DocBook Everything you need for DocBook home:thomas-schraitle Thomas Schraitle's Home Project Mainly DocBook, XML, XSLT, XSL-FO and Python stuff. openSUSE:Leap:15.2 openSUSE Leap 15.2 openSUSE Leap borrows packages from SLE for the base system. Please refer to for origin information batik The batik package The batik package. docbook_4 The docbook_4 package The docbook_4 package. docbook_5 The docbook_5 package The docbook_5 package. docbook-xsl-stylesheets The docbook-xsl-stylesheets package The docbook-xsl-stylesheets package. docbook5-xsl-stylesheets The docbook5-xsl-stylesheets package The docbook5-xsl-stylesheets package. dbsplit-tools DocBook Splitting tools Tools for splitting and merging DocBook documents, doclifter The doclifter package The doclifter package. emacs The emacs package The emacs package. emacs-x11 The emacs-x11 package The emacs-x11 package. nxml-mode The nxml-mode package The nxml-mode package. jedit The jedit package The jedit package. psgml The psgml package The psgml package. fop The fop package The fop package. gentium The gentium package The gentium package. jnvdl The jnvdl package The jnvdl package. liberation-fonts The liberation-fonts package The liberation-fonts package. libxml2 The libxml2 package The libxml2 package. libxslt The libxslt package The libxslt package. LinuxLibertine The LinuxLibertine package The LinuxLibertine package. msv The msv package The msv package. onvdl The onvdl package The onvdl package. pdfposter The pdfposter package The pdfposter package. relames The relames package The relames package. relaxng-doc A book about RELAX NG RELAX NG is a book written by Eric van der Vlist for O'Reilly and submitted to an open review process. The result of this work is freely available on the World Wide Web under a Free Documentation Licence (FDL). The subject of this book, RELAX NG (, is a XML schema language developped by the OASIS RELAX NG Technical Committee and recently accepted as Draft International Standard 19757-2 by the Document Description and Processing Languages subcommittee (DSDL) of the ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34/WG 1). Authors: -------- Eric van der Vlist <> sil-charis The sil-charis package The sil-charis package. xmlformat XML document formatter xmlformat is a configurable formatter (or "pretty-printer") for XML documents. It provides control over indentation, line-breaking, and text wrapping. These properties can be defined on a per-element basis. xmlformat provides improved diagnostic information when a document is not well-formed. (Prints line and token number, and stack trace). xmlstarlet The xmlstarlet package The xmlstarlet package. xsdlib Implements W3C XML Schema Part 2 Datatype Sun XML Datatypes Library, Sun's Java[tm] technology implementation of W3C's XML Schema Part 2 (, is intended for use with applications that incorporate XML Schema Part 2. This preview version implements the recommendation version ( of the W3C XML Schema Part 2 Datatype.