Copyright 1993 \jean a. bowman .
Distribute freely as long as this copyright notice is attached.


The seasons of the year turning round
life reappearing out of death
the corn king's come to die
the maiden round him will fly
stop, sit under the shade to rest
as you gather the harvest
listen quietly, get you down
harvesting under the bright sun

As the raven Lugh will appear
squawking in his guise
we can only surmise
this must be time for us to round, round
the corn king we go
as quietly he lies with his maid fair
whisper disturb them not
for soon they`ll be saying fairwell

Upon a dark journey he'll be going
leaving the bright day
as down, down goes the sun
he'll fly away on dark wing across the sky
the multi-talented master minded quick sighted Lugh
will gather feasters one and all around him
soon tomarch in rythms  line
singing hey ya hey ya hey!
while peacefully the god goes
the mother opens her arms to him....