/* This file is part of pocketfft. Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Max-Planck-Society Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Peter Bell For the odd-sized DCT-IV transforms: Copyright (C) 2003, 2007-14 Matteo Frigo Copyright (C) 2003, 2007-14 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Authors: Martin Reinecke, Peter Bell All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef POCKETFFT_HDRONLY_H #define POCKETFFT_HDRONLY_H #ifndef __cplusplus #error This file is C++ and requires a C++ compiler. #endif #if !(__cplusplus >= 201103L || _MSVC_LANG+0L >= 201103L) #error This file requires at least C++11 support. #endif #ifndef POCKETFFT_CACHE_SIZE #define POCKETFFT_CACHE_SIZE 16 #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if POCKETFFT_CACHE_SIZE!=0 #include #include #endif #ifndef POCKETFFT_NO_MULTITHREADING #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef POCKETFFT_PTHREADS # include #endif #endif #if defined(__GNUC__) #define POCKETFFT_NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline)) #define POCKETFFT_RESTRICT __restrict__ #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #define POCKETFFT_NOINLINE __declspec(noinline) #define POCKETFFT_RESTRICT __restrict #else #define POCKETFFT_NOINLINE #define POCKETFFT_RESTRICT #endif namespace pocketfft { namespace detail { using std::size_t; using std::ptrdiff_t; // Always use std:: for functions template T cos(T) = delete; template T sin(T) = delete; template T sqrt(T) = delete; using shape_t = std::vector; using stride_t = std::vector; constexpr bool FORWARD = true, BACKWARD = false; // only enable vector support for gcc>=5.0 and clang>=5.0 #ifndef POCKETFFT_NO_VECTORS #define POCKETFFT_NO_VECTORS #if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) // do nothing. This is necessary because this compiler also sets __GNUC__. #elif defined(__clang__) // AppleClang has their own version numbering #ifdef __apple_build_version__ # if (__clang_major__ > 9) || (__clang_major__ == 9 && __clang_minor__ >= 1) # undef POCKETFFT_NO_VECTORS # endif #elif __clang_major__ >= 5 # undef POCKETFFT_NO_VECTORS #endif #elif defined(__GNUC__) #if __GNUC__>=5 #undef POCKETFFT_NO_VECTORS #endif #endif #endif template struct VLEN { static constexpr size_t val=1; }; #ifndef POCKETFFT_NO_VECTORS #if (defined(__AVX512F__)) template<> struct VLEN { static constexpr size_t val=16; }; template<> struct VLEN { static constexpr size_t val=8; }; #elif (defined(__AVX__)) template<> struct VLEN { static constexpr size_t val=8; }; template<> struct VLEN { static constexpr size_t val=4; }; #elif (defined(__SSE2__)) template<> struct VLEN { static constexpr size_t val=4; }; template<> struct VLEN { static constexpr size_t val=2; }; #elif (defined(__VSX__)) template<> struct VLEN { static constexpr size_t val=4; }; template<> struct VLEN { static constexpr size_t val=2; }; #elif (defined(__ARM_NEON__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)) template<> struct VLEN { static constexpr size_t val=4; }; template<> struct VLEN { static constexpr size_t val=2; }; #else #define POCKETFFT_NO_VECTORS #endif #endif #if __cplusplus >= 201703L inline void *aligned_alloc(size_t align, size_t size) { void *ptr = ::aligned_alloc(align,size); if (!ptr) throw std::bad_alloc(); return ptr; } inline void aligned_dealloc(void *ptr) { free(ptr); } #else // portable emulation inline void *aligned_alloc(size_t align, size_t size) { align = std::max(align, alignof(max_align_t)); void *ptr = malloc(size+align); if (!ptr) throw std::bad_alloc(); void *res = reinterpret_cast ((reinterpret_cast(ptr) & ~(uintptr_t(align-1))) + uintptr_t(align)); (reinterpret_cast(res))[-1] = ptr; return res; } inline void aligned_dealloc(void *ptr) { if (ptr) free((reinterpret_cast(ptr))[-1]); } #endif template class arr { private: T *p; size_t sz; #if defined(POCKETFFT_NO_VECTORS) static T *ralloc(size_t num) { if (num==0) return nullptr; void *res = malloc(num*sizeof(T)); if (!res) throw std::bad_alloc(); return reinterpret_cast(res); } static void dealloc(T *ptr) { free(ptr); } #else static T *ralloc(size_t num) { if (num==0) return nullptr; void *ptr = aligned_alloc(64, num*sizeof(T)); return static_cast(ptr); } static void dealloc(T *ptr) { aligned_dealloc(ptr); } #endif public: arr() : p(0), sz(0) {} arr(size_t n) : p(ralloc(n)), sz(n) {} arr(arr &&other) : p(other.p), sz(other.sz) { other.p=nullptr; other.sz=0; } ~arr() { dealloc(p); } void resize(size_t n) { if (n==sz) return; dealloc(p); p = ralloc(n); sz = n; } T &operator[](size_t idx) { return p[idx]; } const T &operator[](size_t idx) const { return p[idx]; } T *data() { return p; } const T *data() const { return p; } size_t size() const { return sz; } }; template struct cmplx { T r, i; cmplx() {} cmplx(T r_, T i_) : r(r_), i(i_) {} void Set(T r_, T i_) { r=r_; i=i_; } void Set(T r_) { r=r_; i=T(0); } cmplx &operator+= (const cmplx &other) { r+=other.r; i+=other.i; return *this; } templatecmplx &operator*= (T2 other) { r*=other; i*=other; return *this; } templatecmplx &operator*= (const cmplx &other) { T tmp = r*other.r - i*other.i; i = r*other.i + i*other.r; r = tmp; return *this; } templatecmplx &operator+= (const cmplx &other) { r+=other.r; i+=other.i; return *this; } templatecmplx &operator-= (const cmplx &other) { r-=other.r; i-=other.i; return *this; } template auto operator* (const T2 &other) const -> cmplx { return {r*other, i*other}; } template auto operator+ (const cmplx &other) const -> cmplx { return {r+other.r, i+other.i}; } template auto operator- (const cmplx &other) const -> cmplx { return {r-other.r, i-other.i}; } template auto operator* (const cmplx &other) const -> cmplx { return {r*other.r-i*other.i, r*other.i + i*other.r}; } template auto special_mul (const cmplx &other) const -> cmplx { using Tres = cmplx; return fwd ? Tres(r*other.r+i*other.i, i*other.r-r*other.i) : Tres(r*other.r-i*other.i, r*other.i+i*other.r); } }; template inline void PM(T &a, T &b, T c, T d) { a=c+d; b=c-d; } template inline void PMINPLACE(T &a, T &b) { T t = a; a+=b; b=t-b; } template inline void MPINPLACE(T &a, T &b) { T t = a; a-=b; b=t+b; } template cmplx conj(const cmplx &a) { return {a.r, -a.i}; } template void special_mul (const cmplx &v1, const cmplx &v2, cmplx &res) { res = fwd ? cmplx(v1.r*v2.r+v1.i*v2.i, v1.i*v2.r-v1.r*v2.i) : cmplx(v1.r*v2.r-v1.i*v2.i, v1.r*v2.i+v1.i*v2.r); } template void ROT90(cmplx &a) { auto tmp_=a.r; a.r=-a.i; a.i=tmp_; } template void ROTX90(cmplx &a) { auto tmp_= fwd ? -a.r : a.r; a.r = fwd ? a.i : -a.i; a.i=tmp_; } // // twiddle factor section // template class sincos_2pibyn { private: using Thigh = typename std::conditional<(sizeof(T)>sizeof(double)), T, double>::type; size_t N, mask, shift; arr> v1, v2; static cmplx calc(size_t x, size_t n, Thigh ang) { x<<=3; if (x<4*n) // first half { if (x<2*n) // first quadrant { if (x(std::cos(Thigh(x)*ang), std::sin(Thigh(x)*ang)); return cmplx(std::sin(Thigh(2*n-x)*ang), std::cos(Thigh(2*n-x)*ang)); } else // second quadrant { x-=2*n; if (x(-std::sin(Thigh(x)*ang), std::cos(Thigh(x)*ang)); return cmplx(-std::cos(Thigh(2*n-x)*ang), std::sin(Thigh(2*n-x)*ang)); } } else { x=8*n-x; if (x<2*n) // third quadrant { if (x(std::cos(Thigh(x)*ang), -std::sin(Thigh(x)*ang)); return cmplx(std::sin(Thigh(2*n-x)*ang), -std::cos(Thigh(2*n-x)*ang)); } else // fourth quadrant { x-=2*n; if (x(-std::sin(Thigh(x)*ang), -std::cos(Thigh(x)*ang)); return cmplx(-std::cos(Thigh(2*n-x)*ang), -std::sin(Thigh(2*n-x)*ang)); } } } public: POCKETFFT_NOINLINE sincos_2pibyn(size_t n) : N(n) { constexpr auto pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197L; Thigh ang = Thigh(0.25L*pi/n); size_t nval = (n+2)/2; shift = 1; while((size_t(1)< operator[](size_t idx) const { if (2*idx<=N) { auto x1=v1[idx&mask], x2=v2[idx>>shift]; return cmplx(T(x1.r*x2.r-x1.i*x2.i), T(x1.r*x2.i+x1.i*x2.r)); } idx = N-idx; auto x1=v1[idx&mask], x2=v2[idx>>shift]; return cmplx(T(x1.r*x2.r-x1.i*x2.i), -T(x1.r*x2.i+x1.i*x2.r)); } }; struct util // hack to avoid duplicate symbols { static POCKETFFT_NOINLINE size_t largest_prime_factor (size_t n) { size_t res=1; while ((n&1)==0) { res=2; n>>=1; } for (size_t x=3; x*x<=n; x+=2) while ((n%x)==0) { res=x; n/=x; } if (n>1) res=n; return res; } static POCKETFFT_NOINLINE double cost_guess (size_t n) { constexpr double lfp=1.1; // penalty for non-hardcoded larger factors size_t ni=n; double result=0.; while ((n&1)==0) { result+=2; n>>=1; } for (size_t x=3; x*x<=n; x+=2) while ((n%x)==0) { result+= (x<=5) ? double(x) : lfp*double(x); // penalize larger prime factors n/=x; } if (n>1) result+=(n<=5) ? double(n) : lfp*double(n); return result*double(ni); } /* returns the smallest composite of 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11 which is >= n */ static POCKETFFT_NOINLINE size_t good_size_cmplx(size_t n) { if (n<=12) return n; size_t bestfac=2*n; for (size_t f11=1; f11n) { if (x>=1; } else return n; } } return bestfac; } /* returns the smallest composite of 2, 3, 5 which is >= n */ static POCKETFFT_NOINLINE size_t good_size_real(size_t n) { if (n<=6) return n; size_t bestfac=2*n; for (size_t f5=1; f5n) { if (x>=1; } else return n; } } return bestfac; } static size_t prod(const shape_t &shape) { size_t res=1; for (auto sz: shape) res*=sz; return res; } static POCKETFFT_NOINLINE void sanity_check(const shape_t &shape, const stride_t &stride_in, const stride_t &stride_out, bool inplace) { auto ndim = shape.size(); if (ndim<1) throw std::runtime_error("ndim must be >= 1"); if ((stride_in.size()!=ndim) || (stride_out.size()!=ndim)) throw std::runtime_error("stride dimension mismatch"); if (inplace && (stride_in!=stride_out)) throw std::runtime_error("stride mismatch"); } static POCKETFFT_NOINLINE void sanity_check(const shape_t &shape, const stride_t &stride_in, const stride_t &stride_out, bool inplace, const shape_t &axes) { sanity_check(shape, stride_in, stride_out, inplace); auto ndim = shape.size(); shape_t tmp(ndim,0); for (auto ax : axes) { if (ax>=ndim) throw std::invalid_argument("bad axis number"); if (++tmp[ax]>1) throw std::invalid_argument("axis specified repeatedly"); } } static POCKETFFT_NOINLINE void sanity_check(const shape_t &shape, const stride_t &stride_in, const stride_t &stride_out, bool inplace, size_t axis) { sanity_check(shape, stride_in, stride_out, inplace); if (axis>=shape.size()) throw std::invalid_argument("bad axis number"); } #ifdef POCKETFFT_NO_MULTITHREADING static size_t thread_count (size_t /*nthreads*/, const shape_t &/*shape*/, size_t /*axis*/, size_t /*vlen*/) { return 1; } #else static size_t thread_count (size_t nthreads, const shape_t &shape, size_t axis, size_t vlen) { if (nthreads==1) return 1; size_t size = prod(shape); size_t parallel = size / (shape[axis] * vlen); if (shape[axis] < 1000) parallel /= 4; size_t max_threads = nthreads == 0 ? std::thread::hardware_concurrency() : nthreads; return std::max(size_t(1), std::min(parallel, max_threads)); } #endif }; namespace threading { #ifdef POCKETFFT_NO_MULTITHREADING constexpr inline size_t thread_id() { return 0; } constexpr inline size_t num_threads() { return 1; } template void thread_map(size_t /* nthreads */, Func f) { f(); } #else inline size_t &thread_id() { static thread_local size_t thread_id_=0; return thread_id_; } inline size_t &num_threads() { static thread_local size_t num_threads_=1; return num_threads_; } static const size_t max_threads = std::max(1u, std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); class latch { std::atomic num_left_; std::mutex mut_; std::condition_variable completed_; using lock_t = std::unique_lock; public: latch(size_t n): num_left_(n) {} void count_down() { lock_t lock(mut_); if (--num_left_) return; completed_.notify_all(); } void wait() { lock_t lock(mut_); completed_.wait(lock, [this]{ return is_ready(); }); } bool is_ready() { return num_left_ == 0; } }; template class concurrent_queue { std::queue q_; std::mutex mut_; std::atomic size_; using lock_t = std::lock_guard; public: void push(T val) { lock_t lock(mut_); ++size_; q_.push(std::move(val)); } bool try_pop(T &val) { if (size_ == 0) return false; lock_t lock(mut_); // Queue might have been emptied while we acquired the lock if (q_.empty()) return false; val = std::move(q_.front()); --size_; q_.pop(); return true; } bool empty() const { return size_==0; } }; // C++ allocator with support for over-aligned types template struct aligned_allocator { using value_type = T; template aligned_allocator(const aligned_allocator&) {} aligned_allocator() = default; T *allocate(size_t n) { void* mem = aligned_alloc(alignof(T), n*sizeof(T)); return static_cast(mem); } void deallocate(T *p, size_t /*n*/) { aligned_dealloc(p); } }; class thread_pool { // A reasonable guess, probably close enough for most hardware static constexpr size_t cache_line_size = 64; struct alignas(cache_line_size) worker { std::thread thread; std::condition_variable work_ready; std::mutex mut; std::atomic_flag busy_flag = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT; std::function work; void worker_main( std::atomic &shutdown_flag, std::atomic &unscheduled_tasks, concurrent_queue> &overflow_work) { using lock_t = std::unique_lock; bool expect_work = true; while (!shutdown_flag || expect_work) { std::function local_work; if (expect_work || unscheduled_tasks == 0) { lock_t lock(mut); // Wait until there is work to be executed work_ready.wait(lock, [&]{ return (work || shutdown_flag); }); local_work.swap(work); expect_work = false; } bool marked_busy = false; if (local_work) { marked_busy = true; local_work(); } if (!overflow_work.empty()) { if (!marked_busy && busy_flag.test_and_set()) { expect_work = true; continue; } marked_busy = true; while (overflow_work.try_pop(local_work)) { --unscheduled_tasks; local_work(); } } if (marked_busy) busy_flag.clear(); } } }; concurrent_queue> overflow_work_; std::mutex mut_; std::vector> workers_; std::atomic shutdown_; std::atomic unscheduled_tasks_; using lock_t = std::lock_guard; void create_threads() { lock_t lock(mut_); size_t nthreads=workers_.size(); for (size_t i=0; ibusy_flag.clear(); worker->work = nullptr; worker->thread = std::thread([worker, this] { worker->worker_main(shutdown_, unscheduled_tasks_, overflow_work_); }); } catch (...) { shutdown_locked(); throw; } } } void shutdown_locked() { shutdown_ = true; for (auto &worker : workers_) worker.work_ready.notify_all(); for (auto &worker : workers_) if (worker.thread.joinable()) worker.thread.join(); } public: explicit thread_pool(size_t nthreads): workers_(nthreads) { create_threads(); } thread_pool(): thread_pool(max_threads) {} ~thread_pool() { shutdown(); } void submit(std::function work) { lock_t lock(mut_); if (shutdown_) throw std::runtime_error("Work item submitted after shutdown"); ++unscheduled_tasks_; // First check for any idle workers and wake those for (auto &worker : workers_) if (!worker.busy_flag.test_and_set()) { --unscheduled_tasks_; { lock_t lock(worker.mut); worker.work = std::move(work); } worker.work_ready.notify_one(); return; } // If no workers were idle, push onto the overflow queue for later overflow_work_.push(std::move(work)); } void shutdown() { lock_t lock(mut_); shutdown_locked(); } void restart() { shutdown_ = false; create_threads(); } }; inline thread_pool & get_pool() { static thread_pool pool; #ifdef POCKETFFT_PTHREADS static std::once_flag f; std::call_once(f, []{ pthread_atfork( +[]{ get_pool().shutdown(); }, // prepare +[]{ get_pool().restart(); }, // parent +[]{ get_pool().restart(); } // child ); }); #endif return pool; } /** Map a function f over nthreads */ template void thread_map(size_t nthreads, Func f) { if (nthreads == 0) nthreads = max_threads; if (nthreads == 1) { f(); return; } auto & pool = get_pool(); latch counter(nthreads); std::exception_ptr ex; std::mutex ex_mut; for (size_t i=0; i lock(ex_mut); ex = std::current_exception(); } counter.count_down(); }); } counter.wait(); if (ex) std::rethrow_exception(ex); } #endif } // // complex FFTPACK transforms // template class cfftp { private: struct fctdata { size_t fct; cmplx *tw, *tws; }; size_t length; arr> mem; std::vector fact; void add_factor(size_t factor) { fact.push_back({factor, nullptr, nullptr}); } template void pass2 (size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const cmplx * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+2*c)]; }; auto WA = [wa, ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i-1+x*(ido-1)]; }; if (ido==1) for (size_t k=0; k(CC(i,0,k)-CC(i,1,k),WA(0,i),CH(i,k,1)); } } } #define POCKETFFT_PREP3(idx) \ T t0 = CC(idx,0,k), t1, t2; \ PM (t1,t2,CC(idx,1,k),CC(idx,2,k)); \ CH(idx,k,0)=t0+t1; #define POCKETFFT_PARTSTEP3a(u1,u2,twr,twi) \ { \ T ca=t0+t1*twr; \ T cb{-t2.i*twi, t2.r*twi}; \ PM(CH(0,k,u1),CH(0,k,u2),ca,cb) ;\ } #define POCKETFFT_PARTSTEP3b(u1,u2,twr,twi) \ { \ T ca=t0+t1*twr; \ T cb{-t2.i*twi, t2.r*twi}; \ special_mul(ca+cb,WA(u1-1,i),CH(i,k,u1)); \ special_mul(ca-cb,WA(u2-1,i),CH(i,k,u2)); \ } template void pass3 (size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const cmplx * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { constexpr T0 tw1r=-0.5, tw1i= (fwd ? -1: 1) * T0(0.8660254037844386467637231707529362L); auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+3*c)]; }; auto WA = [wa, ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i-1+x*(ido-1)]; }; if (ido==1) for (size_t k=0; k void pass4 (size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const cmplx * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+4*c)]; }; auto WA = [wa, ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i-1+x*(ido-1)]; }; if (ido==1) for (size_t k=0; k(t4); PM(CH(0,k,0),CH(0,k,2),t2,t3); PM(CH(0,k,1),CH(0,k,3),t1,t4); } else for (size_t k=0; k(t4); PM(CH(0,k,0),CH(0,k,2),t2,t3); PM(CH(0,k,1),CH(0,k,3),t1,t4); } for (size_t i=1; i(t4); CH(i,k,0) = t2+t3; special_mul(t1+t4,WA(0,i),CH(i,k,1)); special_mul(t2-t3,WA(1,i),CH(i,k,2)); special_mul(t1-t4,WA(2,i),CH(i,k,3)); } } } #define POCKETFFT_PREP5(idx) \ T t0 = CC(idx,0,k), t1, t2, t3, t4; \ PM (t1,t4,CC(idx,1,k),CC(idx,4,k)); \ PM (t2,t3,CC(idx,2,k),CC(idx,3,k)); \ CH(idx,k,0).r=t0.r+t1.r+t2.r; \ CH(idx,k,0).i=t0.i+t1.i+t2.i; #define POCKETFFT_PARTSTEP5a(u1,u2,twar,twbr,twai,twbi) \ { \ T ca,cb; \ ca.r=t0.r+twar*t1.r+twbr*t2.r; \ ca.i=t0.i+twar*t1.i+twbr*t2.i; \ cb.i=twai*t4.r twbi*t3.r; \ cb.r=-(twai*t4.i twbi*t3.i); \ PM(CH(0,k,u1),CH(0,k,u2),ca,cb); \ } #define POCKETFFT_PARTSTEP5b(u1,u2,twar,twbr,twai,twbi) \ { \ T ca,cb,da,db; \ ca.r=t0.r+twar*t1.r+twbr*t2.r; \ ca.i=t0.i+twar*t1.i+twbr*t2.i; \ cb.i=twai*t4.r twbi*t3.r; \ cb.r=-(twai*t4.i twbi*t3.i); \ special_mul(ca+cb,WA(u1-1,i),CH(i,k,u1)); \ special_mul(ca-cb,WA(u2-1,i),CH(i,k,u2)); \ } template void pass5 (size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const cmplx * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { constexpr T0 tw1r= T0(0.3090169943749474241022934171828191L), tw1i= (fwd ? -1: 1) * T0(0.9510565162951535721164393333793821L), tw2r= T0(-0.8090169943749474241022934171828191L), tw2i= (fwd ? -1: 1) * T0(0.5877852522924731291687059546390728L); auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+5*c)]; }; auto WA = [wa, ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i-1+x*(ido-1)]; }; if (ido==1) for (size_t k=0; k(da,WA(u1-1,i),CH(i,k,u1)); \ special_mul(db,WA(u2-1,i),CH(i,k,u2)); \ } template void pass7(size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const cmplx * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { constexpr T0 tw1r= T0(0.6234898018587335305250048840042398L), tw1i= (fwd ? -1 : 1) * T0(0.7818314824680298087084445266740578L), tw2r= T0(-0.2225209339563144042889025644967948L), tw2i= (fwd ? -1 : 1) * T0(0.9749279121818236070181316829939312L), tw3r= T0(-0.9009688679024191262361023195074451L), tw3i= (fwd ? -1 : 1) * T0(0.433883739117558120475768332848359L); auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+7*c)]; }; auto WA = [wa, ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i-1+x*(ido-1)]; }; if (ido==1) for (size_t k=0; k void ROTX45(T &a) const { constexpr T0 hsqt2=T0(0.707106781186547524400844362104849L); if (fwd) { auto tmp_=a.r; a.r=hsqt2*(a.r+a.i); a.i=hsqt2*(a.i-tmp_); } else { auto tmp_=a.r; a.r=hsqt2*(a.r-a.i); a.i=hsqt2*(a.i+tmp_); } } template void ROTX135(T &a) const { constexpr T0 hsqt2=T0(0.707106781186547524400844362104849L); if (fwd) { auto tmp_=a.r; a.r=hsqt2*(a.i-a.r); a.i=hsqt2*(-tmp_-a.i); } else { auto tmp_=a.r; a.r=hsqt2*(-a.r-a.i); a.i=hsqt2*(tmp_-a.i); } } template void pass8 (size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const cmplx * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+8*c)]; }; auto WA = [wa, ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i-1+x*(ido-1)]; }; if (ido==1) for (size_t k=0; k(a3); ROTX90(a7); PMINPLACE(a5,a7); ROTX45(a5); ROTX135(a7); PM(a0,a4,CC(0,0,k),CC(0,4,k)); PM(a2,a6,CC(0,2,k),CC(0,6,k)); PM(CH(0,k,0),CH(0,k,4),a0+a2,a1); PM(CH(0,k,2),CH(0,k,6),a0-a2,a3); ROTX90(a6); PM(CH(0,k,1),CH(0,k,5),a4+a6,a5); PM(CH(0,k,3),CH(0,k,7),a4-a6,a7); } else for (size_t k=0; k(a3); ROTX90(a7); PMINPLACE(a5,a7); ROTX45(a5); ROTX135(a7); PM(a0,a4,CC(0,0,k),CC(0,4,k)); PM(a2,a6,CC(0,2,k),CC(0,6,k)); PM(CH(0,k,0),CH(0,k,4),a0+a2,a1); PM(CH(0,k,2),CH(0,k,6),a0-a2,a3); ROTX90(a6); PM(CH(0,k,1),CH(0,k,5),a4+a6,a5); PM(CH(0,k,3),CH(0,k,7),a4-a6,a7); } for (size_t i=1; i(a7); PMINPLACE(a1,a3); ROTX90(a3); PMINPLACE(a5,a7); ROTX45(a5); ROTX135(a7); PM(a0,a4,CC(i,0,k),CC(i,4,k)); PM(a2,a6,CC(i,2,k),CC(i,6,k)); PMINPLACE(a0,a2); CH(i,k,0) = a0+a1; special_mul(a0-a1,WA(3,i),CH(i,k,4)); special_mul(a2+a3,WA(1,i),CH(i,k,2)); special_mul(a2-a3,WA(5,i),CH(i,k,6)); ROTX90(a6); PMINPLACE(a4,a6); special_mul(a4+a5,WA(0,i),CH(i,k,1)); special_mul(a4-a5,WA(4,i),CH(i,k,5)); special_mul(a6+a7,WA(2,i),CH(i,k,3)); special_mul(a6-a7,WA(6,i),CH(i,k,7)); } } } #define POCKETFFT_PREP11(idx) \ T t1 = CC(idx,0,k), t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11; \ PM (t2,t11,CC(idx,1,k),CC(idx,10,k)); \ PM (t3,t10,CC(idx,2,k),CC(idx, 9,k)); \ PM (t4,t9 ,CC(idx,3,k),CC(idx, 8,k)); \ PM (t5,t8 ,CC(idx,4,k),CC(idx, 7,k)); \ PM (t6,t7 ,CC(idx,5,k),CC(idx, 6,k)); \ CH(idx,k,0).r=t1.r+t2.r+t3.r+t4.r+t5.r+t6.r; \ CH(idx,k,0).i=t1.i+t2.i+t3.i+t4.i+t5.i+t6.i; #define POCKETFFT_PARTSTEP11a0(u1,u2,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,out1,out2) \ { \ T ca = t1 + t2*x1 + t3*x2 + t4*x3 + t5*x4 +t6*x5, \ cb; \ cb.i=y1*t11.r y2*t10.r y3*t9.r y4*t8.r y5*t7.r; \ cb.r=-(y1*t11.i y2*t10.i y3*t9.i y4*t8.i y5*t7.i ); \ PM(out1,out2,ca,cb); \ } #define POCKETFFT_PARTSTEP11a(u1,u2,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5) \ POCKETFFT_PARTSTEP11a0(u1,u2,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,CH(0,k,u1),CH(0,k,u2)) #define POCKETFFT_PARTSTEP11(u1,u2,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5) \ { \ T da,db; \ POCKETFFT_PARTSTEP11a0(u1,u2,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,da,db) \ special_mul(da,WA(u1-1,i),CH(i,k,u1)); \ special_mul(db,WA(u2-1,i),CH(i,k,u2)); \ } template void pass11 (size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const cmplx * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { constexpr T0 tw1r= T0(0.8412535328311811688618116489193677L), tw1i= (fwd ? -1 : 1) * T0(0.5406408174555975821076359543186917L), tw2r= T0(0.4154150130018864255292741492296232L), tw2i= (fwd ? -1 : 1) * T0(0.9096319953545183714117153830790285L), tw3r= T0(-0.1423148382732851404437926686163697L), tw3i= (fwd ? -1 : 1) * T0(0.9898214418809327323760920377767188L), tw4r= T0(-0.6548607339452850640569250724662936L), tw4i= (fwd ? -1 : 1) * T0(0.7557495743542582837740358439723444L), tw5r= T0(-0.9594929736144973898903680570663277L), tw5i= (fwd ? -1 : 1) * T0(0.2817325568414296977114179153466169L); auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+11*c)]; }; auto WA = [wa, ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i-1+x*(ido-1)]; }; if (ido==1) for (size_t k=0; k void passg (size_t ido, size_t ip, size_t l1, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const cmplx * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa, const cmplx * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT csarr) const { const size_t cdim=ip; size_t ipph = (ip+1)/2; size_t idl1 = ido*l1; auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido,cdim](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+cdim*c)]; }; auto CX = [cc, ido, l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto CX2 = [cc, idl1](size_t a, size_t b) -> T& { return cc[a+idl1*b]; }; auto CH2 = [ch, idl1](size_t a, size_t b) -> const T& { return ch[a+idl1*b]; }; arr> wal(ip); wal[0] = cmplx(1., 0.); for (size_t i=1; i(csarr[i].r,fwd ? -csarr[i].i : csarr[i].i); for (size_t k=0; kip) iwal-=ip; cmplx xwal=wal[iwal]; iwal+=l; if (iwal>ip) iwal-=ip; cmplx xwal2=wal[iwal]; for (size_t ik=0; ikip) iwal-=ip; cmplx xwal=wal[iwal]; for (size_t ik=0; ik(x1,wa[idij],CX(i,k,j)); idij=(jc-1)*(ido-1)+i-1; special_mul(x2,wa[idij],CX(i,k,jc)); } } } } template void pass_all(T c[], T0 fct) const { if (length==1) { c[0]*=fct; return; } size_t l1=1; arr ch(length); T *p1=c, *p2=ch.data(); for(size_t k1=0; k1 (ido, l1, p1, p2, fact[k1].tw); else if(ip==8) pass8(ido, l1, p1, p2, fact[k1].tw); else if(ip==2) pass2(ido, l1, p1, p2, fact[k1].tw); else if(ip==3) pass3 (ido, l1, p1, p2, fact[k1].tw); else if(ip==5) pass5 (ido, l1, p1, p2, fact[k1].tw); else if(ip==7) pass7 (ido, l1, p1, p2, fact[k1].tw); else if(ip==11) pass11 (ido, l1, p1, p2, fact[k1].tw); else { passg(ido, ip, l1, p1, p2, fact[k1].tw, fact[k1].tws); std::swap(p1,p2); } std::swap(p1,p2); l1=l2; } if (p1!=c) { if (fct!=1.) for (size_t i=0; i void exec(T c[], T0 fct, bool fwd) const { fwd ? pass_all(c, fct) : pass_all(c, fct); } private: POCKETFFT_NOINLINE void factorize() { size_t len=length; while ((len&7)==0) { add_factor(8); len>>=3; } while ((len&3)==0) { add_factor(4); len>>=2; } if ((len&1)==0) { len>>=1; // factor 2 should be at the front of the factor list add_factor(2); std::swap(fact[0].fct, fact.back().fct); } for (size_t divisor=3; divisor*divisor<=len; divisor+=2) while ((len%divisor)==0) { add_factor(divisor); len/=divisor; } if (len>1) add_factor(len); } size_t twsize() const { size_t twsize=0, l1=1; for (size_t k=0; k11) twsize+=ip; l1*=ip; } return twsize; } void comp_twiddle() { sincos_2pibyn twiddle(length); size_t l1=1; size_t memofs=0; for (size_t k=0; k11) { fact[k].tws=mem.data()+memofs; memofs+=ip; for (size_t j=0; j class rfftp { private: struct fctdata { size_t fct; T0 *tw, *tws; }; size_t length; arr mem; std::vector fact; void add_factor(size_t factor) { fact.push_back({factor, nullptr, nullptr}); } /* (a+ib) = conj(c+id) * (e+if) */ template inline void MULPM (T1 &a, T1 &b, T2 c, T2 d, T3 e, T3 f) const { a=c*e+d*f; b=c*f-d*e; } template void radf2 (size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const T0 * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { auto WA = [wa,ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i+x*(ido-1)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto CH = [ch,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+2*c)]; }; for (size_t k=0; k void radf3(size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const T0 * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { constexpr T0 taur=-0.5, taui=T0(0.8660254037844386467637231707529362L); auto WA = [wa,ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i+x*(ido-1)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto CH = [ch,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+3*c)]; }; for (size_t k=0; k void radf4(size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const T0 * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { constexpr T0 hsqt2=T0(0.707106781186547524400844362104849L); auto WA = [wa,ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i+x*(ido-1)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto CH = [ch,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+4*c)]; }; for (size_t k=0; k void radf5(size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const T0 * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { constexpr T0 tr11= T0(0.3090169943749474241022934171828191L), ti11= T0(0.9510565162951535721164393333793821L), tr12= T0(-0.8090169943749474241022934171828191L), ti12= T0(0.5877852522924731291687059546390728L); auto WA = [wa,ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i+x*(ido-1)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto CH = [ch,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+5*c)]; }; for (size_t k=0; k void radfg(size_t ido, size_t ip, size_t l1, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const T0 * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa, const T0 * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT csarr) const { const size_t cdim=ip; size_t ipph=(ip+1)/2; size_t idl1 = ido*l1; auto CC = [cc,ido,cdim](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+cdim*c)]; }; auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto C1 = [cc,ido,l1] (size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto C2 = [cc,idl1] (size_t a, size_t b) -> T& { return cc[a+idl1*b]; }; auto CH2 = [ch,idl1] (size_t a, size_t b) -> T& { return ch[a+idl1*b]; }; if (ido>1) { for (size_t j=1, jc=ip-1; j=ip) iang-=ip; T0 ar1=csarr[2*iang], ai1=csarr[2*iang+1]; iang+=l; if (iang>=ip) iang-=ip; T0 ar2=csarr[2*iang], ai2=csarr[2*iang+1]; iang+=l; if (iang>=ip) iang-=ip; T0 ar3=csarr[2*iang], ai3=csarr[2*iang+1]; iang+=l; if (iang>=ip) iang-=ip; T0 ar4=csarr[2*iang], ai4=csarr[2*iang+1]; for (size_t ik=0; ik=ip) iang-=ip; T0 ar1=csarr[2*iang], ai1=csarr[2*iang+1]; iang+=l; if (iang>=ip) iang-=ip; T0 ar2=csarr[2*iang], ai2=csarr[2*iang+1]; for (size_t ik=0; ik=ip) iang-=ip; T0 ar=csarr[2*iang], ai=csarr[2*iang+1]; for (size_t ik=0; ik void radb2(size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const T0 * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { auto WA = [wa,ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i+x*(ido-1)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+2*c)]; }; auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; for (size_t k=0; k void radb3(size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const T0 * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { constexpr T0 taur=-0.5, taui=T0(0.8660254037844386467637231707529362L); auto WA = [wa,ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i+x*(ido-1)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+3*c)]; }; auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; for (size_t k=0; k void radb4(size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const T0 * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { constexpr T0 sqrt2=T0(1.414213562373095048801688724209698L); auto WA = [wa,ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i+x*(ido-1)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+4*c)]; }; auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; for (size_t k=0; k void radb5(size_t ido, size_t l1, const T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const T0 * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa) const { constexpr T0 tr11= T0(0.3090169943749474241022934171828191L), ti11= T0(0.9510565162951535721164393333793821L), tr12= T0(-0.8090169943749474241022934171828191L), ti12= T0(0.5877852522924731291687059546390728L); auto WA = [wa,ido](size_t x, size_t i) { return wa[i+x*(ido-1)]; }; auto CC = [cc,ido](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+5*c)]; }; auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; for (size_t k=0; k void radbg(size_t ido, size_t ip, size_t l1, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT cc, T * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT ch, const T0 * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT wa, const T0 * POCKETFFT_RESTRICT csarr) const { const size_t cdim=ip; size_t ipph=(ip+1)/ 2; size_t idl1 = ido*l1; auto CC = [cc,ido,cdim](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+cdim*c)]; }; auto CH = [ch,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> T& { return ch[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto C1 = [cc,ido,l1](size_t a, size_t b, size_t c) -> const T& { return cc[a+ido*(b+l1*c)]; }; auto C2 = [cc,idl1](size_t a, size_t b) -> T& { return cc[a+idl1*b]; }; auto CH2 = [ch,idl1](size_t a, size_t b) -> T& { return ch[a+idl1*b]; }; for (size_t k=0; kip) iang-=ip; T0 ar1=csarr[2*iang], ai1=csarr[2*iang+1]; iang+=l; if(iang>ip) iang-=ip; T0 ar2=csarr[2*iang], ai2=csarr[2*iang+1]; iang+=l; if(iang>ip) iang-=ip; T0 ar3=csarr[2*iang], ai3=csarr[2*iang+1]; iang+=l; if(iang>ip) iang-=ip; T0 ar4=csarr[2*iang], ai4=csarr[2*iang+1]; for (size_t ik=0; ikip) iang-=ip; T0 ar1=csarr[2*iang], ai1=csarr[2*iang+1]; iang+=l; if(iang>ip) iang-=ip; T0 ar2=csarr[2*iang], ai2=csarr[2*iang+1]; for (size_t ik=0; ikip) iang-=ip; T0 war=csarr[2*iang], wai=csarr[2*iang+1]; for (size_t ik=0; ik void copy_and_norm(T *c, T *p1, size_t n, T0 fct) const { if (p1!=c) { if (fct!=1.) for (size_t i=0; i void exec(T c[], T0 fct, bool r2hc) const { if (length==1) { c[0]*=fct; return; } size_t n=length, nf=fact.size(); arr ch(n); T *p1=c, *p2=ch.data(); if (r2hc) for(size_t k1=0, l1=n; k1>=2; } if ((len%2)==0) { len>>=1; // factor 2 should be at the front of the factor list add_factor(2); std::swap(fact[0].fct, fact.back().fct); } for (size_t divisor=3; divisor*divisor<=len; divisor+=2) while ((len%divisor)==0) { add_factor(divisor); len/=divisor; } if (len>1) add_factor(len); } size_t twsize() const { size_t twsz=0, l1=1; for (size_t k=0; k5) twsz+=2*ip; l1*=ip; } return twsz; } void comp_twiddle() { sincos_2pibyn twid(length); size_t l1=1; T0 *ptr=mem.data(); for (size_t k=0; k5) // special factors required by *g functions { fact[k].tws=ptr; ptr+=2*ip; fact[k].tws[0] = 1.; fact[k].tws[1] = 0.; for (size_t i=2, ic=2*ip-2; i<=ic; i+=2, ic-=2) { fact[k].tws[i ] = twid[i/2*(length/ip)].r; fact[k].tws[i+1] = twid[i/2*(length/ip)].i; fact[k].tws[ic] = twid[i/2*(length/ip)].r; fact[k].tws[ic+1] = -twid[i/2*(length/ip)].i; } } l1*=ip; } } public: POCKETFFT_NOINLINE rfftp(size_t length_) : length(length_) { if (length==0) throw std::runtime_error("zero-length FFT requested"); if (length==1) return; factorize(); mem.resize(twsize()); comp_twiddle(); } }; // // complex Bluestein transforms // template class fftblue { private: size_t n, n2; cfftp plan; arr> mem; cmplx *bk, *bkf; template void fft(cmplx c[], T0 fct) const { arr> akf(n2); /* initialize a_k and FFT it */ for (size_t m=0; m(c[m],bk[m],akf[m]); auto zero = akf[0]*T0(0); for (size_t m=n; m(bkf[0]); for (size_t m=1; m<(n2+1)/2; ++m) { akf[m] = akf[m].template special_mul(bkf[m]); akf[n2-m] = akf[n2-m].template special_mul(bkf[m]); } if ((n2&1)==0) akf[n2/2] = akf[n2/2].template special_mul(bkf[n2/2]); /* inverse FFT */ plan.exec (akf.data(),1.,false); /* multiply by b_k */ for (size_t m=0; m(bk[m])*fct; } public: POCKETFFT_NOINLINE fftblue(size_t length) : n(length), n2(util::good_size_cmplx(n*2-1)), plan(n2), mem(n+n2/2+1), bk(mem.data()), bkf(mem.data()+n) { /* initialize b_k */ sincos_2pibyn tmp(2*n); bk[0].Set(1, 0); size_t coeff=0; for (size_t m=1; m=2*n) coeff-=2*n; bk[m] = tmp[coeff]; } /* initialize the zero-padded, Fourier transformed b_k. Add normalisation. */ arr> tbkf(n2); T0 xn2 = T0(1)/T0(n2); tbkf[0] = bk[0]*xn2; for (size_t m=1; m void exec(cmplx c[], T0 fct, bool fwd) const { fwd ? fft(c,fct) : fft(c,fct); } template void exec_r(T c[], T0 fct, bool fwd) { arr> tmp(n); if (fwd) { auto zero = T0(0)*c[0]; for (size_t m=0; m(tmp.data(),fct); c[0] = tmp[0].r; memcpy (c+1, tmp.data()+1, (n-1)*sizeof(T)); } else { tmp[0].Set(c[0],c[0]*0); memcpy (reinterpret_cast(tmp.data()+1), reinterpret_cast(c+1), (n-1)*sizeof(T)); if ((n&1)==0) tmp[n/2].i=T0(0)*c[0]; for (size_t m=1; 2*m(tmp.data(),fct); for (size_t m=0; m class pocketfft_c { private: std::unique_ptr> packplan; std::unique_ptr> blueplan; size_t len; public: POCKETFFT_NOINLINE pocketfft_c(size_t length) : len(length) { if (length==0) throw std::runtime_error("zero-length FFT requested"); size_t tmp = (length<50) ? 0 : util::largest_prime_factor(length); if (tmp*tmp <= length) { packplan=std::unique_ptr>(new cfftp(length)); return; } double comp1 = util::cost_guess(length); double comp2 = 2*util::cost_guess(util::good_size_cmplx(2*length-1)); comp2*=1.5; /* fudge factor that appears to give good overall performance */ if (comp2>(new fftblue(length)); else packplan=std::unique_ptr>(new cfftp(length)); } template POCKETFFT_NOINLINE void exec(cmplx c[], T0 fct, bool fwd) const { packplan ? packplan->exec(c,fct,fwd) : blueplan->exec(c,fct,fwd); } size_t length() const { return len; } }; // // flexible (FFTPACK/Bluestein) real-valued 1D transform // template class pocketfft_r { private: std::unique_ptr> packplan; std::unique_ptr> blueplan; size_t len; public: POCKETFFT_NOINLINE pocketfft_r(size_t length) : len(length) { if (length==0) throw std::runtime_error("zero-length FFT requested"); size_t tmp = (length<50) ? 0 : util::largest_prime_factor(length); if (tmp*tmp <= length) { packplan=std::unique_ptr>(new rfftp(length)); return; } double comp1 = 0.5*util::cost_guess(length); double comp2 = 2*util::cost_guess(util::good_size_cmplx(2*length-1)); comp2*=1.5; /* fudge factor that appears to give good overall performance */ if (comp2>(new fftblue(length)); else packplan=std::unique_ptr>(new rfftp(length)); } template POCKETFFT_NOINLINE void exec(T c[], T0 fct, bool fwd) const { packplan ? packplan->exec(c,fct,fwd) : blueplan->exec_r(c,fct,fwd); } size_t length() const { return len; } }; // // sine/cosine transforms // template class T_dct1 { private: pocketfft_r fftplan; public: POCKETFFT_NOINLINE T_dct1(size_t length) : fftplan(2*(length-1)) {} template POCKETFFT_NOINLINE void exec(T c[], T0 fct, bool ortho, int /*type*/, bool /*cosine*/) const { constexpr T0 sqrt2=T0(1.414213562373095048801688724209698L); size_t N=fftplan.length(), n=N/2+1; if (ortho) { c[0]*=sqrt2; c[n-1]*=sqrt2; } arr tmp(N); tmp[0] = c[0]; for (size_t i=1; i class T_dst1 { private: pocketfft_r fftplan; public: POCKETFFT_NOINLINE T_dst1(size_t length) : fftplan(2*(length+1)) {} template POCKETFFT_NOINLINE void exec(T c[], T0 fct, bool /*ortho*/, int /*type*/, bool /*cosine*/) const { size_t N=fftplan.length(), n=N/2-1; arr tmp(N); tmp[0] = tmp[n+1] = c[0]*0; for (size_t i=0; i class T_dcst23 { private: pocketfft_r fftplan; std::vector twiddle; public: POCKETFFT_NOINLINE T_dcst23(size_t length) : fftplan(length), twiddle(length) { sincos_2pibyn tw(4*length); for (size_t i=0; i POCKETFFT_NOINLINE void exec(T c[], T0 fct, bool ortho, int type, bool cosine) const { constexpr T0 sqrt2=T0(1.414213562373095048801688724209698L); size_t N=length(); size_t NS2 = (N+1)/2; if (type==2) { if (!cosine) for (size_t k=1; k class T_dcst4 { private: size_t N; std::unique_ptr> fft; std::unique_ptr> rfft; arr> C2; public: POCKETFFT_NOINLINE T_dcst4(size_t length) : N(length), fft((N&1) ? nullptr : new pocketfft_c(N/2)), rfft((N&1)? new pocketfft_r(N) : nullptr), C2((N&1) ? 0 : N/2) { if ((N&1)==0) { sincos_2pibyn tw(16*N); for (size_t i=0; i POCKETFFT_NOINLINE void exec(T c[], T0 fct, bool /*ortho*/, int /*type*/, bool cosine) const { size_t n2 = N/2; if (!cosine) for (size_t k=0, kc=N-1; k y(N); { size_t i=0, m=n2; for (; mexec(y.data(), fct, true); { auto SGN = [](size_t i) { constexpr T0 sqrt2=T0(1.414213562373095048801688724209698L); return (i&2) ? -sqrt2 : sqrt2; }; c[n2] = y[0]*SGN(n2+1); size_t i=0, i1=1, k=1; for (; k> y(n2); for(size_t i=0; iexec(y.data(), fct, true); for(size_t i=0, ic=n2-1; i std::shared_ptr get_plan(size_t length) { #if POCKETFFT_CACHE_SIZE==0 return std::make_shared(length); #else constexpr size_t nmax=POCKETFFT_CACHE_SIZE; static std::array, nmax> cache; static std::array last_access{{0}}; static size_t access_counter = 0; static std::mutex mut; auto find_in_cache = [&]() -> std::shared_ptr { for (size_t i=0; ilength()==length)) { // no need to update if this is already the most recent entry if (last_access[i]!=access_counter) { last_access[i] = ++access_counter; // Guard against overflow if (access_counter == 0) last_access.fill(0); } return cache[i]; } return nullptr; }; { std::lock_guard lock(mut); auto p = find_in_cache(); if (p) return p; } auto plan = std::make_shared(length); { std::lock_guard lock(mut); auto p = find_in_cache(); if (p) return p; size_t lru = 0; for (size_t i=1; i class cndarr: public arr_info { protected: const char *d; public: cndarr(const void *data_, const shape_t &shape_, const stride_t &stride_) : arr_info(shape_, stride_), d(reinterpret_cast(data_)) {} const T &operator[](ptrdiff_t ofs) const { return *reinterpret_cast(d+ofs); } }; template class ndarr: public cndarr { public: ndarr(void *data_, const shape_t &shape_, const stride_t &stride_) : cndarr::cndarr(const_cast(data_), shape_, stride_) {} T &operator[](ptrdiff_t ofs) { return *reinterpret_cast(const_cast(cndarr::d+ofs)); } }; template class multi_iter { private: shape_t pos; const arr_info &iarr, &oarr; ptrdiff_t p_ii, p_i[N], str_i, p_oi, p_o[N], str_o; size_t idim, rem; void advance_i() { for (int i_=int(pos.size())-1; i_>=0; --i_) { auto i = size_t(i_); if (i==idim) continue; p_ii += iarr.stride(i); p_oi += oarr.stride(i); if (++pos[i] < iarr.shape(i)) return; pos[i] = 0; p_ii -= ptrdiff_t(iarr.shape(i))*iarr.stride(i); p_oi -= ptrdiff_t(oarr.shape(i))*oarr.stride(i); } } public: multi_iter(const arr_info &iarr_, const arr_info &oarr_, size_t idim_) : pos(iarr_.ndim(), 0), iarr(iarr_), oarr(oarr_), p_ii(0), str_i(iarr.stride(idim_)), p_oi(0), str_o(oarr.stride(idim_)), idim(idim_), rem(iarr.size()/iarr.shape(idim)) { auto nshares = threading::num_threads(); if (nshares==1) return; if (nshares==0) throw std::runtime_error("can't run with zero threads"); auto myshare = threading::thread_id(); if (myshare>=nshares) throw std::runtime_error("impossible share requested"); size_t nbase = rem/nshares; size_t additional = rem%nshares; size_t lo = myshare*nbase + ((myshare=0; --i_) { auto i = size_t(i_); p += arr.stride(i); if (++pos[i] < arr.shape(i)) return; pos[i] = 0; p -= ptrdiff_t(arr.shape(i))*arr.stride(i); } } ptrdiff_t ofs() const { return p; } size_t remaining() const { return rem; } }; class rev_iter { private: shape_t pos; const arr_info &arr; std::vector rev_axis; std::vector rev_jump; size_t last_axis, last_size; shape_t shp; ptrdiff_t p, rp; size_t rem; public: rev_iter(const arr_info &arr_, const shape_t &axes) : pos(arr_.ndim(), 0), arr(arr_), rev_axis(arr_.ndim(), 0), rev_jump(arr_.ndim(), 1), p(0), rp(0) { for (auto ax: axes) rev_axis[ax]=1; last_axis = axes.back(); last_size = arr.shape(last_axis)/2 + 1; shp = arr.shape(); shp[last_axis] = last_size; rem=1; for (auto i: shp) rem *= i; } void advance() { --rem; for (int i_=int(pos.size())-1; i_>=0; --i_) { auto i = size_t(i_); p += arr.stride(i); if (!rev_axis[i]) rp += arr.stride(i); else { rp -= arr.stride(i); if (rev_jump[i]) { rp += ptrdiff_t(arr.shape(i))*arr.stride(i); rev_jump[i] = 0; } } if (++pos[i] < shp[i]) return; pos[i] = 0; p -= ptrdiff_t(shp[i])*arr.stride(i); if (rev_axis[i]) { rp -= ptrdiff_t(arr.shape(i)-shp[i])*arr.stride(i); rev_jump[i] = 1; } else rp -= ptrdiff_t(shp[i])*arr.stride(i); } } ptrdiff_t ofs() const { return p; } ptrdiff_t rev_ofs() const { return rp; } size_t remaining() const { return rem; } }; template struct VTYPE {}; template using vtype_t = typename VTYPE::type; #ifndef POCKETFFT_NO_VECTORS template<> struct VTYPE { using type = float __attribute__ ((vector_size (VLEN::val*sizeof(float)))); }; template<> struct VTYPE { using type = double __attribute__ ((vector_size (VLEN::val*sizeof(double)))); }; template<> struct VTYPE { using type = long double __attribute__ ((vector_size (VLEN::val*sizeof(long double)))); }; #endif template arr alloc_tmp(const shape_t &shape, size_t axsize, size_t elemsize) { auto othersize = util::prod(shape)/axsize; auto tmpsize = axsize*((othersize>=VLEN::val) ? VLEN::val : 1); return arr(tmpsize*elemsize); } template arr alloc_tmp(const shape_t &shape, const shape_t &axes, size_t elemsize) { size_t fullsize=util::prod(shape); size_t tmpsize=0; for (size_t i=0; i=VLEN::val) ? VLEN::val : 1); if (sz>tmpsize) tmpsize=sz; } return arr(tmpsize*elemsize); } template void copy_input(const multi_iter &it, const cndarr> &src, cmplx> *POCKETFFT_RESTRICT dst) { for (size_t i=0; i void copy_input(const multi_iter &it, const cndarr &src, vtype_t *POCKETFFT_RESTRICT dst) { for (size_t i=0; i void copy_input(const multi_iter &it, const cndarr &src, T *POCKETFFT_RESTRICT dst) { if (dst == &src[it.iofs(0)]) return; // in-place for (size_t i=0; i void copy_output(const multi_iter &it, const cmplx> *POCKETFFT_RESTRICT src, ndarr> &dst) { for (size_t i=0; i void copy_output(const multi_iter &it, const vtype_t *POCKETFFT_RESTRICT src, ndarr &dst) { for (size_t i=0; i void copy_output(const multi_iter &it, const T *POCKETFFT_RESTRICT src, ndarr &dst) { if (src == &dst[it.oofs(0)]) return; // in-place for (size_t i=0; i struct add_vec { using type = vtype_t; }; template struct add_vec> { using type = cmplx>; }; template using add_vec_t = typename add_vec::type; template POCKETFFT_NOINLINE void general_nd(const cndarr &in, ndarr &out, const shape_t &axes, T0 fct, size_t nthreads, const Exec & exec, const bool allow_inplace=true) { std::shared_ptr plan; for (size_t iax=0; iaxlength())) plan = get_plan(len); threading::thread_map( util::thread_count(nthreads, in.shape(), axes[iax], VLEN::val), [&] { constexpr auto vlen = VLEN::val; auto storage = alloc_tmp(in.shape(), len, sizeof(T)); const auto &tin(iax==0? in : out); multi_iter it(tin, out, axes[iax]); #ifndef POCKETFFT_NO_VECTORS if (vlen>1) while (it.remaining()>=vlen) { it.advance(vlen); auto tdatav = reinterpret_cast *>(storage.data()); exec(it, tin, out, tdatav, *plan, fct); } #endif while (it.remaining()>0) { it.advance(1); auto buf = allow_inplace && it.stride_out() == sizeof(T) ? &out[it.oofs(0)] : reinterpret_cast(storage.data()); exec(it, tin, out, buf, *plan, fct); } }); // end of parallel region fct = T0(1); // factor has been applied, use 1 for remaining axes } } struct ExecC2C { bool forward; template void operator () ( const multi_iter &it, const cndarr> &in, ndarr> &out, T * buf, const pocketfft_c &plan, T0 fct) const { copy_input(it, in, buf); plan.exec(buf, fct, forward); copy_output(it, buf, out); } }; template void copy_hartley(const multi_iter &it, const vtype_t *POCKETFFT_RESTRICT src, ndarr &dst) { for (size_t j=0; j void copy_hartley(const multi_iter &it, const T *POCKETFFT_RESTRICT src, ndarr &dst) { dst[it.oofs(0)] = src[0]; size_t i=1, i1=1, i2=it.length_out()-1; for (i=1; i void operator () ( const multi_iter &it, const cndarr &in, ndarr &out, T * buf, const pocketfft_r &plan, T0 fct) const { copy_input(it, in, buf); plan.exec(buf, fct, true); copy_hartley(it, buf, out); } }; struct ExecDcst { bool ortho; int type; bool cosine; template void operator () (const multi_iter &it, const cndarr &in, ndarr &out, T * buf, const Tplan &plan, T0 fct) const { copy_input(it, in, buf); plan.exec(buf, fct, ortho, type, cosine); copy_output(it, buf, out); } }; template POCKETFFT_NOINLINE void general_r2c( const cndarr &in, ndarr> &out, size_t axis, bool forward, T fct, size_t nthreads) { auto plan = get_plan>(in.shape(axis)); size_t len=in.shape(axis); threading::thread_map( util::thread_count(nthreads, in.shape(), axis, VLEN::val), [&] { constexpr auto vlen = VLEN::val; auto storage = alloc_tmp(in.shape(), len, sizeof(T)); multi_iter it(in, out, axis); #ifndef POCKETFFT_NO_VECTORS if (vlen>1) while (it.remaining()>=vlen) { it.advance(vlen); auto tdatav = reinterpret_cast *>(storage.data()); copy_input(it, in, tdatav); plan->exec(tdatav, fct, true); for (size_t j=0; j0) { it.advance(1); auto tdata = reinterpret_cast(storage.data()); copy_input(it, in, tdata); plan->exec(tdata, fct, true); out[it.oofs(0)].Set(tdata[0]); size_t i=1, ii=1; if (forward) for (; i POCKETFFT_NOINLINE void general_c2r( const cndarr> &in, ndarr &out, size_t axis, bool forward, T fct, size_t nthreads) { auto plan = get_plan>(out.shape(axis)); size_t len=out.shape(axis); threading::thread_map( util::thread_count(nthreads, in.shape(), axis, VLEN::val), [&] { constexpr auto vlen = VLEN::val; auto storage = alloc_tmp(out.shape(), len, sizeof(T)); multi_iter it(in, out, axis); #ifndef POCKETFFT_NO_VECTORS if (vlen>1) while (it.remaining()>=vlen) { it.advance(vlen); auto tdatav = reinterpret_cast *>(storage.data()); for (size_t j=0; jexec(tdatav, fct, false); copy_output(it, tdatav, out); } #endif while (it.remaining()>0) { it.advance(1); auto tdata = reinterpret_cast(storage.data()); tdata[0]=in[it.iofs(0)].r; { size_t i=1, ii=1; if (forward) for (; iexec(tdata, fct, false); copy_output(it, tdata, out); } }); // end of parallel region } struct ExecR2R { bool r2c, forward; template void operator () ( const multi_iter &it, const cndarr &in, ndarr &out, T * buf, const pocketfft_r &plan, T0 fct) const { copy_input(it, in, buf); if ((!r2c) && forward) for (size_t i=2; i void c2c(const shape_t &shape, const stride_t &stride_in, const stride_t &stride_out, const shape_t &axes, bool forward, const std::complex *data_in, std::complex *data_out, T fct, size_t nthreads=1) { if (util::prod(shape)==0) return; util::sanity_check(shape, stride_in, stride_out, data_in==data_out, axes); cndarr> ain(data_in, shape, stride_in); ndarr> aout(data_out, shape, stride_out); general_nd>(ain, aout, axes, fct, nthreads, ExecC2C{forward}); } template void dct(const shape_t &shape, const stride_t &stride_in, const stride_t &stride_out, const shape_t &axes, int type, const T *data_in, T *data_out, T fct, bool ortho, size_t nthreads=1) { if ((type<1) || (type>4)) throw std::invalid_argument("invalid DCT type"); if (util::prod(shape)==0) return; util::sanity_check(shape, stride_in, stride_out, data_in==data_out, axes); cndarr ain(data_in, shape, stride_in); ndarr aout(data_out, shape, stride_out); const ExecDcst exec{ortho, type, true}; if (type==1) general_nd>(ain, aout, axes, fct, nthreads, exec); else if (type==4) general_nd>(ain, aout, axes, fct, nthreads, exec); else general_nd>(ain, aout, axes, fct, nthreads, exec); } template void dst(const shape_t &shape, const stride_t &stride_in, const stride_t &stride_out, const shape_t &axes, int type, const T *data_in, T *data_out, T fct, bool ortho, size_t nthreads=1) { if ((type<1) || (type>4)) throw std::invalid_argument("invalid DST type"); if (util::prod(shape)==0) return; util::sanity_check(shape, stride_in, stride_out, data_in==data_out, axes); cndarr ain(data_in, shape, stride_in); ndarr aout(data_out, shape, stride_out); const ExecDcst exec{ortho, type, false}; if (type==1) general_nd>(ain, aout, axes, fct, nthreads, exec); else if (type==4) general_nd>(ain, aout, axes, fct, nthreads, exec); else general_nd>(ain, aout, axes, fct, nthreads, exec); } template void r2c(const shape_t &shape_in, const stride_t &stride_in, const stride_t &stride_out, size_t axis, bool forward, const T *data_in, std::complex *data_out, T fct, size_t nthreads=1) { if (util::prod(shape_in)==0) return; util::sanity_check(shape_in, stride_in, stride_out, false, axis); cndarr ain(data_in, shape_in, stride_in); shape_t shape_out(shape_in); shape_out[axis] = shape_in[axis]/2 + 1; ndarr> aout(data_out, shape_out, stride_out); general_r2c(ain, aout, axis, forward, fct, nthreads); } template void r2c(const shape_t &shape_in, const stride_t &stride_in, const stride_t &stride_out, const shape_t &axes, bool forward, const T *data_in, std::complex *data_out, T fct, size_t nthreads=1) { if (util::prod(shape_in)==0) return; util::sanity_check(shape_in, stride_in, stride_out, false, axes); r2c(shape_in, stride_in, stride_out, axes.back(), forward, data_in, data_out, fct, nthreads); if (axes.size()==1) return; shape_t shape_out(shape_in); shape_out[axes.back()] = shape_in[axes.back()]/2 + 1; auto newaxes = shape_t{axes.begin(), --axes.end()}; c2c(shape_out, stride_out, stride_out, newaxes, forward, data_out, data_out, T(1), nthreads); } template void c2r(const shape_t &shape_out, const stride_t &stride_in, const stride_t &stride_out, size_t axis, bool forward, const std::complex *data_in, T *data_out, T fct, size_t nthreads=1) { if (util::prod(shape_out)==0) return; util::sanity_check(shape_out, stride_in, stride_out, false, axis); shape_t shape_in(shape_out); shape_in[axis] = shape_out[axis]/2 + 1; cndarr> ain(data_in, shape_in, stride_in); ndarr aout(data_out, shape_out, stride_out); general_c2r(ain, aout, axis, forward, fct, nthreads); } template void c2r(const shape_t &shape_out, const stride_t &stride_in, const stride_t &stride_out, const shape_t &axes, bool forward, const std::complex *data_in, T *data_out, T fct, size_t nthreads=1) { if (util::prod(shape_out)==0) return; if (axes.size()==1) return c2r(shape_out, stride_in, stride_out, axes[0], forward, data_in, data_out, fct, nthreads); util::sanity_check(shape_out, stride_in, stride_out, false, axes); auto shape_in = shape_out; shape_in[axes.back()] = shape_out[axes.back()]/2 + 1; auto nval = util::prod(shape_in); stride_t stride_inter(shape_in.size()); stride_inter.back() = sizeof(cmplx); for (int i=int(shape_in.size())-2; i>=0; --i) stride_inter[size_t(i)] = stride_inter[size_t(i+1)]*ptrdiff_t(shape_in[size_t(i+1)]); arr> tmp(nval); auto newaxes = shape_t{axes.begin(), --axes.end()}; c2c(shape_in, stride_in, stride_inter, newaxes, forward, data_in, tmp.data(), T(1), nthreads); c2r(shape_out, stride_inter, stride_out, axes.back(), forward, tmp.data(), data_out, fct, nthreads); } template void r2r_fftpack(const shape_t &shape, const stride_t &stride_in, const stride_t &stride_out, const shape_t &axes, bool real2hermitian, bool forward, const T *data_in, T *data_out, T fct, size_t nthreads=1) { if (util::prod(shape)==0) return; util::sanity_check(shape, stride_in, stride_out, data_in==data_out, axes); cndarr ain(data_in, shape, stride_in); ndarr aout(data_out, shape, stride_out); general_nd>(ain, aout, axes, fct, nthreads, ExecR2R{real2hermitian, forward}); } template void r2r_separable_hartley(const shape_t &shape, const stride_t &stride_in, const stride_t &stride_out, const shape_t &axes, const T *data_in, T *data_out, T fct, size_t nthreads=1) { if (util::prod(shape)==0) return; util::sanity_check(shape, stride_in, stride_out, data_in==data_out, axes); cndarr ain(data_in, shape, stride_in); ndarr aout(data_out, shape, stride_out); general_nd>(ain, aout, axes, fct, nthreads, ExecHartley{}, false); } template void r2r_genuine_hartley(const shape_t &shape, const stride_t &stride_in, const stride_t &stride_out, const shape_t &axes, const T *data_in, T *data_out, T fct, size_t nthreads=1) { if (util::prod(shape)==0) return; if (axes.size()==1) return r2r_separable_hartley(shape, stride_in, stride_out, axes, data_in, data_out, fct, nthreads); util::sanity_check(shape, stride_in, stride_out, data_in==data_out, axes); shape_t tshp(shape); tshp[axes.back()] = tshp[axes.back()]/2+1; arr> tdata(util::prod(tshp)); stride_t tstride(shape.size()); tstride.back()=sizeof(std::complex); for (size_t i=tstride.size()-1; i>0; --i) tstride[i-1]=tstride[i]*ptrdiff_t(tshp[i]); r2c(shape, stride_in, tstride, axes, true, data_in, tdata.data(), fct, nthreads); cndarr> atmp(tdata.data(), tshp, tstride); ndarr aout(data_out, shape, stride_out); simple_iter iin(atmp); rev_iter iout(aout, axes); while(iin.remaining()>0) { auto v = atmp[iin.ofs()]; aout[iout.ofs()] = v.r+v.i; aout[iout.rev_ofs()] = v.r-v.i; iin.advance(); iout.advance(); } } } // namespace detail using detail::FORWARD; using detail::BACKWARD; using detail::shape_t; using detail::stride_t; using detail::c2c; using detail::c2r; using detail::r2c; using detail::r2r_fftpack; using detail::r2r_separable_hartley; using detail::r2r_genuine_hartley; using detail::dct; using detail::dst; } // namespace pocketfft #undef POCKETFFT_NOINLINE #undef POCKETFFT_RESTRICT #endif // POCKETFFT_HDRONLY_H