The Blessing Of The Waters
                      Spawn Far Version

Two Rituals were preformed on a daily basis at the Temple of
Isis. One was the revelation of Isis - When the Temple's statue
of Isis' was unveiled and fed and dressed. This ritual was
performed in the morning.
The other was the blessing of the waters, and was performed in
the afternoon or evening, depending on your source. The details
of the ritual, of course, have been lost. However, we do know
that it was considered a ritual purifications involving the
cleansing waters of the Temple.

The Astral Temple of Isis is considered the source of all waters.
From its depths, flows a current of water that meanders its way
throughout the temple, until it exists through the maiin entrance
via the Lotus pool, through the great pylon, and into the nile.

Just so, each Temple of Isis either had a spring, which would
flow through the temple and into the street, or more commonly
would have a self contained fountain in front. At the least, 
there would be a container of water in front of the Temple.
During the blessing of the waters, this water was refreshed.
Should the temple be lucky enough to have a fountain or spring
water was ritually prepared, then added to the regular flow.

By our traditions, the water blessed by this ritual is kept in
the temple. Should anyone wish to take some home with them for
cleansing or healing purposes, feel free. The ritual is being
performed so that people may get a feel of Isian and/or more
magickal workings.

This ritual contains three basic roles : that of the leader who
says certain things, that of a participant - whose parts are
rotated amoung those present, and those roles said by all. These
three parts will be identified as : "Leader", "Rotate", and
"All" respectively.


LEADER (facing to West, use Wand):
       Be far from us all who may ever wish ill, for the approach
       of the Goddess is at hand. Enter into her prescence with
       clean hands, and pure heart, lest the source of life
       itself may be soiled.

Ring Three Bells

       We come to offer you our selves
       For, eigt words the ancient law fulfills,
       Ain it Harm none, Do what you will
       Love is the Law, Love with will

       We stand in the west, to invoke the all-mother.
       Mighty queen of the nights, brilliant rider of the waves
       We call to the watchers - take note of ouyr presence.
       We call to the winds - carry our voices.
       We call to the elements - marry our wills.
       We call to the directions - make clear our paths

       We stand beneath the stars, in awe of their splendor
       And reach up to them to drink their light
       Holy mother of all on Earth and in the heavens,
       Sent forth your power, let us feel the might
       Of tides, and changes, of surges and quiet.

       We reach to you, send down your strength
       Let it pour through our bodies, and into the earth
       Like a coursing fall of brilliant-hued water
       Let it rise again from our feet in the Earth
       and spray from our heads into the night

       We are the sacred and hallowed vessels 
       built to hold your waters of life
       Like fountains of light, we stannd in the darkness
       Holy mother of night, we call you names

       Isis, Astarte, Her-on-high
       Rea, Brigit, gea, Pan-ge
       These are your names
       And we call to you.
       The Temple of Isis is built of black marble
       And hung with silver throughout.

       She, herself, sits veiled in the innermost
       SHe the Goddess we worship in our hearts.
       She, who is many and yet one under many forms

       Isis of Nature is Hator, she who wears horns on her brow
       Isis of the skys is teh moon, who rides the night
       Isis of teh depths is the Great Mother, from which all life arises
       She is the ancient and forgotten one, from whom our roots arise
       On Earth, she is ever fertile
       In heaven, she is ever queen.

       Mistress of the tides that rise and fall
       Mistress of the night that darkens the sky
       Mistress of the moon that waxes and wanes
       Mistress of all that ebbs and flows

       She ever changes, Yet enver ceases the cosmic rhythym.

       Oh Most Holy and Adorable Isis,
       Who in teh ehavens is teh supernal mother
       And on Earth is our lady of Nature
       And in the skys is the every-changing moon.
       Ruler of all of moves and changes
       Keeper of the Rhythym in hearts of all.
       You, who we adore in the symbol of the moon
       You, who are the deep seas that reflect the moon
       You, who are the keeper of teh gates of life

       We see you crowned in silver in the heavens
       And garbed in green on the Earth
       And robed in your gown of many colors at teh gates
       Oh Heavenly silver that answers the celestial gold
       O Green that rises from the grey
       O Rainbow glory of all the lives

       Isis, Isis, Isis 

       (continue chanting)
       Three bells rung

       O You who were before the Earth was formed
       O Tideless, soundless, boundless bitter sea
       We are you people and we come to you

       O arching sky, and earth beneath
       Giver of life and bringer in of Death
       The moon beyond the clouds
       The living form amoung the dead
       The star above the storm

       Harmony of Natures Art
       Wonder, and Beauty, and terror
       Wellhead of JOy, runrise of song
       Mirror of all, in which all glory

       Incline, Incline your art divine
       Lay bare all that is hidden
       Make manifest all as yet not spoken
       Come, Holy Grove
       Come, Secret Mother

       Holy Queen of the night,
       Spread wide your pinions
       And hold us within your wings

       Aid us, migty Goddess,
       With Your Power to protect

       Aid us, mighty Goddess,
       With Your power to awaken

       Show Us the Vision that we may see

       Show us the Balance so that we may be
       SHow us the Judgement so that we may know

       O You who were, and are, and shall be

       All Woman and all Goddess

       O You who are our begining
       O You who are our end

       Isis   Isis   Isis

       In you we place our hope

       In you we place our hearts
       Place Us within the Sea of Spirit

       Let us hear the sounds of the tides of life
       Let us drink from the waters of the Living Goddess
       Let us be true fountains of the living light

       O Lady of Truth, In the name of Osirius, Thy beloved
       Dweller in the West, and Drawer-in of souls

       Come to us, come to us, bourne on the tides

       Come to us, Goddess of Truth and of justice

       Come to Us, LAdy of Water and Life

       Come to us, Lady of Consuming Fires

       Come to Us, Teach us, bringer of Life

       Show us stars to brighten our dark paths

       Pride of the Prescense, Bride of the Night

       Dauther of Dawn, Bringer of day

       Feel the wings of Isis surround and protect
       Feel the wings of Isis carry us through our days

       Bring forth, bring forth, the living waters
       Renew the Dried and lifeless land
       Stir the soul of thy husband Osirius
       That he may live again

       Bless and prepare this water,
       That it may become a potent rememdy
       For All Ills

       Bless and prepare this water,
       That its power may call to our
       Innermost being

       May it wash our wills in the
       Universal sea of Spirit
       That we may be blessed with
       Beauty of Heart,
       Purity of will,
       Tranquility of soul
       And enlightenment of Spirit

       We call on you, O mighty Goddess of the Living Waters
       Who nurses all lives by the laws of nature
       To enter into this, your element of water

       Open to us the depths of wisdom
       Let all tides and waves and currents of spirit
       Bear our consiousness onward

       Hear us, O creature of water
       Consecrated, faithful creature of water
       Let the fullness of your nature
       Make your whole subsitute 
       Fruitful for regeneration

       Breathe, Breathe, upon the waters
       O Isis, Isis, Isis
When Done, Ring three bells