This directory contains a bundled version of ARPACK-NG 3.3.0, NOTE FOR VENDORS: it is in general safe to use a system version of ARPACK instead. Note, however, that ARPACK and early versions of ARPACK-NG have certain bugs, so using those over the bundled version is not recommended. The bundled version has the following patch applied: Replace calls to certain Fortran functions with wrapper functions, to avoid various ABI mismatches on OSX. These changes are made with the following command: perl -pi -e ' s@\bcdotc\b@wcdotc@g; s@\bzdotc\b@wzdotc@g; s@\bcdotu\b@wcdotu@g; s@\bzdotu\b@wzdotu@g; s@\bcladiv\b@wcladiv@g; s@\bzladiv\b@wzladiv@g; s@\bSLAMCH\b@slamch@g;' \ SRC/*.f UTIL/*.f LAPACK/*.f