From: Bob Klebba <nicmad!>
Subject: Re: Lavender from cuttings
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1993 23:54:07 GMT

Steven Malikoff, malikoff@fenrir.trl.OZ.AU writes:
> Does anyone have any advice on propagating French Lavender from
> cuttings.  My current plan is to use 50-50 peat moss and sand, and
> rooting hormone.

I would not use the peat moss, just sand or vermiculite.  The peat
moss can retain too much water.  I propagated French and English
lavender from cuttings using fine vermiculite and rooting hormone.  I
used hardwood for both in the spring.  The English was more difficult
and callused before it rooted.

From: (Jim Bishop)
Date: 27 Mar 93 01:46:49 GMT

Pulling a branch down to the ground and partially burying it works
pretty well.  Cut off the branch and transplant once roots have