to move forward as well as be loyal to the past. A plot that has some insight into the political workings of the Federation - I want wheeling, dealing, manipulating and conflict on more than one level and a movie has a better chance of developing that than a single episode does. Spacial effects, though not so many that they dominate everything else. No romance - at least, not for Avon. I'd like to see Vila find a long-term love though. Old characters - Avon and Vila, and possibly Servalan (but played straight rather than camp. Well, all right, a little camp, but I want her played as intelligent, competent and able to command enough loyalty among her followers to make her believeable as a leader) Gareth Thomas - either as Blake, or the clone, or someone else. (One of my favourite fan stories has Blake as a computer programme) I want to see the deeper aspects of Avon's character brought out. I want to see that occasonal honesty forced to the surface. I want him to have to make difficult choices that can't be solved with a gun (one of my all time favourite movies is 'Bronco Billy' where Clint Eastwood goes against his own legend when is character is forced to back down from a gunfight in order to help a friend) I want to see more of the Federation, to see what it has become, to see how its people live their lives. I want a real feeling that time has passed and I want to know at least a little bit about how and why the Federation has changed - if indeed, it still exists. Judith -- - Fanzines for Blake's 7, B7 Filk songs, pictures, news, Conventions past and present, Blake's 7 fan clubs, Gareth Thomas, etc. (also non-Blake's 7 zines at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 23:01:20 +0100 From: "Una McCormack" To: "lysator" Subject: [B7L] MB SF Message-ID: <018501bea0b0$e1bf4710$0c01a8c0@hedge> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Erm, I know lots of people of Myers-Briggs, but I stumbled over this, and thought some people at least might enjoy it. ObB7? It's The Intergalactic Explorer Home Page. Una 'You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty.' Jessica Mitford ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 23:32:52 +0200 From: Steve Kilbane To: cc:, Space City Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: B7 pub meetings Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Steve wrote: > Pages Bar is on Page Street, London SW1P. ...and if it helps, there's a map with directions on whitecrow, from Pimlico Station to Pages. steve ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 23:57:11 EDT From: To: (Lysator List) Subject: Re: [B7L] the movie Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit In a message dated 99-05-17 13:24:41 EDT, Judith Proctor writes: << I think we've mentioned a lot of the things that we wouldn't like to see in a movie. What are the things that we would like to see? >> Relationships between the characters, instead of just cardboard dialogue and constant action. One of the best things about B7 is the complex relationships between the crew, and their enemies. That's why B7 has held up for 20+ years. Wonderful special effects and shoddy writing never succeed. Humor. Subtle humor, barbs between Avon and Vila or Avon and other people, anything to stop the movie from being too serious. I'd really like to see Jenna again, since she got no on-camera exit during Star One or Aftermath. If she's still alive, what she's doing now, if Avon or Blake (if Blake is alive) have been in contact with her, how she feels about the years she spent on the Liberator, etc. An emphasis on making a good product, not a tv movie full of superficiality just because the producers think it might get them a good shot at a series. Respect for the history of Blake's 7, and respect for the characters. -------------------------------- End of blakes7-d Digest V99 Issue #167 **************************************