pdns-backend-remote-4.1.8-bp151.3.9.2<>,_lL!M@eee{y*^S,.D z% ¹Oi_N =G3EdH8h!rwlܖsHWh{'_Zvu|eIPr'| x)hsLw" /fIkX_TksgZ?O,d_i<:3ĭ>>X?Xpd ( @+ Dh     d(8292: ,2FU2GULHUPIUTXUXYUd\U]U^UbUcV^dWeWfW lW uW vW$wWxWyWzXX X$X*XlCpdns-backend-remote4.1.8bp151.3.9.2Remote backend for pdnsThe PowerDNS Nameserver is a authoritative-only nameserver. It conforms to contemporary DNS standards documents. This package holds the remote backend for pdns._lLobs-power8-05SUSE Linux Enterprise 15openSUSEGPL-2.0-onlyhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Networking/DNS/Servershttps://www.powerdns.com/linuxppc64le_lA1d4705795a949c78823da12a8a6bd29581ca8b04f1fee8eb6f62b6cf531f4e45rootrootpdns-4.1.8-bp151.3.9.2.src.rpmlibremotebackend.so()(64bit)pdns-backend-remotepdns-backend-remote(ppc-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    libc.so.6()(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit)libgcc_s.so.1()(64bit)libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6()(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(CXXABI_1.3)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(CXXABI_1.3.9)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4.11)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4.15)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4.20)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4.21)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4.9)(64bit)libzmq.so.5()(64bit)pdnsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)^%@^`]A\@\@\@\[[[@ZZZЛZZZ@Z@YeYY5Y}@YMYMXDX@X~@Xx@Xx@XN@WW@WJVV8UUv@U>$U8TPTи@Tи@Tи@Tto@Ta@T_W@TR(@TO@TO@TO@Adam Majer Adam Majer Vítězslav Čížek Adam Majer Michael Ströder Michael Ströder Michael Ströder Dirk Mueller Michael Ströder amajer@suse.commichael@stroeder.comkbabioch@suse.commrueckert@suse.deadam.majer@suse.demichael@stroeder.comadam.majer@suse.demrueckert@suse.deadam.majer@suse.dejengelh@inai.deadam.majer@suse.devcizek@suse.comwr@rosenauer.orgmichael@stroeder.commichael@stroeder.commrueckert@suse.deadam.majer@suse.demichael@stroeder.comadam.majer@suse.deadam.majer@suse.dedimstar@opensuse.orgmichael@stroeder.commrueckert@suse.demichael@stroeder.commichael@stroeder.commichael@stroeder.commichael@stroeder.commichael@stroeder.commrueckert@suse.demichael@stroeder.commrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demichael@stroeder.comLed michael@stroeder.commrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.demrueckert@suse.de- CVE-2020-17482.patch: fixed an error that can result in leaking of uninitialised memory through crafted zone records (CVE-2020-17482, bsc#1176535)- pdns_maxmind.patch: backport support for MaxMindDB- Build with libmaxminddb instead of the obsolete GeoIP (bsc#1156196)- CVE-2019-10162.patch: fixes a denial of service but when authorized user to cause the server to exit by inserting a crafted record in a MASTER type zone under their control. (bsc#1138582, CVE-2019-10162) - CVE-2019-10163.patch: fixes a denial of service of slave server when an authorized master server sends large number of NOTIFY messages (bsc#1138582, CVE-2019-10163) - CVE-2019-10203.patch: update postgresql schema to address a possible denial of service by an authorized user by inserting a crafted record in a MASTER type zone under their control. (bsc#1142810, CVE-2019-10203) To fix the issue, run the following command against your PostgreSQL pdns database: ALTER TABLE domains ALTER notified_serial TYPE bigint USING CASE WHEN notified_serial >= 0 THEN notified_serial::bigint END;- Update to 4.1.8 * #7604: Correctly interpret an empty AXFR response to an IXFR query, * #7610: Fix replying from ANY address for non-standard port, * #7609: Fix rectify for ENT records in narrow zones, * #7607: Do not compress the root, * #7608: Fix dot stripping in `setcontent()`, * #7605: Fix invalid SOA record in MySQL which prevented the authoritative server from starting, * #7603: Prevent leak of file descriptor if running out of ports for incoming AXFR, * #7602: Fix API search failed with “Commands out of sync; you can’t run this command now”, * #7509: Plug `mysql_thread_init` memory leak, * #7567: EL6: fix `CXXFLAGS` to build with compiler optimizations.- Update to 4.1.7 with a security fix: * Insufficient validation in the HTTP remote backend (bsc#1129734, CVE-2019-3871)- Update to 4.1.6 * Prevent more than one CNAME/SOA record in the same RRset- adjust buildrequires for mariadb 10.2.x on SLES- Update to 4.1.5 * Improvements - Apply alias scopemask after chasing - Release memory in case of error in the openssl ecdsa constructor - Switch to devtoolset 7 for el6 * Bug Fixes - Crafted zone record can cause a denial of service (bsc#1114157, CVE-2018-10851) - Packet cache pollution via crafted query (bsc#1114169, CVE-2018-14626) - Fix compilation with libressl 2.7.0+ - Actually truncate truncated responses- Update to 4.1.4 - Improvements * #6590: Fix warnings reported by gcc 8.1.0. * #6632, #6844, #6842, #6848: Make the gmysql backend future-proof * #6685, #6686: Initialize some missed qtypes. - Bug Fixes * #6780: Avoid concurrent records/comments iteration from running out of sync. * #6816: Fix a crash in the API when adding records. * #4457, #6691: pdns_control notify: handle slave without renotify properly. * #6736, #6738: Reset the TSIG state between queries. * #6857: Remove SOA-check backoff on incoming notify and fix lock handling. * #6858: Fix an issue where updating a record via DNS-UPDATE in a child zone that also exists in the parent zone, we would incorrectly apply the update to the parent zone. * #6676, #6677: Geoipbackend: check geoip_id_by_addr_gl and geoip_id_by_addr_v6_gl return value. (Aki Tuomi)- Use HTTPS links in .spec file like mentioned in PowerDNS announcements - removed obsolete 6370.patch - Update to 4.1.3 - Improvements * #6239, #6559: pdnsutil: use new domain in b2bmigrate (Aki Tuomi) * #6130: Update copyright years to 2018 (Matt Nordhoff) * #6312, #6545: Lower ‘packet too short’ loglevel - Bug Fixes * #6441, #6614: Restrict creation of OPT and TSIG RRsets * #6228, #6370: Fix handling of user-defined axfr filters return values * #6584, #6585, #6608: Prevent the GeoIP backend from copying NetMaskTrees around, fixes slow-downs in certain configurations (Aki Tuomi) * #6654, #6659: Ensure alias answers over TCP have correct name- Update to 4.1.2 - Improvements * API: increase serial after dnssec related updates * Auth: lower ‘packet too short’ loglevel * Make check-zone error on rows that have content but shouldn’t * Auth: avoid an isane amount of new backend connections during an axfr * Report unparseable data in stoul invalid_argument exception * Backport: recheck serial when axfr is done * Backport: add tcp support for alias - Bug Fixes * Auth: allocate new statements after reconnecting to postgresql * Auth-bindbackend: only compare ips in ismaster() (Kees Monshouwer) * Rather than crash, sheepishly report no file/linenum * Document undocumented config vars * Backport #6276 (auth 4.1.x): prevent cname + other data with dnsupdate - misc * Move includes around to avoid boost L conflict * Backport: update edns option code list * Auth: link dnspcap2protobuf against librt when needed * Fix a warning on botan >= 2.5.0 * Auth 4.1.x: unbreak build * Dnsreplay: bail out on a too small outgoing buffer (CVE-2018-1046 bsc#1092540)- add patch for upstream issue #6228 https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/PowerDNS/pdns/pull/6370.patch- geoip not available on SLE15 but protobuf support is available.- Update to version 4.1.1: bug-fix only release, with fixes to the LDAP and MySQL backends, the pdnsutil tool, and PDNS internals- Update to version 4.1.0: + Recursor passthrough removal. Migration plans for users of recursor passthrough are in documentation and available at, https://doc.powerdns.com/authoritative/guides/recursion.html + Improved performance: 4x speedup in some scenarios + Crypto API: DNSSEC fully configurable via RESTful API + Database: enhanced reconnection logic solving problems associated with idle disonnection from database servers. + Documentation improvements + Support for TCP Fast Open + Removed deprecated SOA-EDIT values: INCEPTION and INCEPTION-WEEK - pkgconfig(krb5) is now always required for building LDAP backend - pdns-4.0.4_mysql-schema-mariadb.patch: removed, upstreamed- package schema files in ldap subpackage- Update to version 4.0.5: + fixes CVE-2017-15091: Missing check on API operations + Bindbackend: do not corrupt data supplied by other backends in getAllDomains + For create-slave-zone, actually add all slaves, and not only first n times + Check return value for all getTSIGKey calls. + Publish inactive KSK/CSK as CDNSKEY/CDS + Treat requestor’s payload size lower than 512 as equal to 512 + Correctly purge entries from the caches after a transfer + LuaWrapper: Allow embedded NULs in strings received from Lua + Stubresolver: Use only recursor setting if given + mydnsbackend: Add getAllDomains + LuaJIT 2.1: Lua fallback functionality no longer uses Lua namespace + gpgsql: make statement names actually unique + API: prevent sending nameservers list and zone-level NS in rrsets- Ensure descriptions are neutral. Remove ineffective --with-pic. - Do not ignore errors from useradd. - Trim idempotent %if..%endif around %package.- Added pdns.keyring linked from https://dnsdist.org/install.html- Don't BuildRequire Botan 1.x which will be dropped (bsc#1055322) * upstream support for Botan was dropped in favor of OpenSSL, see https://blog.powerdns.com/2016/07/11/powerdns-authoritative-server-4-0-0-released- This makes the schema fit storage requirements of various mysql/mariadb versions. pdns-4.0.4_mysql-schema-mariadb.patch - preset uid and gid in configuration- fixed use of pdns_protobuf- update to 4.0.4 - fixes ed25519 signer. This signer hashed the message before signing, resulting in unverifiable signatures. - send a notification to all slave servers after every dnsupdate for complete list of changes, see https://blog.powerdns.com/2017/06/23/powerdns-authoritative-server-4-0-4-released/- added pdns-4.0.3_allow_dacoverride_in_capset.patch: Adding CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE to fix startup problems with sqlite3 backend- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel- update to 4.0.3 which obsoletes b854d9f.diff- b854d9f.diff: revert upstream change that caused a regression with multiple-backends- update to 4.0.2: The following security issues were fixed: - 2016-02: Crafted queries can cause abnormal CPU usage (CVE-2016-7068, boo#1018326) - 2016-03: Denial of service via the web server (CVE-2016-7072, boo#1018327) - 2016-04: Insufficient validation of TSIG signatures (CVE-2016-7073, CVE-2016-7074, boo#1018328) - 2016-05: Crafted zone record can cause a denial of service (CVE-2016-2120, boo#1018329) For complete changelog, see https://doc.powerdns.com/md/changelog/#powerdns-authoritative-server-402- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libsystemd) instead of pkgconfig(libsystemd-daemon): these libs were merged in systemd 209 times. The build system is capable of finding either one.- update to 4.0.1 Bug fixes - #4126 Wait for the connection to the carbon server to be established - #4206 Don't try to deallocate empty PG statements - #4245 Send the correct response when queried for an NSEC directly (Kees Monshouwer) - #4252 Don't include bind files if length <= 2 or > sizeof(filename) - #4255 Catch runtime_error when parsing a broken MNAME Improvements - #4044 Make DNSPacket return a ComboAddress for local and remote (Aki Tuomi) - #4056 OpenSSL 1.1.0 support (Christian Hofstaedtler) - #4169 Fix typos in a logmessage and exception (Christian Hofsteadtler) - #4183 pdnsutil: Remove checking of ctime and always diff the changes (Hannu Ylitalo) - #4192 dnsreplay: Only add Client Subnet stamp when asked - #4250 Use toLogString() for ringAccount (Kees Monshouwer) Additions - #4133 Add limits to the size of received {A,I}XFR (CVE-2016-6172) - #4142 Add used filedescriptor statistic (Kees Monshouwer)- update to 4.0.0 https://blog.powerdns.com/2016/07/11/powerdns-authoritative-server-4-0-0-released/ https://blog.powerdns.com/2016/07/11/welcome-to-powerdns-4-0-0/ - packaging changes: - remotebackend split out now - enabled experimental_gss_tsig support - enabled protobuf based stats support - no more xdb and lmdb backend - added odbc backend where supported - drop pdns-3.4.0-no_date_time.patch: replaced with - -enable-reproducible- update to 3.4.9 * use OpenSSL for ECDSA signing where available * allow common signing key * Add a disable-syslog setting * fix SOA caching with multiple backends * whitespace-related zone parsing fixes [ticket #3568] * bindbackend: fix, set domain in list()- update to 3.4.8 * Use AC_SEARCH_LIBS (Ruben Kerkhof) * Check for inet_aton in libresolv (Ruben Kerkhof) * Remove hardcoded -lresolv, -lnsl and -lsocket (Ruben Kerkhof) * pdnssec: don't check disabled records (Pieter Lexis) * pdnssec: check all records (including disabled ones) only in verbose mode (Kees Monshouwer) * traling dot in DNAME content (Kees Monshouwer) * Fix luabackend compilation on FreeBSD i386 (RvdE) * silence g++ 6.0 warnings and error (Kees Monshouwer) * add gcc 5.3 and 6.0 support to boost.m4 (Kees Monshouwer)- update to 3.4.7 Bug fixes: * Ignore invalid/empty TKEY and TSIG records (Christian Hofstaedtler) * Don't reply to truncated queries (Christian Hofstaedtler) * don't log out-of-zone ents during AXFR in (Kees Monshouwer) * Prevent XSS by escaping user input. Thanks to Pierre Jaury and Damien Cauquil at Sysdream for pointing this out. * Handle NULL and boolean properly in gPGSql (Aki Tuomi) * Improve negative caching (Kees Monshouwer) * Do not divide timeout twice (Aki Tuomi) * Correctly sort records with a priority. Improvements: * Direct query answers and correct zone-rectification in the GeoIP backend (Aki Tuomi) * Use token names to identify PKCS#11 keys (Aki Tuomi) * Fix typo in an error message (Arjen Zonneveld) * limit NSEC3 iterations in bindbackend (Kees Monshouwer) * Initialize minbody (Aki Tuomi) New features: * OPENPGPKEY record-type (James Cloos and Kees Monshouwer) * add global soa-edit settings (Kees Monshouwer)- update to 3.4.6 [boo#943078] CVE-2015-5230 Bug fixes: * Avoid superfluous backend recycling * Removal of dnsdist from the authoritative server distribution * Add EDNS unknown version handling and tests EDNS unknown version handling Improvements: * Update YaHTTP to v0.1.7 * Make trailing/leading spaces stand out in pdnssec check_zone * GCC 5.2 support and sync boost.m4 macro with upstream * Log answer packets only if log-dns-details is enabled- update to 3.4.5 Bug fixes: * be careful reading empty lines in our config parser and prevent integer overflow. * prevent crash after --list-modules (Ruben Kerkhof) * Limit the maximum length of a qname Improvements: * Support /etc/default for our debian/ubuntu packages (Aki Tuomi) * Our Boost check doesn't recognize gcc 5.1 yet (Ruben Kerkhof) * Various PKCS#11 fixes and improvements (Aki Tuomi) * Several fixes for building on OpenBSD (Florian Obser) * Fix several issues found by Coverity (Aki Tuomi) * Look for mbedtls before polarssl (Ruben Kerkhof) * Detect Lua on OpenBSD (Ruben Kerkhof) * Let pkg-config determine botan dependency libs (Ruben Kerkhof) * kill some further mallocs and add note to remind us not to add them back * Move remotebackend-unix test socket to testsdir (Aki Tuomi) * Defer launch of coprocess until first question (Aki Tuomi) * pdnssec: check for glue and delegations in parent zones (Kees Monshouwer)- no longer ship dnsdist here, we will ship a new package based on the snapshots from http://dnsdist.org/- update to 3.4.4 with a fix for CVE-2015-1868 (boo# 927569) Bug fixes: - commit ac3ae09: fix rectify-(all)-zones for mixed case domain names - commit 2dea55e, commit 032d565, commit 55f2dbf: fix CVE-2015-1868 - commit 21cdbe5: Blocking IO in busy-wait for remote backend (Wieger Opmeer) - commit cc7b2ac: fix double dot for root MX/SRV in bind slave zone files (Kees Monshouwer) - commit c40307b: Properly lock lmdb database, fixes ticket #1954 (Aki Tuomi) - commit 662e76d: Fix segfault in zone2lmdb (Ruben Kerkhof) New Features: - commit 5ae212e: pdnssec: warn for insecure wildcards in opt-out zones - commits cd3f21c, 8b582f6, 0b7e766, f743af9, dcde3c8 and f12fcf7: TKEY record type (Aki Tuomi) - commits 0fda1d9, 3dd139d, ba146ce, 25109e2, c011a01, 0600350, fc96b5e, 4414468, c163d41, f52c7f6, 8d56a31, 7821417, ea62bd9, c5ababd, 91c8351 and 073ac49: Many PKCS#11 improvements (Aki Tuomi) - commits 6f0d4f1 and 5eb33cb: Introduce xfrBlobNoSpaces and use them for TSIG (Aki Tuomi) Improvements: - commit e4f48ab: allow "pdnssec set-nsec3 ZONE" for insecure zones; this saves on one rectify when securing a NSEC3 zone - commits cce95b9, e2e9243 and e82da97: Improvements to the config-file parsing (Aki Tuomi) - commit 2180e21: postgresql check should not touch LDFLAGS (Ruben Kerkhof) - commit 0481021: Log error when remote cannot do AXFR (Aki Tuomi) - commit 1ecc3a5: Speed improvements when AXFR is disabled (Christian Hofstaedtler) - commits 1f7334e and b17799a: NSEC3 and related RRSIGS are not part of the dnstree (Kees Monshouwer) - commits dd943dd and 58c4834: Change ifdef to check for __GLIBC__ instead of __linux__ to prevent errors with other libc's (James Taylor) - commit c929d50: Try to raise open files before dropping privileges (Aki Tuomi) - commit 69fd3dc: Add newline to carbon error message on auth (Aki Tuomi) - commit 3064f80: Make sure we send servfail on error (Aki Tuomi) - commit b004529: Ship lmdb-example.pl in tarball (Ruben Kerkhof) - commit 9e6b24f: Allocate TCP buffer dynamically, decreasing stack usage - commit 267fdde: throw if getSOA gets non-SOA record- update to 3.4.3 Bug fixes: - [commit ceb49ce] pdns_control: exit 1 on unknown command (Ruben Kerkhof) - [commit 1406891]: evaluate KSK ZSK pairs per algorithm (Kees Monshouwer) - [commit 3ca050f]: always set di.notified_serial in getAllDomains (Kees Monshouwer) - [commit d9d09e1]: pdns_control: don't open socket in /tmp (Ruben Kerkhof) New features: - [commit 2f67952]: Limit who can send us AXFR notify queries (Ruben Kerkhof) Improvements: - [commit d7bec64]: respond REFUSED instead of NOERROR for "unknown zone" situations - [commit ebeb9d7]: Check for Lua 5.3 (Ruben Kerkhof) - [commit d09931d]: Check compiler for relro support instead of linker (Ruben Kerkhof) - [commit c4b0d0c]: Replace PacketHandler with UeberBackend where possible (Christian Hofstaedtler) - [commit 5a85152]: PacketHandler: Share UeberBackend with DNSSECKeeper (Christian Hofstaedtler) - [commit 97bd444]: fix building with GCC 5 Experimental API changes (Christian Hofstaedtler): - [commit ca44706]: API: move shared DomainInfo reader into it's own function - [commit 102602f]: API: allow writing to domains.account field - [commit d82f632]: API: read and expose domain account field - [commit 2b06977]: API: be more strict when parsing record contents - [commit 2f72b7c]: API: Reject unknown types (TYPE0) - [commit d82f632]: API: read and expose domain account field- set $LD for now. this fixes the configure check for relro,now.- remove custom PIE handling. upstream does it for us now.- update to 3.4.2 This is a performance and bugfix update to 3.4.1 and any earlier version. For high traffic setups, including those using DNSSEC, upgrading to 3.4.2 may show tremendous performance increases. A list of changes since 3.4.1 follows. Please see the full clickable changelog at https://doc.powerdns.com/md/changelog/#powerdns-authoritative-server-342 - move man pages to section 1 to follow upstream change- disable botan and geoip on SLE_12 because of missing dependencies.- Fixed broken _localstatedir- fix bashisms in pre script- update to version 3.4.1 Changes since 3.4.0: * commit dcd6524, commit a8750a5, commit 7dc86bf, commit 2fda71f: PowerDNS now polls the security status of a release at startup and periodically. More detail on this feature, and how to turn it off, can be found in Section 2, “Security polling”. * commit 5fe6dc0: API: Replace HTTP Basic auth with static key in custom header (X-API-Key) * commit 4a95ab4: Use transaction for pdnssec increase-serial * commit 6e82a23: Don't empty ordername during pdnssec increase-serial * commit 535f4e3: honor SOA-EDIT while considering "empty IXFR" fallback, fixes ticket 1835. This fixes slaving of signed zones to IXFR-aware slaves like NSD or BIND.- only enable geoip backend on distros newer than 12.3 before the package lacks the pkg-config file and there is no fallback to finding geoip without it.- fix permissions of the home directory- enable some backends that we had forgotten: - pipe (main package) - random (main package) - geoip (new subpackage) - new BR: yaml-cpp-devel and GeoIP-develobs-power8-05 16009521404.1.8-bp151. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Maintenance:13121/openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP1_Update/800bb5e90984cb5e1dd903a4d61773d3-pdns.openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP1_Updatedrpmxz5ppc64le-suse-linuxELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=56a8979865c092f841d30163958051cec66c4198, strippedPRRR RRR RR R RR RRRELyTutf-87f4882bca26477e732a54fcc5c2271687fe82356b70381e5f9d4ee9ac3b897f2? 7zXZ !t/S2@ ]"k%4960E<$#]CY_2IJx;%=i'@~́e0fuْ'.c mN;`EĽZ|l(|=:A, Gh*f~XQ̕9(d^F\nGA 7m"{Xr,gŧuN(mvppY%&cp`&ڸoP3wA~|6Qgl]=?sO\dqNeDb*7 a)>;JdsNJ8YchgQ ݁Ǥbe1 P>+Yf6C*8Oᮧ`K9q UϷF(<452@1Z&ID3*kb|/|xT'‹Z 7Lw;ZtT"~}rݣdH(c'ߐkV l,!rzPxaMZC9Ǧ'ͼhD P Q:~u;K[~NTca5GKYGsAcջS%7eqFN(*aO$M}v3Q0WQ,+w$Xne3yhy~Jy\dTF)iʼn jcL^kIMP`Z2b{z֍t?;vɣX@ FλZWǗ1 |kjcV/;djh2'>4GG_k O(%2G<7AQFSjΖ^/EՁ:2 J0"=#2eCSi'T3`|~Qc$q[)fPf oG3/}k[䕥|(ٲ^%s܏tRkh%SvUsxIÏ(`>_^=J, Ff4 ~IB9*"VxPY:a"!jZpmSɋ:HddIz s-Vz. t+(K4PP!4 y#*]s1VɵHC"NS 8Vܫ~4 "ݣ )7'L/.ggaI/1^p,zl)PCOvްVu`ᕡI(BV0VkhdH#ou A \*j 2oyTv(PHTNZS6.cZנ'٫*>&pha t$}(oEgZݸK^Zu%|ZS0DB]^]%#-P4qXɘd"Ӻr!ujKRY6(rG⬾j\l7 폶%G$=gKqd6$-g3P8U@ "YI.kzZs8cl AcHjRBM>e7A%11" Ha\@QI12KyVXlkY dŕ*4vp7 O3lQZϦgnsmS5RvL-)yW=i%)(<\M;+niTKL)ji{ HX˞\2EHУӬaC:Q)Nꓦlu;O;6[IE @PHQdZ [SmD`uRw!kbFqQz -H6xhyrQеTQحt)?UsD{s7;)Pk pŽ{S"\, s+NV'F+0mz|X1+# Q@<| ֶy:".LW>> t|.߃Wjvu%Lg~LXC+hL#anU:0s GU[O=J'!F:$]JvM}{(`xb3^Y0]_O<~_9HW QS#,Ív g}sWa?kwguukRWow>>.3͏weg4:biaM\}l(ʑ7+R^:s#^%qd`v%-^DьEsoOk\}[cv`>hvC+L\*_N2(,sj(Z5.@ք*{4hI!lHM8D8:A#'gO25rFR Ä1JmŅI/ք<7p/WрkѨC8ImLLQ@}D jO>Ad̰%`XxDh̒4xdv32w c"dP2B;}L/rnv+ CL[Nnvڔ.U(saĘO&`rw:)ef:e\TR%< qNhO'(ęG.og #MM9??ex(>6QC|5Ė?KL6p;?s~ر*}P լy>RǫĽɪsX]EP_OAkw4btCz YBg=/J7"blgnqKg`IHO.G o'7';YIK4QjbYYPn@ʿ9J>UD%[}@#䠓*#)̡:鞙*L& ިu%;n ݙ)&li_Hgc!:>M'6ˊEjb4#k V(U~K42hDzF='=P3vN+veG m~Y9PmTz8n rTB% j=߭z5!Ҿ#eӫ>޿9E];X A8ege#Cv%xJ"ͪI"oDe|ovt WaI'gK_m-Ji#F(ٟ)ʓ0|L[aF9zƶdD _1Ru O` ,| Cgkz޻"ں~Ay+B+!ucp "ru0c1R395 ay bR or~xdx;ڐ KxxVHiE|ACw2g l=Dbbwڑ%pߍutwLQV.ЊLPDڄ{> q܃a;V w8T{ V'hpr?( T4)9mtd@H,lR`gdbh WyMpQTfs!TC(ц/x QwTʽfb1=Z! k 0G|l+jNjLF& aܓ ݹaݓ4K]7G,@/9(Q095, (hީӾ3Aoqaa ?w}X_[Jvrc.Tu$z?lx4,Y f2֋}LɐHh泃ݝ썬 a}u7L{.) 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