From: (Mark Metson) Subject: Re: Looking for books Date: 16 Jul 1994 10:08:05 -0300 MagentaMN ( wrote: > If you have trouble getting books, call 1-800-THE-MOON for the > LLewyllen catalog. That's how I first got books, when I didn;t even > know where a Their "Llewlyn's Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense and Well-Being" seems to be the basic text on the subject now that Dion Fortune's "Psychic Self-Defense" has been allowed to pass out of print. It pretty much covers what was covered therein, updated, plus a good practical aura-strengthening exercise. If anyone knows a better text on the topic, I'd like to hear about it. Blessed Be. -MarkM- -- Mark Metson How many mystics does it take to bring Peace on Earth? Only one - but each one has to do it for themself..... =============================================================================== This posting is 'software for wetware' placed under version 2 of the GNU public license. Intent being: IF YOU DISTRIBUTE IT YOU CANNOT RESTRICT REDISTRIBUTION! (This is a GNU-ware .signature: please re-use and re-cycle!) ===============================================================================