A Pagan Sacrament of Holy Communion as performed in the Church of All

by Morning Glory Zell

The Priestess, Priest and Congregation sit in a circle, with the Priestess
to the right of the Priest, on the ground outside or the carpet indoors.
An altar is set in the center, with Bread and Water and either fresh flowers
and greenery (when outdoors) or a potted plant (indoors).  When everyone is
settled and silent, the Priestess begins the blessing:

P'ess:  Blessed be this Bread, the body of our Lord,
        And Blessed be this Water, the blood of our Lady.
        As our bodies are nourished by Their divine energy,
        So let Them ever nurture our spirits.
        We are the conscious product of Their eternal passion,
        And so do we give Them our gratitude in celebration of Life.

The Priest takes the Bread from the altar and raises it aloft in consecration:

Priest: Seed fallen on the wet Spring table, embryos bedding in the night.
        The Sun is joy on the Earth in the morning,
        And the wheat reaches up for the food that is Light.
        He holds his child to the Sun and would free him to the wind.
        Then we take them both, Father and Son, both still young.
        We fold them into tight brown loaves,
        Rocks of Sun for the tables of the People.

The Priest takes a piece of the Bread and places it into the mouth of the
person on his left with the words:  "May you always have sufficiency".  He
then passes the plate on to that person, who does the same actions and
gives the same blessing to the next person to the left, and so on round the
circle.  When the loaf comes around to the Priestess sitting on the Priest's
right, she gives him his share while taking a small piece and crumbling it
onto the Earth , if outdoors, or into the potted plant if indoors, saying:
"Mother Divine, take back what is Thine."

The Priestess then takes the chalice of Water from the altar and holds it
aloft in consecration:

P'ess:  Ice in the North will melt into the Earth.
        She will soften and breathe again.
        Water, sweetened by the lungs of the Earth, our Mother, runs South
        To the houses of the people, and the clouds give birth and die.
        They tremble on beds of air giving birth.
        Their trembling rocks the Earth with thunder; all their life is gone.
        Their last breath is in our cup,
        Let us drink the rain.

The Priestess then holds the chalice to the lips of the Priest on her left,
who drinks as she says:  "Water shared is Life shared."  He then holds the
cup and repeats the phrase for the person on his left, and so it goes,
clockwise, around the circle.  Other phrases may be spoken, such as "May you
never thirst", or "Drink deeply".  As the chalice passes from each person,
they link hands with those who already shared the water, until, as the
chalice completes its round, all hands are joined.  Finally the person to
the right of the Priestess gives her back the chalice and the blessing,
whereupon she pours out the remainder of the water onto the ground or the
plant as a libation to the Earth, speaking again the words:  "Mother Divine,
take back what is Thine."  She places the chalice back onto the altar, then
returns to her place to link hands and complete the circle.  Then may follow
a silent meditation, a chant or song, a breathing exercise to raise energy,
or whatever is desired.

When the exercise or meditation has reached its conclusion, the Priest
pronounces the Benediction:

Priest: O Gracious Lady and Laughing Lord,
        We would ever have Thee here with us.
        Now the time is come to break the circle and return to the world.
        May Thy love be ever with us and Thy wisdom guide our steps.
        Blessed Be.

Everyone repeats the words "Blessed Be" simultaneously dropping the hands
they are holding, thereby breaking the link and ending the Rite.