README FOR INTERPOLATION MODULE Author: Enthought, Inc Austin, TX Interpolate is a central package in SciPy, an open-source software package for scientific computing in Python which is maintained by Enthought, Inc. Interpolate provides functionality for a variety of interpolation techniques, particularly those based on splines. A large portion of scipy.interpolate is Python wrappers around the functionality of FITPACK, a Fortran package produced by Pleasant Valley Software for working with curves and surfaces. Scipy.interpolate provides the following wrappers around FITPACK functions: splrep -- find smoothing spline given (x,y) points on curve. splprep -- find smoothing spline given parametrically defined curve. splev -- evaluate the spline or its derivatives. splint -- compute definite integral of a spline. sproot -- find the roots of a cubic spline. spalde -- compute all derivatives of a spline at given points. bisplrep -- find bivariate smoothing spline representation. bisplev -- evaluate bivariate smoothing spline. Other available functions include UnivariateSpline -- A more recent, object-oriented wrapper; finds a (possibly smoothed) interpolating spline. InterpolatedUnivariateSpline -- Identical to UnivariateSpline, but with less error checking LSQUnivariateSpline -- Appears to be identical to UnivariateSplin with more error checking. Uses weighted least squares fitting BivariateSpline -- A more recent, object-oriented wrapper; finds a interpolating spline for a bivariate function. SmoothBivariateSpline -- Smooth bivariate spline approximation A number of other functions and classes are provided, for which README documentation is forthcoming. Introductions to interpolation and splines can be found online at: The Wikipedia article on interpolation. Provides an accessible overview of major areas of the subject, including spline interpolation. The Wikipedia article on spline interpolation. It is accessible as a conceptual introduction, and contains links to various algorithms, but discussion is limited to 1D interpolation. interpolate.BivariateSpline interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline interpolate.LSQBivariateSpline interpolate.LSQUnivariateSpline interpolate.NumpyTest interpolate.RectBivariateSpline interpolate.SmoothBivariateSpline interpolate.UnivariateSpline interpolate.__all__ interpolate.__class__ interpolate.__delattr__ interpolate.__dict__ interpolate.__doc__ interpolate.__file__ interpolate.__getattribute__ interpolate.__hash__ interpolate.__init__ interpolate.__name__ interpolate.__new__ interpolate.__path__ interpolate.__reduce__ interpolate.__reduce_ex__ interpolate.__repr__ interpolate.__setattr__ interpolate.__str__ interpolate._fitpack interpolate.bisplev interpolate.bisplrep interpolate.dfitpack interpolate.fitpack interpolate.fitpack2 interpolate.insert interpolate.interp1d interpolate.interp2d interpolate.interpolate interpolate.lagrange interpolate.ppform interpolate.spalde interpolate.splev interpolate.splint interpolate.splprep interpolate.splrep interpolate.sproot interpolate.test