<metapackage xmlns:os="http://opensuse.org/Standards/One_Click_Install" xmlns="http://opensuse.org/Standards/One_Click_Install">
    <summary>KDE 3 Desktop Environment</summary>
    <description>The applications a KDE 3 installation would contain as the default desktop.</description>
      <repository recommended="true">
        <summary>KDE 3.5.10 and Qt3-related software</summary>
      <repository recommended="true">
        <description>openSUSE Leap borrows packages from SLE. The content of the build media is almost the same as Leap:15.2, but the development is drastic different. It includes the binaries (instead of the sources) directly from SLE. https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2020-04/msg00165.html</description>
      <repository recommended="true">
        <summary>Backports for SLE-15-SP4</summary>
        <description>Backports for SLE-15-SP4</description>
      <repository recommended="true">
      <repository recommended="true">
        <summary>SLE 15 SP3</summary>
        <description>SLE 15 SP3</description>
      <repository recommended="true">
      <repository recommended="true">
        <summary>SLE 15 SP2</summary>
        <description>SLE 15 SP2</description>
      <repository recommended="true">
        <summary>SLE 15 SP2</summary>
        <description>SLE 15 SP2</description>
      <repository recommended="true">
        <summary>SLE 15 SP1</summary>
        <description>SLE 15 SP1</description>
      <repository recommended="true">
        <summary>SLE 15 SP1</summary>
        <description>SLE 15 SP1</description>
      <repository recommended="true">
        <summary>SLE 15</summary>
        <description>SLE 15</description>
      <repository recommended="false">
        <summary>SLE 15</summary>
        <description>SLE 15</description>
        <summary>The KDE Core Components</summary>
        <description>This package contains kdebase, one of the basic packages of the K
Desktop Environment. It contains, among others, kwin (the KDE window
manager), Konqueror (the KDE Web browser), and KControl (the
configuration program)

This package is needed if you want to use the KDE Desktop. It is not
needed if you only want to start some KDE applications.</description>
        <summary>The KDE Session</summary>
        <description>This package contains the startup scripts necessary to start a KDE
session from kdm.</description>
        <summary>Runtime Dependencies of KDE3 Applications</summary>
        <description>This package contains runtime dependencies of KDE3 applications like
        <summary>Workspace Components of KDE3 Desktop</summary>
        <description>This package contains the wrkspace components of kdebase3 like
kdesktop, kicker and kwin.</description>
        <summary>Major Applications KDE3 Desktop</summary>
        <description>This package contains the major applications kdebase3 like
Kate, Konqueror and KWrite.</description>
        <summary>KDE Base package: Extra Applications</summary>
        <description>This package contains applications which are usually not needed on

- kpersonalizer - sets different settings

- khotkeys aRts support - for voice triggered shortcuts</description>
        <summary>The KDE login and display manager</summary>
        <description>This package contains kdm, the login and session manager for KDE.</description>
        <summary>KDE Base package: Windows Connection Module</summary>
        <description>This package provides the &quot;smb://&quot; protocol, to connect to and from
Windows and Samba shares.</description>
        <summary>Workspace Components of KDE3 Desktop</summary>
        <description>This package contains the wrkspace components of kdebase3 like
kdesktop, kicker and kwin.</description>
        <summary>Major Applications KDE3 Desktop</summary>
        <description>This package contains the major applications kdebase3 like
Kate, Konqueror and KWrite.</description>
        <summary>KDE Base package: Extra Applications</summary>
        <description>This package contains applications which are usually not needed on

- kpersonalizer - sets different settings

- khotkeys aRts support - for voice triggered shortcuts</description>
        <summary>The KDE login and display manager</summary>
        <description>This package contains kdm, the login and session manager for KDE.</description>
        <summary>SUSE KDE Extension</summary>
        <description>This package contains the standard SUSE desktop and menu extensions for
the Kpanel.</description>
        <summary>KDE Themes</summary>
        <description>This package contains the KDE window manager and icon themes.</description>
        <summary>Base Libraries for KDE Graphics Applications</summary>
        <description>The base applications and libraries for KDE graphics applications.

All kfile plug-ins (to generate previews in konqueror) are also in this

More kdegraphics applications can be found in:

- kdegraphics3-fax

- kdegraphics3-kamera

- kdegraphics3-pdf

- kdegraphics3-postscript

- kdegraphics3-imaging

- kdegraphics3-scan

- kdegraphics3-tex

- kdegraphics3-extra</description>
        <summary>Image-Related KDE Applications</summary>
        <description>* kiconedit - icon editor

* kolourpaint - simple paint application

* kview - another modular picture viewer</description>
        <summary>KDE Multimedia Libraries</summary>
        <description>This package contains the base libraries for KDE multimedia programs.
It also contains the kfile plug-ins for Konqueror (to show additional
information about multimedia files).</description>
        <summary>KDE Audio CD Tools</summary>
        <description>This package contains tools to play or read Audio CDs.

KAudioCreator - A program to read a CD and write it to the hard disk.
It also provides a title editor. audiocd:/ - A kio_slave, enabling
Konqueror to show the contents of audio CDs and to read the data.

All applications support CDDB which can be configured using the CDDB
control center module, also provided by this package.</description>
        <summary>KDE sound mixer</summary>
        <description>This package includes applications for your soundcard:

kmix - to set all the channels of your soundcard and to define the
recording source</description>
        <summary>KDE sound applications and plugins</summary>
        <description>This package includes applications for your soundcard:

artsbuilder - to setup complex filter rules for the arts daemon

several plugins to play all kind of medias with the kde multimedia
sound system (MP3, Ogg, Flac)</description>
        <summary>KDE Network Libraries</summary>
        <description>Required libraries for the following packages:

kdenetwork3-chat kdenetwork3-dialup kdenetwork3-lan kdenetwork3-mail
kdenetwork3-news kdenetwork3-query</description>
        <summary>Chat applications for KDE</summary>
        <description>The standard KDE application for instant messaging chat.

Kopete is an IM client with support for AOL (Oscar), ICQ, Jabber
(including Google Talk), MSN, Novell GroupWise Messenger, Yahoo,
WinPopup, and IRC.</description>
        <summary>LAN Applications</summary>
        <description>Applications for local networks:

kio_lan: shows open services in the local network. It requires a
running LISA daemon on the network.(kdenetwork3-lisa package) kxmlrpcd:
        <summary>News-related KDE application</summary>
        <description>Knewsticker is a news ticker panel applet.  For a standalone Usenet
news reader, install kdepim3.</description>
        <summary>Personal Information Manager Software for KDE</summary>
        <description>This package contains Kontact and the stand-alone applications for
personal information management.

* Kontact--personal information manager

* KMail--mail client

* KOrganizer--calendar and scheduling program

* KNode--news reader

* Kleopatra and KWatchGnuPG--certification manager

* Various wizards to connect to groupware servers</description>
        <summary>Personal Information Manager</summary>
        <description>This package contains tools for address and date organisation.</description>
        <summary>KDE Utility Programs</summary>
        <description>A couple of utility programs for KDE.

* ark           - archiver tool

* kcalc         - calculator tool

* kdepasswd     - tool that changes the user login password

* kdf           - tool that shows free space on disk

* kfloppy       - floppy formatter

* kgpg          - gpg key manager

* kwalletmanager - manager for showing and modifying passwords of
        <summary>KDE Utility Programs</summary>
        <description>Small applications not used by most people.

kcharselect - browse characters

kedit       - the old KDE text editor

khexedit    - hex editor

kjots       - an application for notes

ktimer      - a timing application

SuperKaramba - a tool that allows one to easily use interactive
        <summary>KDE Network Monitor</summary>
        <description>KNemo offers a network monitor similar to the one found in Windows. For every network interface
it displays an icon in the systray.</description>
        <summary>Xine-Based Multimedia Player</summary>
        <description>Kaffeine plays all files and devices supported by Xine. For example,
MPEG files, AVI (if the codec being used is supported by Xine), MP3,
and Ogg Vorbis. It also handles Video CDs, DVDs, and DVB cards.</description>
        <summary>Translations for package kdebase3-SuSE</summary>
        <description>Provides translations for the &quot;kdebase3-SuSE&quot; package.</description>
        <summary>Konqueror Related Add-Ons</summary>
        <description>This package contains web-related (like checking for correct HTML
syntax, translating a web site, or to easily enable/disable browser
functions) and file-related (like image gallery creator, image view
kpart, ark archiver plugin, kuick copy plugin) Konqueror plug-ins.

    The KDE Team &lt;kde@kde.org&gt;</description>
        <summary>A text editor for KDE</summary>
        <description>This package contains extensions for kate, the default KDE text editor.
The extensions are able to check the syntax of html or xml documents
and are used to convert to different text formats and encodings.

    The KDE Team &lt;kde@kde.org&gt;</description>
        <summary>SUSE KDE Extension</summary>
        <description>This package contains the openSUSE branding of the SUSE KDE Extensions.</description>
        <summary>Screensaver from KDE</summary>
        <description>This package has a pretty small but nice collection of screensavers for
        <summary>XScreensaver Support for KDE</summary>
        <description>This package allows using the more than 100 screensavers in the
xscreensaver package for KDE.</description>
        <summary>Education Applications</summary>
        <description>* keduca: creation and revision of form-based tests and exams

* kgeo: interactive geometry

* khangman: hangman game--guess a word letter by letter

* klatin: aims to help revise or learn Latin

* klettres: helps to learn the French alphabet and read some

* kmessedwords: simple mind-training game

* kstars: desktop planetarium

* ktouch: program for learning touch typing

* kvoctrain: vocabulary trainer</description>
        <summary>Games for KDE</summary>
        <description>The base libraries for kdegames as well as the games Solitaire and
Minesweeper. The other games are in:

kdegames3-arcade kdegames3-board kdegames3-card kdegames3-tactic</description>
        <summary>KDE board games</summary>
        <description>Board games like Backgammon, battleship, Mahjongg, and 4 wins.</description>
        <summary>Card games for KDE</summary>
        <description>Card games for KDE. Poker and Skat.</description>
        <summary>Small KDE Graphics Applications</summary>
        <description>Small KDE graphics applications.

* kcolorchooser - identify color values.

* kcoloredit - for editing color palettes

* kruler - a desktop ruler for measuring pixels</description>
        <summary>KDE digital camera application</summary>
        <description>Kamera is a konqueror plugin for digital cameras. It is mostly used for
cameras that are connected via serial port, while usb-cameras are
directly supported by the kernel.</description>
        <summary>KDE PDF File Viewer</summary>
        <description>This package contains KPDF, an application to show and print PDF files.</description>
        <summary>KDE Postscript File Viewer</summary>
        <description>This package contains KGhostView, an application to show and print
Postscript files.</description>
        <summary>Kooka, the Scanning Program for KDE</summary>
        <description>Kooka is an image scanning program for KDE that uses the SANE library.
This offers scan capabilities to a wide range of scanner hardware.

As well as a user-friendly interface, Kooka offers basic image
manipulation routines like rotating, mirroring, etc. Additionally, it
has a save assistant that helps to find the correct image format. The
image gallery and a configurable thumbnail view makes it easy to
organize the scans.

Kooka supports OCR (Optical Character Recognition) on your scans. Two
open source  OCR programs, ocrad and gocr are available as plugins to
        <summary>KDE Audio CD Tools</summary>
        <description>This package contains tools to play or read Audio CDs.

KAudioCreator - A program to read a CD and write it to the hard disk.
It also provides a title editor. audiocd:/ - A kio_slave, enabling
Konqueror to show the contents of audio CDs and to read the data.

All applications support CDDB which can be configured using the CDDB
control center module, also provided by this package.</description>
        <summary>KDEMM aRts support</summary>
        <description>The package contains plugins to support arts via the KDEMM framework.</description>
        <summary>KDE MIDI File Player</summary>
        <description>This package includes: KMid  - plays MIDI files via the hardware</description>
        <summary>Xine plugin for Noatun</summary>
        <description>The package provides a Xine plugin for Noatun. Xine is a very powerful
and complete video player library.</description>
        <summary>IRC application for KDE</summary>
        <description>IRC chat application ksirc.</description>
        <summary>Network Scanner Daemon</summary>
        <description>LISA scans your network for active hosts and offered services. These
services can be used in Konqueror by using the URL &quot;lan://localhost&quot;.
You can set the variable USE_LISA to &quot;server&quot; in the YaST sysconfig
editor, if you want to offer these services to all your local clients.

You do not need to install KDE to use this package.</description>
        <summary>A Universal CD and DVD Burning Application</summary>
        <description>K3b is a CD burning application that supports Ogg Vorbis, MP3 audio
files, DVD burning, CDDB, and much more.</description>
        <summary>Nice Toys for KDE</summary>
        <description>This package currently contains programs:

* kmoon, the show-me-the-current-moon-phase-in-the-panel program

* kworldclock, the show-me-where-on-the-world-is-day program

*  kodo, the show-me-how-far-I-have-moved-my-mouse-today program

* kweather, the show-me-how-the-weather-is-today program

* amor, the show-me-a-little-window-dancer program

* kteatime, the shoe-me-when-the-tea-is-good program

    The KDE Team &lt;kde@kde.org&gt;</description>
        <summary>Media Player for KDE</summary>
        <description>Amarok is a media player for all kinds of media. This includes MP3, Ogg
Vorbis, audio CDs, podcasts and streams. Play lists can be stored in
.m3u or .pls files.</description>
        <summary>The Window Decoration of SUSE - improved</summary>
        <description>This is the improved version of the standard SUSE KDE window

    Adrian Schroeter &lt;adrian@suse.de&gt;
    Sandro Giessl &lt;ceebx@users.sourceforge.net&gt;
    Rik Hemsley (rikkus) &lt;rik@kde.org&gt;
    Gerd Fleischer &lt;gerdfleischer@web.de&gt;</description>
        <summary>The appinfo:/ KIO slave combines an application's configuration, data, manual and temp files and folders into a single view.</summary>
        <description>The appinfo:/ KIO slave combines an application's configuration, data, manual and temp files and folders into a single view

Just type 'appinfo:/' followed by the application name you're interested in the konqueror address bar.
Typing 'appinfo:/' will list all the applications found in your $PATH.</description>
        <summary>KDM Theme Manager</summary>
        <description>This KCM Module will allow you to change your KDE &gt;=3.4 KDM Theme without
using the console.</description>
      <item recommended="false">
        <summary>The libreoffice-kde package</summary>
        <description>The libreoffice-kde package.</description>