subroutine slanbpro( m, n, k0, k, APROD, U, ldu, V, ldv, B, ldb, c rnorm, doption, ioption, work, iwork, dparm, iparm, ierr) c DLANBPRO: Computes K steps of the Lanczos bidiagonalization (LBD) c algorithm with partial reorthogonalization (BPRO) with M-by-1 starting c vector U(:,k0+1), producing a lower bidiagonal K+1-by-K matrix B_k, an c N-by-K matrix V_k, an M-by-K+1 matrix U_{k+1} such that c A*V_k = U_{k+1}*B_k c Partial reorthogonalization is used to keep the columns of V_K and U_k c semiorthogonal to a level prescribed in DOPTION(1), i.e. c MAX(DIAG((EYE(K) - V_K'*V_K))) <= DOPTION(1) c and c MAX(DIAG((EYE(K) - U_K'*U_K))) <= DOPTION(1). c c If K0>0 and K>K0 an existing K0-step LBD of stored in U, V and B is c extended to a K-step LBD. c c Parameters: c c M: INTEGER. Number of rows of A. c N: INTEGER. Number of columns of A. c K0: INTEGER. The dimension of the previously computed Lanczos c bidiagonalization stored in U, V, and B. c K: INTEGER. On entry: The desired dimension of the Lanczos c bidiagonalization. On exit: the actual size of the LBD computed. c This can be smaller than the input value if an invariant subspace c is computed. c APROD: Subroutine defining the linear operator A. c APROD should be of the form: c c SUBROUTINE DAPROD(TRANSA,M,N,X,Y,DPARM,IPARM) c CHARACTER*1 TRANSA c INTEGER M,N,IPARM(*) c REAL X(*),Y(*),DPARM(*) c c If TRANSA.EQ.'N' then the function should compute the matrix-vector c product Y = A * X. c If TRANSA.EQ.'T' then the function should compute the matrix-vector c product Y = A^T * X. c The arrays IPARM and DPARM are a means to pass user supplied c data to APROD without the use of common blocks. c U(LDU,K+1): REAL array. On return the first K+1 columns of c U will contain the left Lanczos vectors. c On entry: c If K0==0 the first column of U contains the starting c vector for the Lanczos bidiagonalization. A random c starting vector is used if the first column is U is zero. c If K0>0 the first K0+1 columns of U are assumed to c contain the first K0+1 left Lanczos vectors of an c existing LBD. c c LDU: INTEGER. Leading dimension of the array U. LDU >= M. c V(LDV,K): REAL array. On return the first K columns of c V will contain the right Lanczos vectors. c On entry: c If K0>0 the first K0 columns of V are assumed to c contain the first K0 right Lanczos vectors of an c existing LBD. c LDV: INTEGER. Leading dimension of the array V. LDV >= N. c B(K,2): REAL array. On return the first columns of c B will contain the K diagonal elements of B_k, and c the second column of B will contain the K elements c of the first sub-diagonal of B_k. c LDB: INTEGER. Leading dimension of the array B. LDB >= K. c RNORM: REAL. On entry RNORM must contain the norm of c the K0+1st column of U. c On exit RNORM contains the value of the (K+1,K) element c of B_k. c DOPTION: REAL array. c doption(1) = delta. Level of orthogonality to maintain among c Lanczos vectors. c doption(2) = eta. During reorthogonalization, all vectors with c with components larger than eta along the latest Lanczos vector c will be purged. c doption(3) = anorm. Estimate of || A ||. c IOPTION: INTEGER array. c ioption(1) = CGS. If CGS.EQ.1 then reorthogonalization is done c using iterated classical GRAM-SCHMIDT. IF CGS.EQ.0 then c reorthogonalization is done using iterated modified Gram-Schmidt. c ioption(2) = ELR. If ELR.EQ.1 then extended local orthogonality is c enforced among u_{k}, u_{k+1} and v_{k} and v_{k+1} respectively. c WORK(LWORK): REAL array of dimension LWORK. Workspace. c LWORK: INTEGER. LWORK >= 2*(m+n+k+1) c IWORK(2*K+1): INTEGER ARRAY. Integer workspace. c DPARM: REAL array. Array used for passing data to the APROD c function. c IPARM: INTEGER array. Array used for passing data to the APROD c function. c IERR: INTEGER. Error status code. c IERR < 0 : An invariant subspace of dimension -J was found. c IERR == 0 : The computation succeeded. c IERR > 0 : The computation succeeded, but the algorithm c came close to computing an invariant subspace after c IERR steps. In a previous version this would have caused c the algorithm to switch to full reorthogonalization c after IERR steps, but that is no longer the case. c It is probably safe to ignore. c c (C) Rasmus Munk Larsen, Stanford University, 1999, 2004 c c %-----------% c | Arguments | c %-----------% implicit none include 'stat.h' integer m, n, k0, k, ldb, ldu, ldv, ierr integer ioption(*), iwork(*), iparm(*) real rnorm,B(ldb,*), doption(*), work(*), dparm(*) real U(ldu,*),V(ldv,*) external APROD c %------------% c | Parameters | c %------------% real one, zero, FUDGE, kappa parameter(one = 1.0, zero = 0.0, FUDGE = 1.01) parameter (kappa = 0.717) c %-----------------% c | Local variables | c %-----------------% integer i,j,inu,imu,is,iidx,j0 real eps,eps34,epsn2,epsn,sfmin,delta,eta,anorm,s real mumax,numax,alpha,beta,a1,b1,amax,anormest logical force_reorth,full_reorth real t1,t2,t3 c %----------------------% c | External Subroutines | c %----------------------% external sgetu0,sreorth,ssafescal,szero,izero,pscopy,psaxpy external scompute_int,supdate_nu,supdate_mu c %--------------------% c | External Functions | c %--------------------% real slamch,psnrm2,psdot,slapy2 external psnrm2,psdot external slamch,slapy2 c-------------------- Here begins executable code --------------------- call second(t1) c %---------------------------------% c | Set machine dependent constants | c %---------------------------------% eps = slamch('e') eps34 = eps**(3.0/4.0) epsn = real(max(m,n))*eps epsn2 = sqrt(real(max(m,n)))*eps sfmin = slamch('s') c %------------------------% c | Set default parameters | c %------------------------% if (doption(1) then delta = sqrt(eps/k) else delta = doption(1) endif if (doption(2) then eta = eps34/sqrt(real(k)) else eta = doption(2) endif if (delta.le.eta .or. then full_reorth = .true. else full_reorth = .false. endif if (doption(3) then anorm = doption(3) else if ( then anorm = slapy2(B(1,1),B(1,2)) if ( then ierr = -1 goto 9999 endif else anorm = zero endif ierr = 0 c %---------------------% c | Get starting vector | c %---------------------% if (rnorm .eq. zero) then call sgetu0('n',m, n, k0, 3, U(1,k0+1), rnorm, U, c ldu, aprod, dparm, iparm, ierr, ioption(1), anormest, c work) anorm = max(anorm,anormest) endif c %------------------------------% c | Set pointers into work array | c %------------------------------% imu = 1 inu = imu+k+1 is = inu+k+1 iidx = 1 call pszero(max(m,n)+2*k+2,work,1) call pizero(2*k+1,iwork,1) c %---------------------------% c | Prepare Lanczos iteration | c %---------------------------% if (k0.eq.0) then amax = zero alpha = zero beta = rnorm force_reorth = .false. c %---------------------------------------------------% c | Compute ||A x|| / ||x|| for a random vector x | c | to make it less likely that ||A|| is grossly | c | underestimated at the beginning of the iteration. | c %---------------------------------------------------% if ( then call sgetu0('n',m,n,0,1,work(is),s,U,ldu,aprod,dparm,iparm, c ierr,ioption(1),anormest,work(is+m)) else call sgetu0('t',m,n,0,1,work(is),s,V,ldv,aprod,dparm,iparm, c ierr,ioption(1),anormest,work(is+n)) endif anorm = max(anorm,FUDGE*anormest) j0 = 1 if ( then call ssafescal(m,beta,U(1,1)) endif work(imu) = one work(inu) = one else force_reorth = .true. alpha = B(k0,1) beta = rnorm if ( .and. beta**eps) then full_reorth = .true. ierr = k0 endif iwork(iidx) = 1 iwork(iidx+1) = k0 iwork(iidx+2) = k0+1 call psscal(m,rnorm,U(1,k0+1),1) call second(t2) call sreorth(m,k0,U,ldu,U(1,k0+1),rnorm,iwork(iidx),kappa, c work(is),ioption(1)) call second(t3) treorthu = treorthu+(t3-t2) call ssafescal(m,rnorm,U(1,k0+1)) call sset_mu(k0,work(imu),iwork(iidx),epsn2) call sset_mu(k0,work(inu),iwork(iidx),epsn2) beta = rnorm c %--------------------------------------% c | Estimate ||B||_2^2 as ||B^T * B||_1 | c %--------------------------------------% B(k0,2) = beta amax = zero do j=1,k0 amax = max(amax,B(j,1),B(j,2)) if (j.eq.1) then anorm = max(anorm,FUDGE*alpha) else if (j.eq.2) then a1 = B(1,2)/amax a1 = FUDGE*amax*sqrt((B(1,1)/amax)**2 + a1**2 + c B(2,1)/amax*a1) anorm = max(anorm,a1) else a1 = B(j-1,1)/amax b1 = B(j-1,2)/amax a1 = FUDGE*amax*sqrt( a1**2 + b1**2 + c a1*B(j-2,2)/amax + B(j,1)/amax*b1) anorm = max(anorm,a1) endif enddo j0 = k0+1 endif numax = zero mumax = zero c %-------------------------------------------% c | Start Lanczos bidiagonalization iteration | c %-------------------------------------------% do j=j0,k c %---------------------------------------------% c | alpha_{j} v_{j} = A'*u_{j} - beta_{j} v_{j} | c %---------------------------------------------% call second(t2) call aprod('t',m,n,U(1,j),V(1,j),dparm,iparm) call second(t3) tmvopx = tmvopx + (t3-t2) nopx = nopx+1 if (j.eq.1) then alpha = psnrm2(n,V(1,j),1) anorm = max(anorm,FUDGE*alpha) else call psaxpy(n,-beta,V(1,j-1),1,V(1,j),1) alpha = psnrm2(n,V(1,j),1) c %------------------------------------% c | Extended local reorthogonalization | c %------------------------------------% call second(t2) if ( .and. ioption(2).gt.0 .and. c*beta) then do i=1,ioption(2) s = psdot(n,V(1,j-1),1,V(1,j),1) call psaxpy(n,-s,V(1,j-1),1,V(1,j),1) if (beta .ne. zero) then beta = beta + s B(j-1,2) = beta endif s = psnrm2(n,V(1,j),1) if (s .ge. kappa*alpha) goto 10 alpha = s enddo 10 work(inu+j-2) = eps alpha = s endif call second(t3) telrv = telrv + (t3-t2) B(j,1) = alpha amax = max(amax,alpha) c %----------------------------% c | Update estimate of ||A||_2 | c %----------------------------% if (j.eq.2) then a1 = B(1,2)/amax a1 = FUDGE*amax*sqrt((B(1,1)/amax)**2 + a1**2 + c B(2,1)/amax*a1) else a1 = B(j-1,1)/amax b1 = B(j-1,2)/amax a1 = FUDGE*amax*sqrt( a1**2 + b1**2 + c a1*B(j-2,2)/amax + B(j,1)/amax*b1) endif anorm = max(anorm,a1) endif c %--------------------------% c | Update the nu recurrence | c %--------------------------% if (.not.full_reorth .and. then call supdate_nu(numax,work(imu),work(inu),j, c B(1,1),B(1,2),anorm,epsn2) endif c %------------------------------% c | Reorthogonalize if necessary | c %------------------------------% if ( (full_reorth .or. .or. force_reorth) c .and. then if (full_reorth .or. then iwork(iidx) = 1 iwork(iidx+1) = j-1 iwork(iidx+2) = j else if (.not. force_reorth) then call scompute_int(work(inu),j-1,delta,eta,iwork(iidx)) endif call second(t2) call sreorth(n,j-1,V,ldv,V(1,j),alpha,iwork(iidx), c kappa,work(is),ioption(1)) call second(t3) treorthv = treorthv+(t3-t2) call sset_mu(j-1,work(inu),iwork(iidx),eps) numax = eta if (force_reorth) then force_reorth = .false. else force_reorth = .true. endif endif c %-----------------------------------------------% c | Check whether an invariant subspace was found | c %-----------------------------------------------% if (alpha .lt. anorm*epsn .and. then rnorm = alpha alpha = zero c %------------------------------------------------% c | Try to build an orthogonal subspace, starting | c | with a random vector. | c %------------------------------------------------% call sgetu0('t', m, n, j-1, 3, V(1,j), alpha, V, ldv, c aprod, dparm, iparm, ierr,ioption(1),anormest, c work(is)) if (alpha .eq. zero) then c %------------------------------------------------% c | We failed to generate a new random vector | c | in span(A^T) orthogonal to span(V(:,1:j-1)). | c | Most likely span(V(:,1:j-1)) is an invariant | c | subspace. | c %------------------------------------------------% k = j-1 ierr = -j goto 9999 else c %-------------------------------------------------% c | We have managed to generate a random vector | c | in span(A^T) orthogonal to V(:,1:j-1), so we | c | can continue the LBD and "deflate" the subspace | c | by setting alpha_{j} = 0. | c %-------------------------------------------------% call ssafescal(n,alpha,V(1,j)) alpha = zero force_reorth = .true. if ( then full_reorth = .false. endif endif else if ( .and. .not. full_reorth .and. .and. c (delta*alpha .lt. anorm*eps)) then ierr = j endif B(j,1) = alpha if ( then call ssafescal(n,alpha,V(1,j)) endif c %------------------------------------------------% c | beta_{j+1} u_{j+1} = A*v_{j} - alpha_{j} u_{j} | c %------------------------------------------------% call second(t2) call aprod('n',m,n,V(1,j),U(1,j+1),dparm,iparm) call second(t3) tmvopx = tmvopx + (t3-t2) nopx = nopx+1 call psaxpy(m,-alpha,U(1,j),1,U(1,j+1),1) beta = psnrm2(m,U(1,j+1),1) c %------------------------------------% c | Extended local reorthogonalization | c %------------------------------------% call second(t2) if (ioption(2).gt.0 .and.*alpha) then do i=1,ioption(2) s = psdot(m,U(1,j),1,U(1,j+1),1) call psaxpy(m,-s,U(1,j),1,U(1,j+1),1) if (alpha .ne. zero) then alpha = alpha + s B(j,1) = alpha endif s = psnrm2(m,U(1,j+1),1) if (s .ge. kappa*beta) goto 20 beta = s enddo 20 work(imu+j-1) = eps beta = s endif call second(t3) telru = telru + (t3-t2) B(j,2) = beta amax = max(amax,beta) c %----------------------------% c | Update estimate of ||A||_2 | c %----------------------------% if (j.le.1) then a1 = slapy2(B(1,1), B(1,2)) else a1 = B(j,1)/amax a1 = amax*sqrt(a1**2 + (B(j,2)/amax)**2 + c a1*B(j-1,2)/amax) endif anorm = max(anorm,a1) c %--------------------------% c | Update the mu recurrence | c %--------------------------% if (.not.full_reorth .and. then call supdate_mu(mumax,work(imu),work(inu),j,B(1,1), c B(1,2),anorm,epsn2) endif c %--------------------------------------% c | Reorthogonalize u_{j+1} if necessary | c %--------------------------------------% if ( (full_reorth .or. .or. force_reorth) c .and. then if (full_reorth .or. then iwork(iidx) = 1 iwork(iidx+1) = j iwork(iidx+2) = j+1 else if (.not. force_reorth) then call scompute_int(work(imu),j,delta,eta,iwork(iidx)) else do i=1,2*j+1 if (iwork(iidx+i-1).eq.j) then iwork(iidx+i-1) = j+1 goto 25 endif enddo endif 25 call second(t2) call sreorth(m,j,U,ldu,U(1,j+1),beta,iwork(iidx), c kappa, work(is),ioption(1)) call second(t3) treorthu = treorthu+(t3-t2) call sset_mu(j,work(imu),iwork(iidx),eps) mumax = eta if (force_reorth) then force_reorth = .false. else force_reorth = .true. endif endif c %-----------------------------------------------% c | Check whether an invariant subspace was found | c %-----------------------------------------------% if (beta .lt. anorm*epsn .and. then rnorm = beta beta = zero c %-----------------------------------------------% c | Try to build an orthogonal subspace, starting | c | with a random vector. | c %-----------------------------------------------% call sgetu0('n', m, n, j, 3, U(1,j+1), beta, U, ldu, aprod, c dparm, iparm, ierr,ioption(1),anormest,work(is)) if (beta .eq. zero) then c %-----------------------------------------------% c | We failed to generate a new random vector | c | in span(A) orthogonal to span(U(:,1:j)). | c | Most likely span(U(:,1:j)) is an invariant | c | subspace. | c %-----------------------------------------------% k = j ierr = -j goto 9999 else c %------------------------------------------------% c | We have managed to generate a random vector | c | in span(A) orthogonal to U(:,1:j), so we can | c | continue the LBD and "deflate" the subspace by | c | setting beta_{j+1} = 0. | c %------------------------------------------------% call ssafescal(m,beta,U(1,j+1)) beta = zero force_reorth = .true. if (delta .gt. zero) then full_reorth = .false. endif endif else if (.not.full_reorth .and. .and. c (delta*beta .lt. anorm*eps)) then ierr = j endif B(j,2) = beta if ( .and. then call ssafescal(m,beta,U(1,j+1)) endif rnorm = beta call second(t2) enddo 9999 doption(3) = anorm call second(t2) tlanbpro = tlanbpro + (t2-t1) return end c c********************************************************************** c subroutine sset_mu(k,mu,index,val) c %-----------% c | Arguments | c %-----------% implicit none integer k,index(*) real mu(*), val c %-----------------% c | Local variables | c %-----------------% integer i,j,p,q i=1 do while(index(i).le.k .and. index(i).gt.0) p = index(i) q = index(i+1) do j=p,q mu(j) = val enddo i = i+2 enddo end c c********************************************************************** c subroutine scompute_int(mu,j,delta,eta,index) c %-----------% c | Arguments | c %-----------% implicit none include 'stat.h' integer j,index(*) real mu(*) real delta,eta c %-----------------% c | Local variables | c %-----------------% integer i,k,s,ip real t1,t2 call second(t1) if ( then write (*,*) 'Warning deltai where abs(mu(k)) > delta do k=i+1,j if (abs(mu(k)) goto 10 enddo goto 40 c find smallest i= eta 10 do s=k,max(i,1),-1 if (abs(mu(s)).lt.eta) goto 20 enddo 20 ip= ip+1 index(ip) = s+1 do i=s+1,j if (abs(mu(i)).lt.eta) goto 30 enddo 30 ip= ip+1 index(ip) = i-1 enddo 40 ip = ip+1 index(ip) = j+1 call second(t2) tintv = tintv + (t2-t1) end c c********************************************************************** c subroutine supdate_mu(mumax,mu,nu,j,alpha,beta,anorm,eps1) c %-----------% c | Arguments | c %-----------% implicit none include 'stat.h' integer j real mumax,eps1,anorm real mu(*),nu(*),alpha(*),beta(*) c %------------% c | Parameters | c %------------% real one, zero, FUDGE parameter(one = 1.0, zero = 0.0, FUDGE = 1.01) c %-----------------% c | Local variables | c %-----------------% real d integer k real t1,t2 c %--------------------% c | External Functions | c %--------------------% real slapy2 external slapy2 call second(t1) if (j.eq.1) then d = eps1*(slapy2(alpha(j), beta(j)) + alpha(1)) + eps1*anorm mu(1) = eps1/beta(1) mumax = abs(mu(1)) else mu(1) = alpha(1)*nu(1)-alpha(j)*mu(1) d = eps1*(slapy2(alpha(j), beta(j)) + alpha(1)) + eps1*anorm mu(1) = (mu(1) + sign(d,mu(1))) / beta(j) mumax = abs(mu(1)) do k=2,j-1 mu(k) = alpha(k)*nu(k) +beta(k-1)*nu(k-1)-alpha(j)*mu(k) d = eps1*(slapy2(alpha(j), beta(j)) + c slapy2(alpha(k), beta(k-1))) + eps1*anorm mu(k) = (mu(k) + sign(d,mu(k))) / beta(j) mumax = max(mumax,abs(mu(k))) enddo mu(j) = beta(j-1)*nu(j-1) d = eps1*(slapy2(alpha(j), beta(j)) + c slapy2(alpha(j), beta(j-1))) + eps1*anorm mu(j) = (mu(j) + sign(d,mu(j))) / beta(j) mumax = max(mumax,abs(mu(j))) endif mu(j+1) = one call second(t2) tupdmu = tupdmu + (t2-t1) end c c********************************************************************** c subroutine supdate_nu(numax,mu,nu,j,alpha,beta,anorm,eps1) c %-----------% c | Arguments | c %-----------% implicit none include 'stat.h' integer j real numax,eps1,anorm real mu(*),nu(*),alpha(*),beta(*) c %------------% c | Parameters | c %------------% real one, zero, FUDGE parameter(one = 1.0, zero = 0.0, FUDGE = 1.01) c %-----------------% c | Local variables | c %-----------------% real d integer k real t1,t2 c %--------------------% c | External Functions | c %--------------------% real slapy2 external slapy2 call second(t1) if ( then numax = zero do k=1,j-1 nu(k) = beta(k)*mu(k+1) + alpha(k)*mu(k) -beta(j-1)*nu(k) d = eps1*(slapy2(alpha(k),beta(k)) + c slapy2(alpha(j),beta(j-1))) + eps1*anorm nu(k) = (nu(k) + sign(d,nu(k))) / alpha(j) numax = max(numax,abs(nu(k))) enddo nu(j) = one endif call second(t2) tupdnu = tupdnu + (t2-t1) end