nagios-nrpe-doc-2.12-29.1e>UA4\ՠgq?S`$jx^@– ^5GFPvKQrT{O>5U?Ed  I  !8>H l  ~           Fd  (#8,9d:FG H I$ X0Y8\L ]p ^b c~def!l#z5Cnagios-nrpe-doc2.1229.1Nagios Remote Plug-In Executor documentationThis package contains the README files, OpenOffice and PDF documentation for the remote plugin executor (NRPE) for nagios.S`build10- openSUSE 11.4openSUSEGPL-2.0+http://bugs.opensuse.orgDocumentation/Other<7= A큤S`GբhGGkGOGPE>q@QKS`4218c1b21889fc893e4c8a582cea2fcd66be3407b6fa96f2525babda9453d6a28cb9a7e5066d8512276a96557a77dd954084e53c16d0308ebb085012ead5ce9414c9d7d25d784f92298d12cf327b554784d5cfef40945da500f9f5859f21712700567649a0f58b6a060bf47ccf162dee6815e6a5b4ae5d804c47f397064c9da3rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootnagios-nrpe-2.12-29.1.src.rpmnagios-nrpe-docnagios-nrpe-doc(x86-64)   rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma)4.0-13.0.4-14.4.6-14.8.0SXQ4MMS@MOL!LL8`Kj@K]K޺KtKCK2@lars@linux-schulserver.delars@linux-s nrpe-CVE-2014-2913.patch: possible command injection when command arguments are enabled (bnc#874743 CVE-2014-2913) - fixed by updating the example configs and documentation- nagios-nrpe-CVE-2013-1362.patch: fixed shell code injection via $() (bnc#807241 CVE-2013-1362) - only recommend the nagios-plugin packages that are used in the default configuration (helps fixing bnc#778970)- specfile cleanup using spec-cleaner (add comments to patches)- add directory to filelist to fix build- also package nrpe_check_control from contrib- prereq init scripts syslog and network- use /var/lib/nagios as home directory (same as nagios package)- fix missing operand for dirname in init script- add netcfg to PreReq to have /etc/services installed (fixes bnc #608164 )- set default values in init script- fix file ownership in /etc - added nrpe manpage from debian - added adapted patches from Debian: + nrpe-more_random.patch (overwrite the buffer with better randomness) + nrpe-improved_help.patch (list additional commandline options) + nrpe-weird_output.patch (null the buffer before using it) + nrpe-drop_privileges_before_writing_pidfile.patch (name says all) - added the following patches to fix compilation warnings: + nrpe-return_value.patch + nrpe-uninitialized_variable.patch + nrpe-unused_variable.patch- use /var/run/nrpe/ for pidfile; nagios can be run as different user/group which might cause conflicts - clean up the init skript and implement automatic movement/ creation of the pid directory - package /var/run/nrpe/ as ghost- cleanup subpackages o nagios-nrpe is default package and provides NRPE daemon obsoletes: client o nagios-plugins-nrpe provides the check plugin to be installed with the nagios host obsoletes: server - cleanup spec o sort TAGS o removed/added define - nsusr == nrpeusr - nsgrp == nrpegrp - added cmdgrp - redefine _libexecdir o added PreReq o fix pre{,un}/post{,un} sections - no restart_on_update x{,inetd}, cause xinet file is installed 'disabled' by default - service port is needed with server, not with plugin - no restart_on_update nagios when nrpe plugin is update there is also no restart_on_update when nagios_plugins are updated o fix nrpe.cfg o PID_File => /var/run/nagios/ - SOURCE mods o reworked patches (Makefile,xinetd) o replaced rcnrpe with nrpe.init o added README.SuSE- Use -fno-strict-aliasing to CFLAGS since the code is not clean. - Own /etc/nagios directory. - Add _GNU_SOURCE to CFLAGS to get prototype of asprintf.build10 1398836175 2.12-29.12.12-29.1nagios-nrpe-docChangelogLEGALNRPE.odtNRPE.pdfREADMEREADME.SSLREADME.SuSESECURITY/usr/share/doc/packages//usr/share/doc/packages/nagios-nrpe-doc/-fmessage-length=0 -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -gobs://]"k%r!nܿ©J7񪬺kOR. klnJekIh.$>*`hr>PkSy܃[4}{u ?˰Asn N.'o=%x1E-2j| 1:~H #ŬBuح0$ C̹rB)~C^E*⟚TM0Ž٣v18< f/rޡf [5 Q ' ޳Fقc[w Ѻ'JD Em @<)f=VLރ S|Nd0֎]Q?-(8} Y4ܷ]M(aÑ\"!(D8(\na Q/ g\OӸa "lW.U$Ox^>*ƇŽvOXKsT/>b%E;m 8|M,܂h ]1%gvmxUI}Mv툛^)),-磎g7=mNO^`Tl\TN1xs6?}lXqqU@T$1y^I8o3+8]d )n"آ.1쀱Ź7\ JNS &qgx 5f dȦXǠuTGpjHx<a_cv;ToslnPtyGƫG/ՙ(C& &:&PM/#n+q!@%@S=: Ƣ/*݄& Ĺ;|=& iU4b. A^-rH1R6ņa밶x@n8k̞46p'{+uv덡Xo}MgOlJ)\{`FgP0瓎(&UbN YI(0DI`[.`^ J: X +sͷT