From: (Bess Haile) Subject: Re: Goodbye roses! Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1993 14:25:05 GMT We're not too far apart, for I'm in tidewater VA, in Tappahannock. This has been a terrible year for gardens in VA, no matter what you're trying to grow. I have a lot of roses, mostly of the old shrub type or else David Austin's English Roses. I got them all from Wayside gardens in South Carolina. Both kinds of roses are very easy to grow. They are disease resistant, bug resistant and the DA's bloom all summer. They don't look like hybrid teas, with their lovely bud formation, they are often more like small peonies with lots and lots of petals on them. They all smell great though, and give you so much bloom you can make things like rose petal jelly, etc with them. But I do have two hybrid teas, one called Dainty Bess and one called some thing like King's Gold, which I got form Jackson Perkins because I wanted a yellow rose. Now, the King's gold (or whatever) was planted in a bed of tansy which I'd planted to keep down the mayflies and mosquitoes. Guess what else it keeps away! Japanese beetles! That hybrid tea, which I thought was going to be the prissiest in my garden turned out to be the only one which didn't get chewed up! Keep in mind, I don't spray ANYTHING on the garden. What I can't pick off with my fingers stays there. So I'd suggest planting tansy around your roses. I'm going to plant it around more of them next year and see how it does.