From: (Peggy Brown)
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1993 16:45:00 GMT

Someone wrote about Masonic initiations:
>>|And in the other degrees, one
>>|or the other breast is exposed for the same duration.
>>|There are good reasons for the exposure, dealing with some
>>|applications of moral principles explained during the
>>|ceremonies.   Some of the meaning would be lost if removed.

I missed the beginning of this thread but surmise that women cannot
join because of rituals that expose breasts?

Silly IMO.  Female breasts have more meaning that male breasts anyway.
Unfortunately, the titwits (read nitwits) are too numerous and I
wouldn't expose myself to a group of men prone to teenage-booby-

Since breasts are being discussed, anyone ever heard of magick done
with breastmilk?  After all, sexual juices are used, why not milk?
Seems to me that breast-magick has been going on since the beginning
of the species.

One bit of breast magick I've done is to create a 4 month old baby boy
(started at 6 pds. now 14 pds. 2 oz.).  Since he's had nothing but
breastmilk I'm amazed to think that every bit of him came from ME,
transformed, (except one little cell).

I also used some leftover breastmilk once to bless a garden where I
buried his cordstump.

But I supposet this sort of thing wouldn't interest masons, or
co-mason. :)

- Peggy -

From: (Dawn of the Living Dead)
Date: 24 Aug 1993 17:56:40 GMT

[Quoting the above article.]
I think the best and most appropriate magick use of breast milk is
blessings for your baby and others.  I can't think of a better
blessing.  I also put some on my altar as a "sacrifice" once, but that
was more in a religious sense than a magickal sense.

I also once some in a little ritual to get some child support, but it
didn't work.  Then again, I didn't pursue it very vigorously.  I
decided I didn't want the money, and in the long run I suppose that
was just as valid a result as any other.
