c c (C) Rasmus Munk Larsen, Stanford University, 2000 c subroutine clearstat implicit none include 'stat.h' nopx = 0 nreorth = 0 ndot = 0 nitref = 0 nbsvd = 0 nrestart = 0 tmvopx = 0 tgetu0 = 0 tupdmu = 0 tupdnu = 0 tintv = 0 tlanbpro = 0 treorth = 0 treorthu = 0 treorthv = 0 telru = 0 telrv = 0 tbsvd = 0 tnorm2 = 0 tdot = 0 tlansvd = 0 nlandim = 0 nsing = 0 tritzvec = 0 trestart = 0 end subroutine printstat implicit none include 'stat.h' print *,'+---------------------------------------------------', c '--------+' print *,'Dimension of Lanczos basis = ',nlandim print *,'Number of singular values requested = ',nsing print *,'Number of restarts = ',nrestart print *,'Number of matrix-vector multiplications = ',nopx print *,'Number of reorthogonalizations = ',nreorth print *,'Number of inner products in reorth. = ',ndot c print *,'Number of iterative refinement steps = ',nitref print *,'Number of bidiagonal SVDs calculated = ',nbsvd print * print * print *,' Time spent doing matrix-vector multiply = ',tmvopx print *,' Time spent generating starting vectors = ',tgetu0 print *,' Time spent reorthogonalizing U_{j+1} = ',treorthu print *,' Time spent reorthogonalizing V_{j} = ',treorthv print *,' Time spent reorthogonalizing = ',treorth print *,'Total Time spent in LANBPRO = ',tlanbpro c print * c print *,'Time spent updating mu-recurrence = ',tupdmu c print *,'Time spent updating nu-recurrence = ',tupdnu c print *,'Time spent on local reorth. on U_{j+1} = ',telru c print *,'Time spent on local reorth. on V_{j+1} = ',telrv c print *,'Time spent in PDNORM2 = ',tnorm2 c print *,'Time spent in PDDOT = ',tdot print * print *,' Time spent in LANBPRO = ',tlanbpro print *,' Time spent computing bidiagonal SVDs = ',tbsvd print *,' Time spent doing implicit restarts = ',trestart print *,' Time spent computing Ritz vectors = ',tritzvec print * print *,'Total Time spent in LANSVD = ',tlansvd print *,'+----------------------------------------------------', c '-------+' end