""" Process f2py template files (`filename.pyf.src` -> `filename.pyf`) Usage: python generate_pyf.py filename.pyf.src -o filename.pyf """ import os import sys import re import subprocess import argparse # START OF CODE VENDORED FROM `numpy.distutils.from_template` ############################################################# """ process_file(filename) takes templated file .xxx.src and produces .xxx file where .xxx is .pyf .f90 or .f using the following template rules: '<..>' denotes a template. All function and subroutine blocks in a source file with names that contain '<..>' will be replicated according to the rules in '<..>'. The number of comma-separated words in '<..>' will determine the number of replicates. '<..>' may have two different forms, named and short. For example, named: where anywhere inside a block '

' will be replaced with 'd', 's', 'z', and 'c' for each replicate of the block. <_c> is already defined: <_c=s,d,c,z> <_t> is already defined: <_t=real,double precision,complex,double complex> short: , a short form of the named, useful when no

appears inside a block. In general, '<..>' contains a comma separated list of arbitrary expressions. If these expression must contain a comma|leftarrow|rightarrow, then prepend the comma|leftarrow|rightarrow with a backslash. If an expression matches '\\' then it will be replaced by -th expression. Note that all '<..>' forms in a block must have the same number of comma-separated entries. Predefined named template rules: """ routine_start_re = re.compile(r'(\n|\A)(( (\$|\*))|)\s*(subroutine|function)\b', re.I) routine_end_re = re.compile(r'\n\s*end\s*(subroutine|function)\b.*(\n|\Z)', re.I) function_start_re = re.compile(r'\n (\$|\*)\s*function\b', re.I) def parse_structure(astr): """ Return a list of tuples for each function or subroutine each tuple is the start and end of a subroutine or function to be expanded. """ spanlist = [] ind = 0 while True: m = routine_start_re.search(astr, ind) if m is None: break start = m.start() if function_start_re.match(astr, start, m.end()): while True: i = astr.rfind('\n', ind, start) if i==-1: break start = i if astr[i:i+7]!='\n $': break start += 1 m = routine_end_re.search(astr, m.end()) ind = end = m and m.end()-1 or len(astr) spanlist.append((start, end)) return spanlist template_re = re.compile(r"<\s*(\w[\w\d]*)\s*>") named_re = re.compile(r"<\s*(\w[\w\d]*)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*>") list_re = re.compile(r"<\s*((.*?))\s*>") def find_repl_patterns(astr): reps = named_re.findall(astr) names = {} for rep in reps: name = rep[0].strip() or unique_key(names) repl = rep[1].replace(r'\,', '@comma@') thelist = conv(repl) names[name] = thelist return names def find_and_remove_repl_patterns(astr): names = find_repl_patterns(astr) astr = re.subn(named_re, '', astr)[0] return astr, names item_re = re.compile(r"\A\\(?P\d+)\Z") def conv(astr): b = astr.split(',') l = [x.strip() for x in b] for i in range(len(l)): m = item_re.match(l[i]) if m: j = int(m.group('index')) l[i] = l[j] return ','.join(l) def unique_key(adict): """ Obtain a unique key given a dictionary.""" allkeys = list(adict.keys()) done = False n = 1 while not done: newkey = '__l%s' % (n) if newkey in allkeys: n += 1 else: done = True return newkey template_name_re = re.compile(r'\A\s*(\w[\w\d]*)\s*\Z') def expand_sub(substr, names): substr = substr.replace(r'\>', '@rightarrow@') substr = substr.replace(r'\<', '@leftarrow@') lnames = find_repl_patterns(substr) substr = named_re.sub(r"<\1>", substr) # get rid of definition templates def listrepl(mobj): thelist = conv(mobj.group(1).replace(r'\,', '@comma@')) if template_name_re.match(thelist): return "<%s>" % (thelist) name = None for key in lnames.keys(): # see if list is already in dictionary if lnames[key] == thelist: name = key if name is None: # this list is not in the dictionary yet name = unique_key(lnames) lnames[name] = thelist return "<%s>" % name substr = list_re.sub(listrepl, substr) # convert all lists to named templates # newnames are constructed as needed numsubs = None base_rule = None rules = {} for r in template_re.findall(substr): if r not in rules: thelist = lnames.get(r, names.get(r, None)) if thelist is None: raise ValueError('No replicates found for <%s>' % (r)) if r not in names and not thelist.startswith('_'): names[r] = thelist rule = [i.replace('@comma@', ',') for i in thelist.split(',')] num = len(rule) if numsubs is None: numsubs = num rules[r] = rule base_rule = r elif num == numsubs: rules[r] = rule else: print("Mismatch in number of replacements (base <%s=%s>)" " for <%s=%s>. Ignoring." % (base_rule, ','.join(rules[base_rule]), r, thelist)) if not rules: return substr def namerepl(mobj): name = mobj.group(1) return rules.get(name, (k+1)*[name])[k] newstr = '' for k in range(numsubs): newstr += template_re.sub(namerepl, substr) + '\n\n' newstr = newstr.replace('@rightarrow@', '>') newstr = newstr.replace('@leftarrow@', '<') return newstr def process_str(allstr): newstr = allstr writestr = '' struct = parse_structure(newstr) oldend = 0 names = {} names.update(_special_names) for sub in struct: cleanedstr, defs = find_and_remove_repl_patterns(newstr[oldend:sub[0]]) writestr += cleanedstr names.update(defs) writestr += expand_sub(newstr[sub[0]:sub[1]], names) oldend = sub[1] writestr += newstr[oldend:] return writestr include_src_re = re.compile(r"(\n|\A)\s*include\s*['\"](?P[\w\d./\\]+\.src)['\"]", re.I) def resolve_includes(source): d = os.path.dirname(source) with open(source) as fid: lines = [] for line in fid: m = include_src_re.match(line) if m: fn = m.group('name') if not os.path.isabs(fn): fn = os.path.join(d, fn) if os.path.isfile(fn): lines.extend(resolve_includes(fn)) else: lines.append(line) else: lines.append(line) return lines def process_file(source): lines = resolve_includes(source) return process_str(''.join(lines)) _special_names = find_repl_patterns(''' <_c=s,d,c,z> <_t=real,double precision,complex,double complex> ''') # END OF CODE VENDORED FROM `numpy.distutils.from_template` ########################################################### def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("infile", type=str, help="Path to the input file") parser.add_argument("-o", "--outdir", type=str, help="Path to the output directory") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.infile.endswith(('.pyf', '.pyf.src', '.f.src')): raise ValueError(f"Input file has unknown extension: {args.infile}") outdir_abs = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args.outdir) # Write out the .pyf/.f file if args.infile.endswith(('.pyf.src', '.f.src')): code = process_file(args.infile) fname_pyf = os.path.join(args.outdir, os.path.splitext(os.path.split(args.infile)[1])[0]) with open(fname_pyf, 'w') as f: f.write(code) else: fname_pyf = args.infile # Now invoke f2py to generate the C API module file if args.infile.endswith(('.pyf.src', '.pyf')): p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, '-m', 'numpy.f2py', fname_pyf, '--build-dir', outdir_abs], #'--quiet'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=os.getcwd()) out, err = p.communicate() if not (p.returncode == 0): raise RuntimeError(f"Writing {args.outfile} with f2py failed!\n" f"{out}\n" r"{err}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()