C------------------------------------------------------------------------ C SUBROUTINE COBYLA (CALCFC, N,M,X,RHOBEG,RHOEND,IPRINT,MAXFUN, & W,IACT, DINFO, CALLBACK) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) EXTERNAL CALCFC,CALLBACK DIMENSION X(*),W(*),IACT(*), DINFO(*) C C This subroutine minimizes an objective function F(X) subject to M C inequality constraints on X, where X is a vector of variables that has C N components. The algorithm employs linear approximations to the C objective and constraint functions, the approximations being formed by C linear interpolation at N+1 points in the space of the variables. C We regard these interpolation points as vertices of a simplex. The C parameter RHO controls the size of the simplex and it is reduced C automatically from RHOBEG to RHOEND. For each RHO the subroutine tries C to achieve a good vector of variables for the current size, and then C RHO is reduced until the value RHOEND is reached. Therefore RHOBEG and C RHOEND should be set to reasonable initial changes to and the required C accuracy in the variables respectively, but this accuracy should be C viewed as a subject for experimentation because it is not guaranteed. C The subroutine has an advantage over many of its competitors, however, C which is that it treats each constraint individually when calculating C a change to the variables, instead of lumping the constraints together C into a single penalty function. The name of the subroutine is derived C from the phrase Constrained Optimization BY Linear Approximations. C C The user must set the values of N, M, RHOBEG and RHOEND, and must C provide an initial vector of variables in X. Further, the value of C IPRINT should be set to 0, 1, 2 or 3, which controls the amount of C printing during the calculation. Specifically, there is no output if C IPRINT=0 and there is output only at the end of the calculation if C IPRINT=1. Otherwise each new value of RHO and SIGMA is printed. C Further, the vector of variables and some function information are C given either when RHO is reduced or when each new value of F(X) is C computed in the cases IPRINT=2 or IPRINT=3 respectively. Here SIGMA C is a penalty parameter, it being assumed that a change to X is an C improvement if it reduces the merit function C F(X)+SIGMA*MAX(0.0,-C1(X),-C2(X),...,-CM(X)), C where C1,C2,...,CM denote the constraint functions that should become C nonnegative eventually, at least to the precision of RHOEND. In the C printed output the displayed term that is multiplied by SIGMA is C called MAXCV, which stands for 'MAXimum Constraint Violation'. The C argument MAXFUN is an integer variable that must be set by the user to a C limit on the number of calls of CALCFC, the purpose of this routine being C given below. The value of MAXFUN will be altered to the number of calls C of CALCFC that are made. The arguments W and IACT provide real and C integer arrays that are used as working space. Their lengths must be at C least N*(3*N+2*M+11)+4*M+6 and M+1 respectively. C C In order to define the objective and constraint functions, we require C a subroutine that has the name and arguments C SUBROUTINE CALCFC (N,M,X,F,CON) C DIMENSION X(*),CON(*) . C The values of N and M are fixed and have been defined already, while C X is now the current vector of variables. The subroutine should return C the objective and constraint functions at X in F and CON(1),CON(2), C ...,CON(M). Note that we are trying to adjust X so that F(X) is as C small as possible subject to the constraint functions being nonnegative. C C Partition the working space array W to provide the storage that is needed C for the main calculation. C MPP=M+2 ICON=1 ISIM=ICON+MPP ISIMI=ISIM+N*N+N IDATM=ISIMI+N*N IA=IDATM+N*MPP+MPP IVSIG=IA+M*N+N IVETA=IVSIG+N ISIGB=IVETA+N IDX=ISIGB+N IWORK=IDX+N CALL COBYLB (CALCFC,N,M,MPP,X,RHOBEG,RHOEND,IPRINT,MAXFUN,W(ICON), 1 W(ISIM),W(ISIMI),W(IDATM),W(IA),W(IVSIG),W(IVETA),W(ISIGB), 2 W(IDX),W(IWORK),IACT,DINFO,CALLBACK) RETURN END C------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE COBYLB (CALCFC,N,M,MPP,X,RHOBEG,RHOEND,IPRINT,MAXFUN, 1 CON,SIM,SIMI,DATMAT,A,VSIG,VETA,SIGBAR,DX,W,IACT,DINFO,CALLBACK) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION X(*),CON(*),SIM(N,*),SIMI(N,*),DATMAT(MPP,*), 1 A(N,*),VSIG(*),VETA(*),SIGBAR(*),DX(*),W(*),IACT(*),DINFO(*) EXTERNAL CALCFC,CALLBACK C C Set the initial values of some parameters. The last column of SIM holds C the optimal vertex of the current simplex, and the preceding N columns C hold the displacements from the optimal vertex to the other vertices. C Further, SIMI holds the inverse of the matrix that is contained in the C first N columns of SIM. C ITOTAL=N*(3*N+2*M+11)+4*M+6 IPTEM=MIN0(N,5) IPTEMP=IPTEM+1 NP=N+1 MP=M+1 ALPHA=0.25d0 BETA=2.1d0 GAMMA=0.5d0 DELTA=1.1d0 RHO=RHOBEG PARMU=0.0d0 C Set the STATUS value of DINFO to 1.0 to start. C IF an error occurs it will get set to 0.0 DINFO(1)=1.0d0 C Fix compiler warnings IFLAG=1 PARSIG=0 SUM=0 PREREC=0 PREREM=0 CMIN=0 CMAX=0 IF (IPRINT .GE. 2) PRINT 10, RHO 10 FORMAT (/3X,'The initial value of RHO is',1PE13.6,2X, 1 'and PARMU is set to zero.') NFVALS=0 TEMP=1.0d0/RHO DO 30 I=1,N SIM(I,NP)=X(I) DO 20 J=1,N SIM(I,J)=0.0d0 20 SIMI(I,J)=0.0d0 SIM(I,I)=RHO 30 SIMI(I,I)=TEMP JDROP=NP IBRNCH=0 C C Make the next call of the user-supplied subroutine CALCFC. These C instructions are also used for calling CALCFC during the iterations of C the algorithm. C 40 IF (NFVALS .GT. 0) THEN CALL CALLBACK(N,M,X) END IF IF (NFVALS .GE. MAXFUN .AND. NFVALS .GT. 0) THEN IF (IPRINT .GE. 1) PRINT 50 50 FORMAT (/3X,'Return from subroutine COBYLA because the ', 1 'MAXFUN limit has been reached.') DINFO(1)=2.0d0 GOTO 600 END IF NFVALS=NFVALS+1 IF (IPRINT .EQ. 3) THEN PRINT *, ' SIM = ', (SIM(J,NP),J=1,N) PRINT *, ' DX = ', (DX(I),I=1,N) PRINT *, ' BEFORE: ', N, M, (X(I),I=1,N), F, (CON(I),I=1,M) END IF CALL CALCFC (N,M,X,F,CON) IF (IPRINT .EQ. 3) THEN PRINT *, ' AFTER: ', N, M, (X(I),I=1,N), F, (CON(I),I=1,M) END IF RESMAX=0.0d0 IF (M .GT. 0) THEN DO 60 K=1,M 60 RESMAX=DMAX1(RESMAX,-CON(K)) END IF IF (NFVALS .EQ. IPRINT-1 .OR. IPRINT .EQ. 3) THEN PRINT 70, NFVALS,F,RESMAX,(X(I),I=1,IPTEM) 70 FORMAT (/3X,'NFVALS =',I5,3X,'F =',1PE13.6,4X,'MAXCV =', 1 1PE13.6/3X,'X =',1PE13.6,1P4E15.6) IF (IPTEM .LT. N) PRINT 80, (X(I),I=IPTEMP,N) 80 FORMAT (1PE19.6,1P4E15.6) END IF CON(MP)=F CON(MPP)=RESMAX IF (IBRNCH .EQ. 1) GOTO 440 C C Set the recently calculated function values in a column of DATMAT. This C array has a column for each vertex of the current simplex, the entries of C each column being the values of the constraint functions (if any) C followed by the objective function and the greatest constraint violation C at the vertex. C DO 90 K=1,MPP 90 DATMAT(K,JDROP)=CON(K) IF (NFVALS .GT. NP) GOTO 130 C C Exchange the new vertex of the initial simplex with the optimal vertex if C necessary. Then, if the initial simplex is not complete, pick its next C vertex and calculate the function values there. C IF (JDROP .LE. N) THEN IF (DATMAT(MP,NP) .LE. F) THEN X(JDROP)=SIM(JDROP,NP) ELSE SIM(JDROP,NP)=X(JDROP) DO 100 K=1,MPP DATMAT(K,JDROP)=DATMAT(K,NP) 100 DATMAT(K,NP)=CON(K) DO 120 K=1,JDROP SIM(JDROP,K)=-RHO TEMP=0.0 DO 110 I=K,JDROP 110 TEMP=TEMP-SIMI(I,K) 120 SIMI(JDROP,K)=TEMP END IF END IF IF (NFVALS .LE. N) THEN JDROP=NFVALS X(JDROP)=X(JDROP)+RHO GOTO 40 END IF 130 IBRNCH=1 C C Identify the optimal vertex of the current simplex. C 140 PHIMIN=DATMAT(MP,NP)+PARMU*DATMAT(MPP,NP) NBEST=NP DO 150 J=1,N TEMP=DATMAT(MP,J)+PARMU*DATMAT(MPP,J) IF (TEMP .LT. PHIMIN) THEN NBEST=J PHIMIN=TEMP ELSE IF (TEMP .EQ. PHIMIN .AND. PARMU .EQ. 0.0d0) THEN IF (DATMAT(MPP,J) .LT. DATMAT(MPP,NBEST)) NBEST=J END IF 150 CONTINUE C C Switch the best vertex into pole position if it is not there already, C and also update SIM, SIMI and DATMAT. C IF (NBEST .LE. N) THEN DO 160 I=1,MPP TEMP=DATMAT(I,NP) DATMAT(I,NP)=DATMAT(I,NBEST) 160 DATMAT(I,NBEST)=TEMP DO 180 I=1,N TEMP=SIM(I,NBEST) SIM(I,NBEST)=0.0d0 SIM(I,NP)=SIM(I,NP)+TEMP TEMPA=0.0d0 DO 170 K=1,N SIM(I,K)=SIM(I,K)-TEMP 170 TEMPA=TEMPA-SIMI(K,I) 180 SIMI(NBEST,I)=TEMPA END IF C C Make an error return if SIGI is a poor approximation to the inverse of C the leading N by N submatrix of SIG. C ERROR=0.0d0 DO 200 I=1,N DO 200 J=1,N TEMP=0.0d0 IF (I .EQ. J) TEMP=TEMP-1.0d0 DO 190 K=1,N 190 TEMP=TEMP+SIMI(I,K)*SIM(K,J) 200 ERROR=DMAX1(ERROR,ABS(TEMP)) IF (ERROR .GT. 0.1d0) THEN IF (IPRINT .GE. 1) PRINT 210 210 FORMAT (/3X,'Return from subroutine COBYLA because ', 1 'rounding errors are becoming damaging.') DINFO(1)=3.0d0 GOTO 600 END IF C C Calculate the coefficients of the linear approximations to the objective C and constraint functions, placing minus the objective function gradient C after the constraint gradients in the array A. The vector W is used for C working space. C DO 240 K=1,MP CON(K)=-DATMAT(K,NP) DO 220 J=1,N 220 W(J)=DATMAT(K,J)+CON(K) DO 240 I=1,N TEMP=0.0d0 DO 230 J=1,N 230 TEMP=TEMP+W(J)*SIMI(J,I) IF (K .EQ. MP) TEMP=-TEMP 240 A(I,K)=TEMP C C Calculate the values of sigma and eta, and set IFLAG=0 if the current C simplex is not acceptable. C IFLAG=1 PARSIG=ALPHA*RHO PARETA=BETA*RHO DO 260 J=1,N WSIG=0.0d0 WETA=0.0d0 DO 250 I=1,N WSIG=WSIG+SIMI(J,I)**2 250 WETA=WETA+SIM(I,J)**2 VSIG(J)=1.0d0/SQRT(WSIG) VETA(J)=SQRT(WETA) IF (VSIG(J) .LT. PARSIG .OR. VETA(J) .GT. PARETA) IFLAG=0 260 CONTINUE IF (IPRINT .EQ. 3) THEN print *, ' SIMI = ', ((SIMI(I,J),I=1,N),J=1,N) print *, ' SIM = ', ((SIM(I,J),I=1,N),J=1,N) PRINT *, ' VSIG = ', (VSIG(J),J=1,N), ' -- ', PARSIG PRINT *, ' VETA = ', (VETA(J),J=1,N), ' -- ', PARETA PRINT *, ' IBRNCH, IFLAG = ', IBRNCH, IFLAG PRINT *, ' A = ', ((A(I,J),I=1,N),J=1,MP) END IF C C If a new vertex is needed to improve acceptability, then decide which C vertex to drop from the simplex. C IF (IBRNCH .EQ. 1 .OR. IFLAG .EQ. 1) GOTO 370 JDROP=0 TEMP=PARETA DO 270 J=1,N IF (VETA(J) .GT. TEMP) THEN JDROP=J TEMP=VETA(J) END IF 270 CONTINUE IF (JDROP .EQ. 0) THEN DO 280 J=1,N IF (VSIG(J) .LT. TEMP) THEN JDROP=J TEMP=VSIG(J) END IF 280 CONTINUE END IF C C Calculate the step to the new vertex and its sign. C TEMP=GAMMA*RHO*VSIG(JDROP) IF (IPRINT .EQ. 3) THEN PRINT *, ' SIMI =', (SIMI(JDROP,I),I=1,N) END IF DO 290 I=1,N 290 DX(I)=TEMP*SIMI(JDROP,I) IF (IPRINT .EQ. 3) THEN PRINT *, ' DX =', (DX(I),I=1,N) END IF CVMAXP=0.0d0 CVMAXM=0.0d0 DO 310 K=1,MP SUM=0.0d0 DO 300 I=1,N 300 SUM=SUM+A(I,K)*DX(I) IF (K .LT. MP) THEN TEMP=DATMAT(K,NP) CVMAXP=DMAX1(CVMAXP,-SUM-TEMP) CVMAXM=DMAX1(CVMAXM,SUM-TEMP) END IF 310 CONTINUE DXSIGN=1.0d0 IF (PARMU*(CVMAXP-CVMAXM) .GT. SUM+SUM) DXSIGN=-1.0d0 C C Update the elements of SIM and SIMI, and set the next X. C TEMP=0.0d0 DO 320 I=1,N DX(I)=DXSIGN*DX(I) SIM(I,JDROP)=DX(I) 320 TEMP=TEMP+SIMI(JDROP,I)*DX(I) DO 330 I=1,N 330 SIMI(JDROP,I)=SIMI(JDROP,I)/TEMP DO 360 J=1,N IF (J .NE. JDROP) THEN TEMP=0.0d0 DO 340 I=1,N 340 TEMP=TEMP+SIMI(J,I)*DX(I) DO 350 I=1,N 350 SIMI(J,I)=SIMI(J,I)-TEMP*SIMI(JDROP,I) END IF 360 X(J)=SIM(J,NP)+DX(J) GOTO 40 C C Calculate DX=x(*)-x(0). Branch if the length of DX is less than 0.5*RHO. C 370 IZ=1 IZDOTA=IZ+N*N IVMC=IZDOTA+N ISDIRN=IVMC+MP IDXNEW=ISDIRN+N IVMD=IDXNEW+N CALL TRSTLP (N,M,A,CON,RHO,DX,IFULL,IACT,W(IZ),W(IZDOTA), 1 W(IVMC),W(ISDIRN),W(IDXNEW),W(IVMD),IPRINT) DO 375 I=1,N IF (DX(I).NE.DX(I)) THEN DINFO(1)=5.0d0 GOTO 600 END IF 375 CONTINUE IF (IFULL .EQ. 0) THEN TEMP=0.0d0 DO 380 I=1,N 380 TEMP=TEMP+DX(I)**2 IF (TEMP .LT. 0.25d0*RHO*RHO) THEN IBRNCH=1 GOTO 550 END IF END IF C C Predict the change to F and the new maximum constraint violation if the C variables are altered from x(0) to x(0)+DX. C RESNEW=0.0d0 CON(MP)=0.0d0 DO 400 K=1,MP SUM=CON(K) DO 390 I=1,N 390 SUM=SUM-A(I,K)*DX(I) IF (K .LT. MP) RESNEW=DMAX1(RESNEW,SUM) 400 CONTINUE C C Increase PARMU if necessary and branch back if this change alters the C optimal vertex. Otherwise PREREM and PREREC will be set to the predicted C reductions in the merit function and the maximum constraint violation C respectively. C BARMU=0.0d0 PREREC=DATMAT(MPP,NP)-RESNEW IF (PREREC .GT. 0.0d0) BARMU=SUM/PREREC IF (PARMU .LT. 1.5d0*BARMU) THEN PARMU=2.0d0*BARMU IF (IPRINT .GE. 2) PRINT 410, PARMU 410 FORMAT (/3X,'Increase in PARMU to',1PE13.6) PHI=DATMAT(MP,NP)+PARMU*DATMAT(MPP,NP) DO 420 J=1,N TEMP=DATMAT(MP,J)+PARMU*DATMAT(MPP,J) IF (TEMP .LT. PHI) GOTO 140 IF (TEMP .EQ. PHI .AND. PARMU .EQ. 0.0) THEN IF (DATMAT(MPP,J) .LT. DATMAT(MPP,NP)) GOTO 140 END IF 420 CONTINUE END IF PREREM=PARMU*PREREC-SUM C C Calculate the constraint and objective functions at x(*). Then find the C actual reduction in the merit function. C DO 430 I=1,N 430 X(I)=SIM(I,NP)+DX(I) IBRNCH=1 GOTO 40 440 VMOLD=DATMAT(MP,NP)+PARMU*DATMAT(MPP,NP) VMNEW=F+PARMU*RESMAX TRURED=VMOLD-VMNEW IF (PARMU .EQ. 0.0d0 .AND. F .EQ. DATMAT(MP,NP)) THEN PREREM=PREREC TRURED=DATMAT(MPP,NP)-RESMAX END IF C C Begin the operations that decide whether x(*) should replace one of the C vertices of the current simplex, the change being mandatory if TRURED is C positive. Firstly, JDROP is set to the index of the vertex that is to be C replaced. C RATIO=0.0d0 IF (TRURED .LE. 0.0) RATIO=1.0 JDROP=0 DO 460 J=1,N TEMP=0.0d0 DO 450 I=1,N 450 TEMP=TEMP+SIMI(J,I)*DX(I) TEMP=ABS(TEMP) IF (TEMP .GT. RATIO) THEN JDROP=J RATIO=TEMP END IF 460 SIGBAR(J)=TEMP*VSIG(J) C C Calculate the value of ell. C EDGMAX=DELTA*RHO L=0 DO 480 J=1,N IF (SIGBAR(J) .GE. PARSIG .OR. SIGBAR(J) .GE. VSIG(J)) THEN TEMP=VETA(J) IF (TRURED .GT. 0.0d0) THEN TEMP=0.0d0 DO 470 I=1,N 470 TEMP=TEMP+(DX(I)-SIM(I,J))**2 TEMP=SQRT(TEMP) END IF IF (TEMP .GT. EDGMAX) THEN L=J EDGMAX=TEMP END IF END IF 480 CONTINUE IF (L .GT. 0) JDROP=L IF (JDROP .EQ. 0) GOTO 550 C C Revise the simplex by updating the elements of SIM, SIMI and DATMAT. C TEMP=0.0d0 DO 490 I=1,N SIM(I,JDROP)=DX(I) 490 TEMP=TEMP+SIMI(JDROP,I)*DX(I) DO 500 I=1,N 500 SIMI(JDROP,I)=SIMI(JDROP,I)/TEMP DO 530 J=1,N IF (J .NE. JDROP) THEN TEMP=0.0d0 DO 510 I=1,N 510 TEMP=TEMP+SIMI(J,I)*DX(I) DO 520 I=1,N 520 SIMI(J,I)=SIMI(J,I)-TEMP*SIMI(JDROP,I) END IF 530 CONTINUE DO 540 K=1,MPP 540 DATMAT(K,JDROP)=CON(K) C C Branch back for further iterations with the current RHO. C IF (TRURED .GT. 0.0d0 .AND. TRURED .GE. 0.1d0*PREREM) GOTO 140 550 IF (IFLAG .EQ. 0) THEN IBRNCH=0 GOTO 140 END IF C C Otherwise reduce RHO if it is not at its least value and reset PARMU. C IF (RHO .GT. RHOEND) THEN RHO=0.5d0*RHO IF (RHO .LE. 1.5d0*RHOEND) RHO=RHOEND IF (PARMU .GT. 0.0d0) THEN DENOM=0.0d0 DO 570 K=1,MP CMIN=DATMAT(K,NP) CMAX=CMIN DO 560 I=1,N CMIN=DMIN1(CMIN,DATMAT(K,I)) 560 CMAX=DMAX1(CMAX,DATMAT(K,I)) IF (K .LE. M .AND. CMIN .LT. 0.5d0*CMAX) THEN TEMP=DMAX1(CMAX,0.0d0)-CMIN IF (DENOM .LE. 0.0d0) THEN DENOM=TEMP ELSE DENOM=DMIN1(DENOM,TEMP) END IF END IF 570 CONTINUE IF (DENOM .EQ. 0.0d0) THEN PARMU=0.0d0 ELSE IF (CMAX-CMIN .LT. PARMU*DENOM) THEN PARMU=(CMAX-CMIN)/DENOM END IF END IF IF (IPRINT .GE. 2) PRINT 580, RHO,PARMU 580 FORMAT (/3X,'Reduction in RHO to',1PE13.6,' and PARMU =', 1 1PE13.6) IF (IPRINT .EQ. 2) THEN PRINT 70, NFVALS,DATMAT(MP,NP),DATMAT(MPP,NP), 1 (SIM(I,NP),I=1,IPTEM) IF (IPTEM .LT. N) PRINT 80, (X(I),I=IPTEMP,N) END IF GOTO 140 END IF C C Return the best calculated values of the variables. C IF (IPRINT .GE. 1) PRINT 590 590 FORMAT (/3X,'Normal return from subroutine COBYLA') IF (IFULL .EQ. 1) GOTO 620 600 DO 610 I=1,N 610 X(I)=SIM(I,NP) F=DATMAT(MP,NP) RESMAX=DATMAT(MPP,NP) 620 IF (IPRINT .GE. 1) THEN PRINT 70, NFVALS,F,RESMAX,(X(I),I=1,IPTEM) IF (IPTEM .LT. N) PRINT 80, (X(I),I=IPTEMP,N) END IF CALL CALLBACK(N,M,X) MAXFUN=NFVALS DINFO(2)=DBLE(NFVALS) DINFO(3)=DBLE(F) DINFO(4)=DBLE(RESMAX) RETURN END