gnome-firmware-47.0-25.16e>UA',PZq)#:S{,mb?fAeo1bl(BH'A i? Yd  8 >DL x          ( T   00 }0( 8 9 : 2 BF4GL Hx I XYZ[\ ]L ^0 bdc*deflu vw x y0z  Cgnome-firmware47.025.16Install firmware on devicesThis application can update, reinstall and downgrade firmware on devices supported by fwupd.fAreproducible4GNOME:Apps / openSUSE_Factoryobs://큤A큤A큤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-firmware-47.0-25.16.src.rpmapplication()application(org.gnome.Firmware.desktop)gnome-firmwaregnome-firmware(x86-32)gnome-firmware-updatergnome-firmware-updater-langmetainfo()metainfo(org.gnome.Firmware.metainfo.xml)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!@e@c@c$e@b@^^^1s]@Dead Mozay Dead Mozay Dead Mozay Dominique Leuenberger dead_mozay@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgDead Mozay dead_mozay@opensuse.orgBjørn Lie Update to version 47.0: * Drop device flags that will become private in fwupd 2.0.x- Update to version 46.0: * Add keyboard shortcuts window. * Add missing mnemonics. * Allow compiling with fwupd from the main branch. * Only hide devices that don't have a firmware version. * Show dialogs one at a time to avoid a shell issue. * Translations update.- Update to version 45.0: * Add the latest list of device problems and release flags. * Port to the new adwaita widgets.- Update to version 43.1: + Add GPU symbol. + Change layout of GUIDs from PreferenceGroup to ExpanderRow. + Fix compile failure with -Dsystemd=false. + Updated translations.- Update to version 43.0: + Use the new usb-receiver icon. + Add a Windows msys2 build for future use. + Updated translations. - Update _service and URL to new home.- Update to version 42.2: + Show device problems. + Verify without blocking the UI mainloop. + icons: provide generic device fallbacks. + Provide specific device icons and install as resources. + Show the About dialog in the menu. + icons: udate symbolic icon. + Do not show the estimated time to completion. + Use a revealer for the progress bar. + Don't pass user_data to window_destroy response cb. + Lower the GTK4 dep to build on F35. - Changes from version 42.1: + Update the progressbar text for every percentage changed event. + Do not show crazy remaining time values. + Do not create a fake FwupdRequest as we set FLAG_REQUESTS. + Show how GUIDs are constructed in the UI. + Marks the application as adaptive in mobile in Phosh. + Show the 'No Releases Available' in more cases. - Changes from version 42.0: + Use a GtkProgressBar for install progress. + Rate limit device refresh callbacks. + Allow the GUIDs to wrap when required. + Add the device branch to the device page. + Add some padding to the bottom of the page. + Move the release icon to right aligned. + Port to GTK4. + Allow installing firmware with FWUPD_DEVICE_FLAG_AFFECTS_FDE. + Updated translation. - Replace pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk4): follow upstreams port to GTK4. - Add pkgconfig(libadwaita-1) BuildRequires: new dependency. - Drop gobject-introspection, perl-forks, pkgconfig(appstream-glib), pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4), and pkgconfig(systemd) buildRequires: no longer needed.- Removed do-not-call-gtk_init-manually.patch. Fixed upstream- Update to version 3.36.0: * Dynamically show verify and releases buttons * Show device and progress when doing updates * Add Croatian translation * l10n: Add Turkish translation * l10n: Add Italian translation- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use.- Minimum required fwupd version is 1.2.10gnome-firmware-updatergnome-firmware-updater-langreproducible 1727841601 47.0-25.1647.0-25.1647.0-25.1647.0-25.1647.0-25.1647.0-25.16 gnome-firmwareorg.gnome.Firmware.desktopgnome-firmwareREADME.mdorg.gnome.Firmware.gschema.xmlorg.gnome.Firmware.svgorg.gnome.Firmware-symbolic.svggnome-firmwareCOPYINGgnome-firmware.1.gzorg.gnome.Firmware.metainfo.xml/usr/bin//usr/share/applications//usr/share/doc/packages//usr/share/doc/packages/gnome-firmware//usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas//usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps//usr/share/icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/gnome-firmware//usr/share/man/man1//usr/share/metainfo/-fomit-frame-pointer -O2 -Wall -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -Werror=return-type -flto=auto -gobs:// 32-bit LSB pie executable, Intel i386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=a386ed3df6e254b2201abb074c89e0f2815becc3, strippedUnicode text, UTF-8 textdirectoryASCII textexported SGML document, ASCII textSVG Scalable Vector Graphics imagetroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)XML 1.0 document, Unicode text, UTF-8 text,.,RRRRRRR+R RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R R$RRR R RR R#R"R!R)R%R&R(R'RR*RRPPPPVx8+N4"ogutf-811feddddcc4eda3bdf866f75a6b46bf03f2544682d587e9c6959392bdaf76ce28137e0bfae1e320d6d1e037a7d3a65ea2b06c738ffd1033026583c5185767a62?(/hf4tn F0d(kߡg8LB՚p}I!D5P(*i?dKJ_R@_?V?!զ~(b%K7rFDMvEmm*-cIOEFW;l,هv~rNoўZ{_{<Ϋͱ,6W<ݯ۶o|kt(y>+3 |M՟oF360)+t&hAwc)vj? :>B_J_Ж2em2uM>X+ _Oyy)u?Ճ|*}6y.Jf=}qp5pmIƟ.\hW6$j"eΨu^vW{kwn|w:c@a>ORZ#5Ea< E5dpat]Q!|f eSH%p_l֣}xu{=(đ0+!S%oD|s0W8} M  gtxp|+ a>4ܤ| ܦdsq`@Û.cl