VIRGO   By: JaniceJ
 Virgo's are ruled by the planet Mercury and symbolized by the Virgin.
 In ancient myth and legend, Virgoans are associated with the god Vulcan.
 Vulcan was the smithy of Olympus whose mighty forge fashioned not only
 the armaments of war, worn with distinction by the likes of Achilles, but
 also the delicate and decorative ornaments so lavishly admired by
 Olympus's more well known but less hard-working residents.
 From this, their legendary forerunner, today's Virgos have had dumped on
 them the rather unglamorous reputation of being fairly dull fellows who
 would remain quite contently bogged down in detailed work while the
 rest of the world was happily throwing frisbees.
 In truth Virgos like a good time as much as the next sign and can become
 quite irritated at the suggestion that they tend to be prudish lovers of
 toil. They care a great deal about doing their job well and take great
 pride in being productive as do all earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
 Once the job is completed to their satisfaction, however, Virgo is ready
 to stand toe-to-toe with any Leo when it comes
 to having fun.
 Virgos only run into problems when their natural tendency for detailed
 examination of an issue, a task, or a person is allowed to disintegrate
 into nit-picking. Being a perfectionist can be difficult particularly in a
 world so filled to overflowing with imperfections that seem to cry out
 for Virgo's services. Virgos really are only trying to help but those on
 the receiving end of their generosity can sometimes wish they would just
 leave well enough alone.
 Virgos must learn that their ability to enjoy the beauty and wonder of all
 things in life can be expanded to allow for the frailities and flaws which
 give to all things their stamp of uniqueness.
 Virgos' task in life, that of service, is a noble one. In accepting those
 occasional duties which might be thought too boring for other signs less
 devoted to this ideal, Virgo paves the way for the subduing of ego which
 is a necessary quality in the sign which follows it, Libra, the sign of