From: u9004710@muss.cis.McMaster.CA (L.P. Boksman) Newsgroups: alt.folklore.herbs Subject: Depression Aid Date: 14 Jul 1994 15:33:05 -0400 Hi. I was responding to a post by Daniel (I think) when I got kicked out and had to start over, so I can't include the original post. Anyway, Daniel was wondering about any treatments for depression. I recently bought a book on the use of essential oils for aromatherapy, and recalled reading some which had anti-depressant qualities, so I looked them up. Here are some quotes from ones with antidepressant qualities: ROSE OIL: "Therapeutically, this scent does have a potent anti-depressant effect and may be used, via face and body massage, skin care, baths, or vapourizers to treat nervousness, sadness, or long-term stress." LAVENDER: "The balancing properties of lavender can correct emotional problems and feelings of instability. Its calming effect will induce a restful sleep - try a drop of lavender oil on your pillow or into an evening bath." NEROLI (oil of the orange blossom): "Neroli ... is one of the most suitable essential oils to use for nervous tension, insomnia, and stress-related illnesses as it has a very positive calming influence on mind and body." My book urges caution when using the oils as they are very potent and may therefore cause a skin rash (it does say, however, that lavender is "the only oil that can be safely applied undiluted to the skin"). It is suggested to put a drop or two into 3 tablespoons of carrier oil (sugh as a neutral odour light vegetable or nut oil) for a massage, or else 2 to 4 drops of oil(s) to a warm bath and soaking for 10 minutes. Another suggested use is as a room freshener - use a clay or ceramic vapourizer to heat water with, or near, the oil. An easy way to make a room freshener with essential oils is to wet a cotton ball with the essential oil and place it in a room or cupboard to scent the area. (For maximum effect, place somewhere warm such as behind a heater or fireplace.) I recently bought some lavender oil, and find it to be nice. Whether it is helping to keep depression at bay is questionable since at the moment I'm not under my usual stress load. Hope this info is helpful to someone. If anyone else has suggestions to help depression, I'd love to hear them. Laura === From: (M J Tranter) Date: Fri, 15 Jul 1994 13:17:39 GMT [quoting the above article] I would also add to this list geranium oil which has both a calming and uplifting effect, and clary sage which helps with clarity of thought. Using these oils in a vapourisor is very effective. Hope this helps Mette -- Mette Tranter --<*>-- Librarians rule OOOK!