nagios-plugins-nrpe-2.12-29.1e>UAFzr6Pj ?Scm$j2y y(rg?;?d  3  6<D\ h t   0Nl   (C8L9:BFGH(I@XHYTZp[t\|]^bcdeflzCnagios-plugins-nrpe2.1229.1Nagios NRPE pluginThis package contains the plug-in for the host runing the Nagios daemon. It is used to contact the NRPE process on remote hosts. The plugin requests that a plugin be executed on the remote host and wait for the NRPE process to execute the plugin and return the result. The plugin then uses the output and return code from the plugin execution on the remote host for its own output and return code.S`build10FopenSUSE 11.4openSUSEGPL-2.0+http://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Monitoring`A큤A큤S`S`S`S`S`?y990ac8845bb3c0ec01a97b4137ef766e38d82366289b8d23485672dc9f18a73c522224d750f1adc96eb75c24197ff1f4abdd90d462f17ba367986f6cfde19c4drootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootnagios-nrpe-2.12-29.1.src.rpmnagios-nrpe-servernagios-plugins-nrpenagios-plugins-nrpe(x86-64)   @@@@@@ rpmlib(VersionedDependencies)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)!LL8`Kj@K]K޺KtKCK2@lars@linux-schulserver.delars@linux-s nrpe-CVE-2014-2913.patch: possible command injection when command arguments are enabled (bnc#874743 CVE-2014-2913) - fixed by updating the example configs and documentation- nagios-nrpe-CVE-2013-1362.patch: fixed shell code injection via $() (bnc#807241 CVE-2013-1362) - only recommend the nagios-plugin packages that are used in the default configuration (helps fixing bnc#778970)- specfile cleanup using spec-cleaner (add comments to patches)- add directory to filelist to fix build- also package nrpe_check_control from contrib- prereq init scripts syslog and network- use /var/lib/nagios as home directory (same as nagios package)- fix missing operand for dirname in init script- add netcfg to PreReq to have /etc/services installed (fixes bnc #608164 )- set default values in init script- fix file ownership in /etc - added nrpe manpage from debian - added adapted patches from Debian: + nrpe-more_random.patch (overwrite the buffer with better randomness) + nrpe-improved_help.patch (list additional commandline options) + nrpe-weird_output.patch (null the buffer before using it) + nrpe-drop_privileges_before_writing_pidfile.patch (name says all) - added the following patches to fix compilation warnings: + nrpe-return_value.patch + nrpe-uninitialized_variable.patch + nrpe-unused_variable.patch- use /var/run/nrpe/ for pidfile; nagios can be run as different user/group which might cause conflicts - clean up the init skript and implement automatic movement/ creation of the pid directory - package /var/run/nrpe/ as ghost- cleanup subpackages o nagios-nrpe is default package and provides NRPE daemon obsoletes: client o nagios-plugins-nrpe provides the check plugin to be installed with the nagios host obsoletes: server - cleanup spec o sort TAGS o removed/added define - nsusr == nrpeusr - nsgrp == nrpegrp - added cmdgrp - redefine _libexecdir o added PreReq o fix pre{,un}/post{,un} sections - no restart_on_update x{,inetd}, cause xinet file is installed 'disabled' by default - service port is needed with server, not with plugin - no restart_on_update nagios when nrpe plugin is update there is also no restart_on_update when nagios_plugins are updated o fix nrpe.cfg o PID_File => /var/run/nagios/ - SOURCE mods o reworked patches (Makefile,xinetd) o replaced rcnrpe with nrpe.init o added README.SuSE- Use -fno-strict-aliasing to CFLAGS since the code is not clean. - Own /etc/nagios directory. - Add _GNU_SOURCE to CFLAGS to get prototype of asprintf.nagios-nrpe-serverbuild10 1398836175 2.122.12-29.12.12-29.12.12objectsnrpe_check_control.cfgcheck_nrpenrpe_check_controlnagios-plugins-nrpeREADME.nrpe_check_control/etc/nagios//etc/nagios/objects//usr/lib/nagios/plugins//usr/share/doc/packages//usr/share/doc/packages/nagios-plugins-nrpe/-fmessage-length=0 -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -gobs://]"k%!n>޾Kg@3(l/y9# >+Pe:*7;޳>5؍VmEY~&t 8q:rsk9pdgh,EBsp-_$^pàma7k>dB3N xG )#Va-,8ULD=NwtAULLs.TyJ[rւ/av1hm"N~d.= @Ss%_4-,NSEq4r<.ri ju: ePpoJ =1M l7kexAVlwjdI{TڿGtG)iMyFfzz9~?;Z6`%ぷO~⋻ڝ Y0